Lean manufacturing Flashcards
What is Socio-technical system?
Approaches production environment as a system as two integrated parts: social and technical.
- Focuses more on giving individuals control of their work, they are given more responsibility for tasks
What is LP?
Lean production
- Emerged from the Toyota production system, aiming to reduce waste in the production process and enhance flow and perfection by implementing continuous improvement
LP can be describes by 5 principles, what are these?
- Specify value: Define value of product subject to each customer
- Identify value stream
- Make the value-creation flow: create flow without obstacles or interruptions
- Embrace pull: demand should come from the customer, otherwise waste!
- Strive for perfection through continuous improvement
How does STS and LP differ from Scientific management?
Both STS and LP gives more control and responsibility to the workers (focus more on efficiency)
STS: workers are in control of their tasks
LP: Workers are in control of the production line and manages the flow in production. However still defined tasks.
The scientific management philosophy: doesn’t allow workers to have control. The worker is expected to have an individual and well-defined work task
- Performance is based on output (more effectiveness)
What is continuous improvement?
In small steps improve the production: both in product and process
- Usually actions in production stage considering the process or product
- Deming cycle: Plan, do, check, act (for quality improvement)
What are the task areas of traditional quality management/improvement?
Plan, do, check, act
How has Lean Production changed they way of viewing profit and pricing?
Before: Price= cost + profit
- If cost increases, the price is raised to maintain profit
After: Profit= Price-cost
- If market fixes the price, the only way to maintain profit is by lowering the cost
- A more competitive approach
What is MUDA?
A term maning “waste”
- Refers to any activity or process that consumes resources but does not add value to the final product
7 types of MUDA:
- Transportation
- Inventory
- Motion
- Waiting (bottleneck)
- Over-processing
- Over-production
- Defects
What is the 5 S method steps?
Method for establishing routines to minimize waste in production
- Sort
- Set in order
- Shine
- Standarize
- Sustain