Aggregate planning and MPS Flashcards
What is aggregate planning?
A process businesses use aggregate planning to assess their capacity needs
(e.g., labor, inventories) and costs
over an intermediate time period (2–12 months). Mostly used for grouped products rather than individual products
- Goal: Achieve a plan that effectively uses the organizations resources to match expected demand
Tell me about the procedure of aggregate planning
- Begins with a forecast of aggregate demand for the intermediate range
- This is followed by a general plan describing how to meet demand setting employment , finished goods inventory and/or service capacities
- Output: an aggregate plan addressing future capacity to meet demand
There are 3 different strategies of aggregate planning, what are these?
- Demand strategies: Alter demand so it matched capacity
- Capacity strategies: Alter capacity so it matches demand
- Mixed strategies: involve both of these approaches to find an optimal balance
In what ways can aggregate planning alter demand to match capacity?
- Pricing: pricing differentials
- Promotion: Advertising and other forms of promotion
- New demand/complementary products: Even out demand peaks/lows by creating new demand
- Backorders: Demand fulfillment is shifted to other periods by allowing backorders
In what ways can aggregate planning alter capacity to match demand?
- Hiring/laying off workers
- Overtime/slack time (peak demand= overtime, low demand= slack time)
- Part tome or temporary workers
- Inventories
- Subcontractors: Outsource activities
What is skeleton crew?
The smallest team needed to keep things running in a business
- usually during low demand
What is outsourcing?
Paying suppliers and distributors to perform processes/activites and provide needed services and materials
What is offshoring?
Moving processes to another country
What is next shoring?
Locating processes/activites in close proximity to customer demand or product R&D
What are 2 important factors to think about when outsourcing activities?
Proximity: how close related the activites are to the core business of the company
Management complexity: How advance the activites are
What kinds of classifications of outsourcing are there? Draw figure and explain
För diagram: se facit
- Strategic outsourcing: High proximity and high management complexity
- Tactical outsourcing: Low proximity and high management complexity
- Solutions outsourcing: High proximity and low management complexity
- Traditional outsourcing: Low proximity and low management complexity
What is BPO? Name the 3 levels of core
Business Process Outsourcing. A business model used to classify different internal activities by how much they relate to the coreactivities of a company. This can then be used to assess what processes should be outsourced to one or more external suppliers.
- Core activity: all the activites with a very high value that differentiates the company
- Core related: The activites that are closely related to strategic ones
- Core distinct: All activities that exclusively support core processes without having any relationship with it
What is beneficial with outsourcing?
- Economic convenience
- Aquisition of knowledge and technologies
- Market flexibility
- Reduced time to market
What can be the disadvantages of outsourcing
- Risk of losing contact with the end customer
- Know how: Risk of losing skills and competencies within the company if outsourcing too many activites
How can you maintain a constant level of output?
- Subcontracting: use suppliers for certain processes
- Backlogs
- Invcentories