Leadership And Navigation Flashcards
Power that is created when a leader can punish those who don’t follow
Coercive power
Leadership approach where the leader sets a model for high performance standards and challenges followers to meet the expectations
Pacesetting leadership
Power created formally through a title or position associated with the rights of leadership
Legitimate power
Category of leadership theories the leaders influence through certain behaviors; Blake-Mouton
Behavioral theories
Leadership approach where the leader creates strong relationships with and in the team, members motivated by loyalty
Affiliate leadership
Motivation theories dealing with the amout of control in the workplace; motivation is seen as either absolutely irrelevant or absolutely critical
Theory X/Theory Y
Power that is created when a leader is recognized as possessing great intelligence, insight, or experience
Expert power
Motivation theory that states that the way a person interprets the causes for past successes and failures is related to the present level of motivation; Heider and Weiner
Attribution theory
Leadership approach in which the leader focuses on developing team members skills, believing the success comes from aligning the organization’s goals with employee goals
Coaching leadership
Leadership theory that focuses on a two way relationship between leaders and chosen employees; leader mentors them and gives them access to more information and resources in order to strengthen trust and support
Leader-Member exchange theory
Leadership theory that leaders possess certain innate characteristics that followers do not, and probably can’t acquire, such as physical and personality traits
Trait theory
Motivational theory that effort increases in relation to one’s confidence that the behavior will result in a positive outcome and reward; Vroom’s theory
Expectancy theory
Power is created by the force of the leader’s personality
Referent power
Leadership theory in which the leader’s goal is to serve the needs of their employees; emphasizes the sharing of power
Servant leadership
Motivation theory that individuals are motivated by a desire to satisfy certain needs and that understanding these needs allows leaders to offer the right incentives and create the most motivational environments; includes Self-determination and Maslow, Herzberg and McClelland
Needs theory