Layrnx Overview | Lecture 11 Flashcards
Where is the Larynx located?
Inferior border of the upper respiratory tract
Identify the Thyroid Cartilage
Red - inferior from the Epiglottis
Identify the Cricoid Cartilage
Purple - inferior to the thyroid cartilage
Identify the Hyoid bone.
Yellow - at the very top
Identify the larynx cartilage and ligaments from the Hyoid bone
Hyoid bone
Thyohyoid Membrane
Thyroid cartilage
criocthyoid Membrane
Cricoid Cartilage (posteriorly is bigger in size)
The larynx is suspended throug the what bone?
Hyoid bone
What cartilage are attached to the true vocal cords?
Croniculate cartilage
Arytenoid cartilage
The thyroid cartilage is also the ….
Adams Apple
The Vestibular ligament is also know as the
False vocal cords
The false vocal cords are superior or inferior to the true vocal cords?
The Vocal ligament is also know as the
True vocal cords (more muscle)
The ones that open and close the glottis
What cartlilages do the true vocal/folds/ligaments that open and close the glottis are attached to?
Arytenoid cartilage (posteriorly)
Thyroid cartilage (anteriorly)
What are the main functions of the larynx
Sound producation
protection device - you can close the larynx from the external envrionment to protect anything coming in e.g. coughing
Is there tissue directly attached to the thyroid cartilage?
What is the laryngealatis
The opening between Laryngopharynx into the larynx
What is one of the key functions for the Larynx?
What does the term phonation mean?
Term for creating vibrations with larynx - how the larynx is able to vibrate at a certain frequency to then later on be used to create sound - vocal tone
Vibrational element comes from which fold?
True vocal fold
The Larynx is suspended by a series of muscles are from which bone?
Hyoid bone
What is the function of the extrinsic larynx muscles?
Suspend and support to keep in position - Elevate or depress the larynx (one attachment outside the larynx)
What is the function of the intrinsic larynx muscles?
Move the larynx and create the vibration
The Suprahyoid muscles are located?
Above the Hyoid bone
What are the functions of the Digastric anterior muscle - with reference to the movement of the Hyoid? (the mandible is still)
Anterior belly draws hyoid sueriorly and anteriorly
What are the functions of the Stylohyoid muscles - with reference to the movement of the Hyoid? (the mandible is still)
Draws hyoid bone superiorly
What are the functions of the Mylohyoid muscles - with reference to the movement of the Hyoid? (the mandible is still)
Elevates the hyoid bone
What are the functions of the Geniohyoid muscles- with reference to the movement of the Hyoid? (the mandible is still)
Elevates the hyoid bone superiorly and anteriorly
If I control where the hyoid bone is relative the the throat I control where the …
Larynx is
The mastoid process muscle is from the
Mastoid process - which is posterior to Hyoid bone
The styloid muscle process is from the
Styloid process - which is posterior to Hyoid bone
Where is the mylohyoid muscles located to the Hyoid bone
Where is the Geniohyoid bone located to the hyoid bone
When we talk about the Larynx and the Hyoid the mandible is
still - it is a different function for the muscles. If you talk about the mandible the Hyoid is still and the function of muscles relate to mandible e.g. elevate and depress
The Suprahyoid muscles - Digastric, stylohyoid, mylohyoid and geniohyoid
Drepress the mandible BUT Elevate the Hyoid
What are the two Infrahyoid muscles
omohyoid - from the clavicle up
sternohyoid - from the sternum
What position does the sternohyoid muscle move the hyoid
draws the hyoid inferiorly
What position does the omohyoid muscle move the hyoid
depress hyoid - has both inferior and posterior bellies
What are the functions of the Digastric posterior muscle - with reference to the movement of the Hyoid? (the mandible is still)
Posteriorly belly draws hyoid superiorly and posteriorly
What are the functions of the extrinsic Laryngeal muscles?
Controls the distance
What are the 2 extrinsic laryngeal muscles
Thyrohyroid - elevates or depresses hyoid (superior to sternothyroid
Sternothyroid (from the sternum) - depresses throid cartilage
What cartilage is the base for the larynx?
Cricoid (ring - looks like batman)
It is the source of two main joins - to create pitch and sound
The Epiglottis is a what shape? made of elastic what?
Leaf shaped plate of elastic cartilage which marks the entrance to the Larynx
The Arytenoid cartilages are what shape?
Pryamid shape with an apex and base
What cartilage is attached to the true vocal cords?
What cartilages sit on top of the Arythenoid cartilages?
Corniculate cartilege
The corniculate cartilages help with ………….. attachment
What is the Adams apple cartilage?
Thyroid carilage (corset top)
What are the superior and anterior features of the Thyroid cartilage?
Superior cornu - horns
Inferior cornu - toward cricoid cartilage
The Epiglottis arises from what cartilage?
Thryroid and rises above hyoid bone
The larynx is ……………….. during swallowing which cause the ………….. to fold over the …………………
The tip of the Epiglottis is at the root of the …..
True vocal cords
Vibrates to produce voice - phonation
Protects airway during swalling
The Glottis is the
opening between the vocal cords
Vestibular and Ventricular folds both are the same meaning for
False vocal cords - these cords do not move
The Thromuscularis and Thyrovocalis are part of the
Thyroarytenoid muscle that contols the tension of the vocal cords altering air pressure
What are some additional functions of the larynx?
Medial compression of vocal folds
vocal folds are brought toghter at a midline allowing voice
Longitudinal tension of vocal folds
Stretching foce - changes pitch
Air supply
Amount of air being forced through the larynx that changes volume
The Posterior CricoArytenoid muslces
Widen aperture for inhalation
The lateral CricoArytenoid + exhalation
narrows - whisper