Layers Of the Atmosphere Flashcards
Characteristics of the Troposhere
- most weather occurs here
- convection currents
Temperature of the Troposphere
6.5 degrees Celsius per km to about -60
Temperatures of the stratosphere
Increases to about -20*c
Characteristics of the stratosphere
- contains most of the atmosphere’s ozone
- where jets and manned balloons have gone
Temperatures of the Mesosphere
Decreases -100*c at top
Characteristics of the mesosphere
- protects earth from meteors
- coldest region of atmosphere
Temperatures of thermosphere
Increases 2,000*c at top
Characteristics of thermosphere
- temperatures get up to 2,000*c
- air molecules are 1km apart
Characteristics of the ozonosphere
- ozone is made of 3 oxygen atoms
- protects the surface from sun’s uv Rays
- humans are causing ozone depletion
Characteristics of the Ionosphere
- lower part of the thermosphere
- radio waves bounce back to earth’s surface
Characteristics of the exosphere
- upper part of the thermosphere
- artificial satellites orbit here
Characteristics of the magnetosphere
- earth’s magnetic field
- cause aurora boreal is (northern lights)