Lawyers Duties to the Public and Legal System Flashcards
What does the ABA suggest for pro bono hours?
50 but not subject to discipline if you dont meet it.
If a court appoints you to a case you ___ accept unless:
Appointment would violate law or RPC
Appointment causes unreasonable financial burden
Personally unable to represent client effectively.
What is the standard regarding quick advice program?
Subject to all rules except conflict rules because ther s is no time to run a conflict check.
When is a lawyer in a quick advice program subject to discipline?
When they new of a conflict or end up being hired by the person and no conflict check is ever done.
What is the rule about membership in a legal org?
No attorney client relationship with persons served by org but must no participate in actions that would harm the lawyer’s clients or persons served by the org.
True or False: A lawyer can participate in law reform activities/legislation even if reform would harm the interests of the client.
True or false: If working on law reform activities, if you client will benefit you must disclose it to the org.
What is the rule against making statements about qualifications and integrity of judges/public officials/ candidates?
Cannot make statements if they are false or made with reckless disregard as to truth or falsity.
A lawyer ___ state or imply the ability to influence government agency or official or achieve results in an illegal way.
What is the rule regarding political contributions?
Cannot pay to play contribution to obtain a government position.
True or False: Every lawyer has a professional responsibility to provide legal services to people who cannot afford it.
Does a lawyer-client relationship exist between lawyer and someone on a quick legal hotline?
Do the imputation rules kick in during a quick help hotline arrangment
True or False: A lawyer is subject to discipline for knowingly assisting a judge or judicial officer in conduct that
violates the Code of Judicial Conduct or other law
What must a lawyer running for judicial office comply with?
The code of judicial conduct.
What jobs are excluded from the political contribution rules?
(i) uncompensated services;
(ii) engagements or appointments made on the basis of experience, expertise, qualifications, and cost, following a process that is free from influence based on political contributions; and
(iii) engagements or appointments made on a rotating basis from a list compiled without regard to political contributions.
True or False: A lawyer must not make a statement that the lawyer knows is false about the qualifications or integrity of a judge, hearing officer, or public legal official, or about a candidate for a judicial or legal office. However, this rule doesn’t prohibit a lawyer from giving an informed and candid opinion,