Confidentiality Flashcards
What does the attorney client privilege protect?
Only confidential communications between the attorney and client (or the agents of either of them).
Applies only to disclosures in proceedings.
Applies even in consultation with prospective clients.
What does the attorney’s ethical duties of confidentiality cover?
covers not only confidential communications, but also any other information that the attorney obtains relating to the representation of the client, from any source.
Applies to disclosures in any setting (very broad)
definition of “confidential information” under the ethical duty of confidentiality
All information relating to the representation.
True or False: The ethical duty of confidentiality The duty isn’t limited to communications between the lawyer and client, and the information must relate to the representation
True or False: There is never a requirement that the client ask to keep information private in order to protect information relating to the representation.
What duty applies to discussions with someone who comes in to talk about hiring the lawyer but decides not to do so?
Both duty of attorney-client priv (communication) and confidentiality.
True or False: The duties of confidentiality and attorney client privilege end when client dies.
False - Both the attorney-client privilege and the duty of confidentiality survive termination of the representation, and even the client’s death.
Does the attorney client privilege apply to witnesses of the client?
No - The attorney-client privilege applies only to communications between the lawyer and client (and their respective agents). It wouldn’t cover this witness’s conversation with your client.
What is the standard for the attorney client privilege?
To be covered by the attorney-client privilege, a communication must be “confidential”; it must have been made by a means not intended to disclose the communicated information to outsiders, and the communicating person must reasonably believe that no one except a privileged person will hear the contents of the statement.
Privileged? if a lawyer and a client had a discussion in a crowded courtroom
Privileged? Eavesdropper listens to a conversation attorney and client believe is private.
Is the identify of the client usually privileged?
Is the fee arrangement privileged?
Does the attorney-client privilege aapply if the client is seeking the attorney’s services to engage in or assist a future crime or fraud.
Does the attorney client privilege cover pre-existing documents or items from discovery just by giving it to the lawyer?
If a person sends an email to the lawyer and then sends it to a friend, why duties apply?
Attorney client privilege are destroyed but the attorney still has a duty of confidentiality.
calls his lawyer, Vanessa, and tells her that he killed his friend the previous night and he buried the body in his backyard. Vanessa calls the authorities and passes on the information. Is lawyer subject to Discipline?
Yes no exception applies. The closest exception is the “prevention of reasonably certain death or substantial bodily harm” exception, but here the friend is already dead. Consequently, Vanessa is subject to discipline for disclosing the information.
True or False: A lawyer may not reveal the client’s confidential information to the extent necessary to prevent the client from committing a crime or fraud that is reasonably certain to result in substantial financial harm to someone, if the client is using or has used the lawyer’s services in the matter.
True or False: There is no exception to the duty of confidentiality for preventing a client’s crimes or frauds in general.
True - certain other exceptions apply.
When a lawyer changes firms, when two firms merge, or when a law practice is being purchased, lawyers may disclose what information?
(e. g., client names and a brief summary of the general issues involved) in order to detect and resolve conflicts of interest, subject to the following conditions:
(i) the disclosure may be made only after substantive discussions regarding the new relationship have occurred;
(ii) the disclosure must be limited to the minimum necessary to detect any conflicts of interest;
(iii) the disclosed information must not compromise the attorney-client privilege or otherwise prejudice the clients; and
(iv) the disclosed information may be used only to the extent necessary to detect and resolve any conflicts of interest.
Attorney Client Rule
Prohibits a court or government tribunal from compelling the revelation of confidential communications between an attorney and client if the communication concerns the professional relationship between attorney and client.
When representing a corporation , what communication does the privilege cover?
Communication between the lawyer and high ranking corporate official.
When representing a corporation, are conversations with the corporation’s employee protected under the privilege?
Yes if all 3 are met:
- The employee is communicating at the direction of its superior
- The employee knows the purpose of the communication is to obtain legal advice for the corp.
- The communication concerns a subject within the scope of the employee’s duties for the corp.
When will the presence of a third party not destroy the attorney client relationship?
When the party is there to assist the client with the case.
Who is the holder of the attorney client privilege?
The client.
If the client has not waived the privilege and if someone tries to obtain privileged information when the client is not present, the lawyer ____ claim the privilege.
Does the attorney client privilege apply if the client seeks the attorney’s service to engage in or assist in a future crime?
Does the attorney client privilege apply if the info is relevant to an issue of breach of the duties in the attorney client relationship?
Does the attorney client privilege apply to two persons who were formally the joint clients of an attorney?
Does the attorney client privilege apply to competency or intention of client to dispose of property by inter vivos transfer?
When can a party get confidentiality inforamation?
When they show a substantial need for the information and an inability to gather material without undue hardship.
True or false: Attorney’s mental impression are immune from discovery or compelled disclosure regardless of the oppositions need unless immunity has been waived.
The duty of confidentiality concerns 2 things:
1) Disclosure of Info
2) Use of info to the disadvantage of a client, prospective client, or future client.
Does the presence of a third party destroy the duty of confidentiality?
No - unless the information becomes generally known
Is information that can only be obtained by special means or with substantial difficult or expense generally known?
Can an attorney reveal or use confidential information if the client gives informed consent?
What is informed consent?
Client agrees to proposed course of action after attorney has explained the risks and alternatives.
What is implied authority?
Attorney has implied authority from client to use or disclose information when appropriate to carry out representation unless the client has stated otherwise.
Can you be subject to discipline if you ask for advice using a hypo that the other person can easily figure out?
Can a lawyer reveal information to prevent death or substantial bodily harm?
True or False: The disclosure to prevent death or substantial body harm is at the discretion of the attorney.
If the lawyer reveals information about a completed crime can they be subject to discipline?
Can a lawyer reveal information to prevent or mitigate substantial financial harm?
True or False: Attorney may renewal a client’s confidential information to the extent necessary to protect the attorney’s interest in the dispute.
True or False: An attorney can disclose of confidential information as is necessary get legal ethics advice.
Who is an attorney under the attorney-client privilege?
Any person the client consults with to obtain legal assistance who they believe is an attorney.
Who is the client under the attorney-client privege?
Anyone seeking lawyer’s legal services even if the lawyer is not ultimately hired.
Who are agents in the attorney client privilege?
Support staff, someone else brought in to assist with the matter, and someone who is there to help the client communicate.
Does the attorney-client privilege cover communications not made for legal assistance?
Does the attorney-client privilege cover pre-existing documents or records?
What is communication in the attorney client privilege?
Information passed between the lawyer and the client for purposes of obtaining legal assistance for the client.
What is the meaning of confidential?
Reasonable belief that outsiders will not learn the contents of the communication.
When is the eavesdropper privilege broken
When the conversation is had in public in front of strangers.
Who can waive the privilege?
Attorney, agent, or client by failing to object or by disclosing to a third party.
What are exceptions to the attorney-client privilege?
- Aid in future crime or fraud (not apply to past)
- Self protection of attorney
- Litigation between former clients
- Competency or intent of deceased client
What is work product?
Anything that is made in anticipation of litigation.
Is the duty of confidentiality broader or narrower than the attorney-client privilege?
Does a third party’s knowledge affect the duty of confidentialtiy?
For information to be confidentiality must it come from the client?
Generally, unless an exception applies, can confidential information be disclosed to anyone?
True or False: Can disclose confidential information with client consent.
True or False: Authority to disclose can be implied if disclosure is in the clients interest.
Is it ok to share information with your staff when working on the client’s interest?
Yes - implied right.
Can an attorney disclose confidential information in order to comply with a court order or law?
True or False: Duty of candor to tribunal is greater than duty of confidentiality.
True or False: Attorney must safe guard confidential information by making reasonable efforts to prevent disclosure or access.