Law and health care policy Flashcards
what is tort law?
a type of law to address civil wrongdoing to protect people from harm to their bodies, property or reputation
what is an example of a voluntary code of practice in NZ?
NCNZ Code of conduct which is mandated through the HPCA Act
guide behaviour in a professional setting, no power to require compliance
what is the main purpose of the HPCA Act 2003?
to protect the health and safety of the public and ensure competency of health professionals
Under the HPCA Act a nurse is responsible for their own practice by ensuring the do what?
Meet NCNZ competencies for practice
Work within and understand the NCNZ defined scopes of practice
Understand scope of other health professionals they work with
what are the main legislative laws that nurses work under?
Medicines Act
Health and disability Act 1999
Privacy Act (and codes) 2020
HPCA Act 2003
what is the main purpose of the Harmful digital communication Act 2015?
help tackle bullying and harassment by people using digital technology
now illegal to send messages/post material online that deliberately causes a victim serious emotional distress
What is the main purpose of the Health and Safety Work Act?
Workers have their own health and safety duty to take reasonable care to keep themselves and others healthy and safe when carrying out work.
What is the main purpose of the Accident Compensation Act 2001?
provides compensation for accidental injury including “treatment injury” and prohibits patients pursuing legal action for damages in most cases of personal injury
Everyone has a right to refuse or withdraw consent to medical treatment under which two acts?
NZ Bill of Rights Act 1990
Health and disability commission act 1994
an individuals right to privacy is protected by which two acts?
Health Act 1956 - personal information section
Privacy Act 2020 - Health information privacy Code
what are the key changes to the Privacy Act 2020?
Requirements to report privacy breaches
Compliance notices
Decisions on access requests
Strengthening cross-border protections
Class actions
New criminal offences
Strengthening Privacy commissioners information gathering power
Under the changes to the Privacy Act, what has changed in regards to Requirements to report privacy breaches?
Must notify commissioner of privacy breach or likely breach if it is likely to cause serious harm
Under the changes to the Privacy Act, what has changed in regards to compliance notices?
commissioner can issue compliance notice that requires an agency to do something/stop doing something
Under the changes to the Privacy Act, what has changed in regards to Decisions on access requests?
commissioner to make decisions on complaints regarding access to information not Human Rights Review Tribunal
Under the changes to the Privacy Act, what has changed in regards to Strengthening cross-border protections?
take steps to ensure personal info sent overseas is protected by comparable privacy standards. Overseas service providers must comply with NZ privacy laws
Under the changes to the Privacy Act, what has changed in regards to class actions?
permits class actions in the Human Rights Review Tribunal by persons other than the director of human rights proceedings
Under the changes to the Privacy Act, what has changed in regards to New criminal offences?
offence to mislead an agency in a way that affects someone else’s information, and to destroy documents containing personal information if a request has been made for it. fine of up to $10,000.
Under the changes to the Privacy Act, what has changed in regards to Strengthening the Privacy Commissioner’s information gathering power?
commissioner can shorten timeframe in which agency has to comply with investigation. non-compliance fine increased to $10,000.
what are the 13 principles of the Privacy Act?
- Purpose for collection of personal information
- Source of information
- Collection of information from subject
- Manner of collection of personal information
- Storage and security of information
- Access to personal information
- Correction of personal information
- Accuracy of personal information to be checked before use or disclosure
- Agency not to keep personal information for longer than necessary
- Limit on use of personal information
- Limits on disclosing personal information
- Disclosure of personal information outside New Zealand
- Unique identifiers
what is the purpose of the New Zealand health strategy?
outline direction of NZ health system 2016-2026
describes the future we want
“All New Zealanders, live well, stay well, get well”
what are the 5 themes of the NZ Health Strategy?
- People powered
- Closer to home
- Value and high performance
- One team
- Smart system
what is the difference between state led, social health and private insurance systems?
state led is based on citizenship/residency and funded through taxes
social is based on employment or occupational groups - no equity or equlaity
private health is dominated by private organizations and driven by competition
what are the ministry of health targets for health care?
- Shorter stays in ED
- Improved access to elective surgery
- faster cancer treatment
- increased immunisation
- better help for smoking cessation
- raising healthy kids
what is the main purpose of the health care system reform 2022 (Future of health/Te Anamata O Te Oranga)?
transforming the health system will create a more equitable, accessible, cohesive and people centred system that will improve the health and well being of NZers
what is meant by “people centred” in the health system changes?
A system that brings together the voice of all communities
what is meant by “equitable” in the health system changes?
a system that focuses on working in partnership with Maori and honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi
what is meant by “accesible” in the health system changes?
a system that offers more equitable, convenient and integrated access to serviuces for all NZers
what is meant by “cohesive” in the health system changes?
A national health system that delivers locally, supported by coordinated planning and oversight
what are some of the key changes to the NZ health system in 2022?
Disestablishment of DHBs
Merge functions of DHBs into Health NZ
Health NZ to manage all health services
Services planned nationally
Work in partnership with Maori Health Authority - develop NZ Health Plan
What are the 10 Rights of the Code of Health and disability services consumers rights?
- Right to be treated with respect
- freedom from discrimination, coercion, harrassment and exploitation
- Dignity and independence
- services of an approriate standard
- effectvie communication
- Fully infromed
- make an informed choice and give informed consent
- Support
- respect teaching or research
- complain