Latin II: 26-33 Flashcards
cēna, cēnae (f)
lēx, lēgis (f)
law, statute
lūx, lūcis (f)
mēnsa secunda (f)
somnus, somnī (m)
quīdam, quaedam, quoddam
a certain, some
superbus, superba, superbum
arrogant, overbearing, haughty, proud
turpis, turpe
ugly; shameful, base, disgraceful
prae (+abl.)
in front of, before
forum, forī (n)
marketplace, forum
līmen, līminis (n)
mēnsa, mēnsae (f)
table; dining; dish, course
nox, noctis (f)
quīdam, quaedam, quiddam
a certain one or thing, someone, something
pudīcus, pudīca, pudīcum
modest, chaste
trīstis, trīste
sad, sorrowful; joyless, grim, severe
urbānus, urbāna, urbānum
of the city, urban; urbane, elegant
than (after comparatives) or as . . . as possible (with superlatives)
invītō, invītāre, invītāvī, invītātum
to entertain, invite, summon
dēlectātiō, dēlectātiōnis (f)
delight, pleasure, enjoyment
sōl, sōlis (m)
dissimilis, dissimile
unlike, different
humilis, humile
lowly, humble
maiōrēs, maiōrum (m. pl.)
how many, as many as
superus, supera, superum
above, upper
ūtilis, ūtile
useful, advantageous
probō, probāre, probāvī, probātum
approve, recommend; test
nepōs, nepōtis (m)
grandson, descendant
dīligēns, gen. dīligentis
diligent, careful
gracilis, gracile
slender, thin
maior, maius
greater; older
prīmus, prīma, prīmum
first, foremost, chief, principal
superī, superōrum (m. pl.)
the gods
pōnō, pōnere, posuī, positum
to put, place, set
arma, armōrum (n. pl.)
arms, weapons
lūna, lūnae (f)
parēns, parentis (m or f)
vesper, vesperis or vesperī (m)
evening; evening star
prīnceps, gen. prīncipis
chief, foremost
(+ subj.) in order that, so that, that, in order to, so as to, to; or (+ indic.) as, when
cēdō, cēdere, cessī, cessum
to go, withdraw; yield to, grant, submit
egeō, egēre, eguī (+ abl. or gen.)
to need, lack, want
praestō, praestāre, praestitī, praestitum
to excel; exhibit, show, offer, supply, furnish
cursus, cursūs (m)
running, race; course
occāsiō, occāsiōnis (f)
occasion, opportunity
stēlla, stēllae (f)
star, planet
mortuus, mortua, mortuum
prīnceps, prīncipis (m or f)
leader, emperor
not; in order that . . . not, that . . . not, in order not to
dēdicō, dēdicāre, dēdicāvī, dēdicātum
to dedicate
expleō, explēre, explēvī, explētum
to fill, fill up, complete
taceō, tacēre, tacuī, tacitum
to be silent, leave unmentioned
fātum, fātī (n)
fate; death
moenia, moenium (n. pl.)
walls of a city
ōsculum, ōsculī (n)
dignus, digna, dignum (+abl.)
worthy, worthy of
tantus, tanta, tantum
so large, so great, of such a size
so, thus
nē . . . quidem
not . . . even
so, to such a degree
tam . . . quam
so . . . as
condō, condere, condidī, conditum
to put together or into, store; found, establish
molliō, mollīre, mollīvī, mollītum
to soften; make calm or less hostile
respondeō, respondēre, respondī, respōnsum
to answer
ingenium, ingeniī (n)
nature, innate talent
nāta, nātae (f)
sīdus, sīderis (n)
constellation, star
dūrus, dūra, dūrum
hard, harsh, rough, stern, unfeeling, hardy, difficult
at last, finally, lastly
indeed, certainly, at least, even
so, thus
as it were, as if, so to speak
in truth, indeed, to be sure, however
contendō, contendere, contendī, contentum
to strive, struggle, contend; hasten
pugnō, pugnāre, pugnāvī, pugnātum
to fight
surgō, surgere, surrēxī, surrēctum
to get up, arise
honor, honōris (m)
honor, esteem; public office
quantus, quanta, quantum
how large, how great, how much
rīdiculus, rīdicula, rīdiculum
laughable, ridiculous
stealthily, secretly
at first, at the beginning
whence, from what or which place, from which, from whom
bibō, bibere, bibī
to drink
comprehendō, comprehendere,
comprehendī, comprehēnsum
to grasp, seize, arrest; comprehend, understand
dubitō, dubitāre, dubitāvī, dubitātum
to doubt, hesitate
minuō, minuere, minuī, minūtum
to lessen, diminish
cēterī, cēterae, cētera
the remaining, the rest, the other, all the others
tantus . . . quantus
just as much (many) . . . as
vīvus, vīva, vīvum
alive, living
utrum . . . an
whether . . . or
nṓscō, nṓscere, nṓvī, nṓtum
to become acquainted with, learn, recognize; know (in perfect tenses)
cōnsūmō, cōnsūmere, cōnsūmpsī, cōnsūmptum
to consume, use up
expōnō, expōnere, exposuī, expositum
to set forth, explain, expose
rogō, rogāre, rogāvī, rogātum
to ask
as, assis (m)
an as (a small copper coin)
digitus, digitī (m)
finger, toe
exsilium, exsiliī (n)
exile, banishment
rūmor, rūmōris (m)
rumor, gossip
mediocris, mediocre
ordinary, moderate, mediocre
apud (+acc.)
among, in the presence of, at the house of
all the way, up (to), even (to), continuously, always
dormiō, dormīre, dormīvī, dormītum
to sleep
adferō, adferre, attulī, allātum
to bring to
sē cōnférre
to go
referō, referre, rettulī, relātum
to carry back, bring back; repeat, answer, report
occidō, occidere, occidī, occāsum
to fall down; die; set
auxilium, auxiliī (n)
aid, help
elephantus, elephantī (m and f)
invidia, invidiae (f)
envy, jealousy, hatred
vīnum, vīnī (n)
(+subj.) when, since, although; (+indic.) when
a single time, once, once and for all, simultaneously
doleō, dolēre, doluī, dolitūrum
to grieve, suffer; hurt, give pain
ferō, ferre, tulī, lātum
to bear, carry, bring; suffer, endure, tolerate; say, report
cōnferō, cōnferre, contulī, collātum
to bring together, compare; confer, bestow
offerō, offerre, obtulī, oblātum
to offer
invideō, invidēre, invīdī, invīsum
to be envious; (+dat.) to look at with envy, envy, be jealous of
custōdia, custōdiae (f)
protection, custody; guards (pl.)
paupertās, paupertātis (f)
poverty, humble circumstances
pār, gen. paris (+dat.)
equal, like
dummodo (+subj.)
provided that, so long as
nōlō, nōlle, nōluī
to not . . . wish, be unwilling
praebeō, praebēre, praebuī, praebitum
to offer, provide
volō, velle, voluī
to wish, want, be willing, will
exercitus, exercitūs (m)
dīves, gen. dīvitis or dītis
rich, wealthy
pauper, gen. pauperis
of small means, poor
mālō, mālle, māluī
to want (something) more, instead; prefer
pateō, patēre, patuī
to be open, lie open; be accessible; be evident
prōmittō, prōmittere, prōmīsī, prōmissum
to send forth; promise
initium, initiī (n)
beginning, commencement
opēs, opum (f. pl.)
power, resources, wealth
philosopha, philosophae (f)
philosopher (female)
sāl, salis (m)
salt; wit
quis, quid (after sī, nisi, nē, num)
anyone, anything, someone, something
merus, mera, merum
pure, undiluted
trādō, trādere, trādidī, trāditum
to give over, surrender; hand down, transmit, teach
ops, opis (f)
help, aid
philosophus, philosophī (m)
philosopher (male)
plēbs, plēbis (f)
the common people, populace, plebeians
speculum, speculī (n)
candidus, candida, candidum
shining, bright, white; beautiful
suāvis, suāve
ah!, alas!
recūsō, recūsāre, recūsāvī, recūsātum
to refuse