Latin I:6-10 Flashcards
dea, deae (f)
discipula, discipulae (f)
learner, pupil, student
īnsidiae, īnsidiārum (f)
ambush, plot, treachery
tyrannus, tyrannī (m)
absolute ruler, tyrant
Graecus, Graeca, Graecum
perpetuus, perpetua, perpetuum
perpetual, lasting, uninterrupted, continuous
salvus, salva, salvum
safe, sound
vester, vestra, vestrum
your (pl.)
where, when
now, at present
possum, posse, potuī
to be able, can, could, have power
deus, deī (m)
discipulus, discipulī (m)
learner, pupil, student
liber, librī (m)
vitium, vitiī (n)
fault, crime, vice
Graecus, Graecī (m)
plēnus, plēna, plēnum
full, abundant, generous
secundus, secunda, secundum
second; favorable
and (enclitic conjunction; appended to the second of two words to be joined)
because of which thing (lit.); therefore, wherefore, why
tolerō, tolerāre, tolerāvī, tolerātum
to bear, endure
amor, amōris (m)
cīvitās, cīvitātis (f)
state, citizenship
homō, hominis (m)
human being, man
littera, litterae (f)
a letter of the alphabet
mōs, mōris (m)
habit, custom, manner
nōmen, nōminis (n)
rēgīna, rēgīnae (f)
tempus, temporis (n)
time; occasion, opportunity
uxor, uxōris (f)
virtūs, virtūtis (f)
manliness, courage; excellence, character, worth, virtue
post (+acc.)
after, behind
audeō, audēre, ausus sum
to dare
carmen, carminis (n)
song, poem
corpus, corporis (n)
labor, labōris (m)
labor, work, toil; a work, production
litterae, litterārum (f)
a letter (epistle), literature
mōrēs, mōrum (m)
habits, morals, character
pāx, pācis (f)
rēx, rēgis (m)
terra, terrae (f)
earth, ground, land, country
virgō, virginis (f)
maiden, virgin
novus, nova, novum
new; strange
sub (+abl. w/ verbs of rest or +acc. w/ verbs of motion)
under, up under, close to, down to/into, to/at the foot of
necō, necāre, necāvī, necātum
to murder, kill
Cicerō, Cicerōnis (m)
(Marcus Tullius) Cicero
cōpiae, cōpiārum (f)
supplies, troops, forces
laus, laudis (f)
praise, glory, fame
ratiō, ratiōnis (f)
reckoning, account; reason, judgment, consideration; system; manner, method
soror, sorōris (f)
while, as long as, at the same time that; until (+subjunctive)
ex , ē (abl.+)
out of, from, from within; by reason of, on account of; of (following cardinal numerals)
nevertheless, still
grātiās agere
to thank someone; to give thanks to
discō, discere, didicī
to learn
dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductum
to lead; consider, regard; prolong
scrībō, scrībere, scrīpsī, scrīptum
to write, compose
vincō, vincere, vīcī, victum
to conquer, overcome
cōpia, cōpiae (f)
abundance, supply
frāter, frātris (m)
lībertās, lībertātis (f)
scrīptor, scrīptōris (m)
writer, author
victōria, victōriae (f)
ad (+acc.)
to, up to, near to
agō, agere, ēgī, āctum
to drive, lead, do, act; pass, spend (life or time)
dēmōnstrō, dēmōnstrāre, dēmōnstrāvī, dēmōnstrātum
to point out, show, demonstrate
doceō, docēre, docuī, doctum
to teach
gerō, gerere, gessī, gestum
to carry; carry on, manage, conduct, wage, accomplish, perform
trahō, trahere, trāxī, tractum
to draw, drag; derive, acquire
locus, locī (m)
place; passage in literature
locī, locōrum (m)
passages in literature
studium, studiī (n)
eagerness, zeal, pursuit, study
ille, illa, illud
that; the former; the famous; he, she, it, they
alius, alia, aliud
other, another
alter, altera, alterum
the other (of two), second
nūllus, nūlla, nūllum
not any, no, none
nōn sōlum . . . sed etiam
not only . . . but also
ūllus, ūlla, ūllum
uter, utra, utrum
either, which (of two)
in (+acc.)
into, toward; against
loca, locōrum (n)
places, region
morbus, morbī (m)
disease, sickness
hic, haec, hoc
this; the latter; he, she, it, they
íste, ísta, ístud
that of yours, that; such (as you have, as you speak of); sometimes with contemptuous force, e.g., that despicable, that wretched
aliī . . . aliī
some . . . others
neuter, neutra, neutrum
not either, neither
sōlus, sōla, sōlum
alone, only, the only
tōtus, tōta, tōtum
whole, entire
ūnus, ūna, ūnum
one, single, alone
for, in fact, truly
nímis, nímium
too, too much, excessively; (in a positive sense, esp. with adjectives and adverbs) exceedingly, very
amīcitia, amīcitiae (f)
hōra, hōrae (f)
hour, time
senectūs, senectūtis (f)
old age
vēritās, vēritātis (f)
voluptās, voluptātis (f)
since, inasmuch as
audiō, audīre, audīvī, audītum
to hear, listen to
dīcō, dīcere, dīxī, dictum
to say, tell, speak; name, call
fugiō, fugere, fūgī, fugitūrum
to flee, hurry away; escape; go into exile; avoid, shun
inveniō, invenīre, invēnī, inventum
to come upon, find
cupiditās, cupiditātis (f)
desire, longing, passion; cupidity, avarice
nātūra, nātūrae (f)
timor, timōris (m)
via, viae (f)
way, road, street
beātus, beāta, beātum
happy, fortunate, blessed
cum (+abl.)
capiō, capere, cēpī, captum
to take, capture, seize, get
faciō, facere, fēcī, factum
to make, do, accomplish
veniō, venīre, vēnī, ventum
to come
vīvō, vīvere, vīxī, vīctum
to live