Late Medieval Europe-Romanesque Flashcards
- Title + Date
- Medium (4)
- Subject + Function
Who does it hold? Why?
How long to make?
Body expanded from when?
What actions strengthened faith?
What did they believe glorified religion?
What did pilgrammage routes later become?
- Appearance + Relavence
What was added?
- Reliquary Statue of St. Foy, from Abbey Church Conques, France Late Medieval Romanesque 1100s
- precious materials
- gold
- stone
- enamel
- alludes to manuscript illumination
- child saint girl
- martyred for christian beliefs
- made over period of many years
- body expanded upon from roman period
- riitual actions add to container, stregthen faith and favored, this was believed
- believed extarvagant buildings and objects gloriefied religion
- pilgrammage routes become trade routes later
- jewels added
- Title + Date
- Medium (3)
- Subject + Function
Hours open?
Why is it large?
What is important about interior and exterior?
- Appearane + Relevance
What architecture is used?
What is the circumabulatory aisle? What was it used for?
What go around the perimeter?
- Church of Saint-Sernin, Toulouse, France Romanesque 1100s
- stone=fireproof
- durable
- acoustic-choir and preacher
- church open 24/7
- large and accomodates local congregatioon and thousands of pilgrammes thatpass through toulouse
- functional
- everything on interior is scene on exterior
- Ribbed barrel vault
- pilasters
- nave
- pair of isles
- flanking nave
- one aisle extends all around circumambulatory aisle
- aisle that runs along nave wraps around transent, apse, and nave
- for traffic =pilgrims
- aisle that runs along nave wraps around transent, apse, and nave
- chapels around church
1. Title + Date
2. Medium
What was it made of? Why?
3. Subject + Function
What does it depict? Why?
4. Appearance + Relevance
Where is he seated?
What is around his head? What does it signify?
What are his hands doing?
What does the book say?
What is the shape around him called? What does it represent?
What creatures surround? what do they represent?
How is the style? (3)
What kind of robes?
What kind of 3d modeling?
- Christ in Majesty, Gelduinus, relief in ambulatory, Saint-Sernin Romanesque 1100
- Stone low-relief carving
- Jesus of the Christ
- savior of man
- Christ is seated
- authority
- Cross inscribed Halo
- divinity
- Hands positioned
- right shows blessing
- left on book
- Book says “peace unto you”
- Almond shape (mandorla)
- orb of light=wisdom and knowledge
- Four winged creatures= evangalists
- Stylized
- round belly
- small shoulders
- youthful
- Holy robes
- foreshortening
1. Title, Artist, Location, Date
2. Medium (1)
What was it made of? Why?
3. Subject + Function (4)
What was it made for?
What is used?
Who is shown? What is he shown as? What is the orientation signify?
Whose beliefs are depicted in a similar manner previously?
4. Appearance + Relevance (14)
How does it compare to hellenistic?
What is the size?
Where is he seated? What is around his head?
What does he wear?
What are his hands doing?
Where are the angels?
Describe the naked figures (4)
Who will be saved? (2)
Who is on the right?
What does peter hold? What does it represent?
What are the small souls depicted as?
What is mary on? What does she have around her head? What does it make her? What is emphasized about her?
Who is on the left side? what do they do?
What does the lintel inscription say?
- The Last Judgment , Gislebertus Tympanum of St. Lazare, Autun above lintel, France Romanesque 1100
- Stone relief carving
- not seen since ancient times
- Made for illiterate comprehension
- Symbolism
- Enormous Christ as omnipotent judge
- will appear and judge souls
- His right are saved, left damned
- Depicts beliefs in similar manner as Egyptians
- Theatrical
- like hellenistic
- Enormous
- Christ on throne + cross inscribed halo
- divinity + authority
- Robes
- Extended hands
- Angels throughout
- Naked figures
- non-realistic
- cower + terrified
- await judgment + fate
- nude for equal judgement
- Shepards and pilgrims will be saved
- Apostles on right
- Peter w/ key
- represents salvation
- Souls are small like children
- heaven is represented with same architecture as same churches (barrel vaults and arches)
- Mary
- on throne
- halo
- queen of heaven
- venerated as virgin
- spirtual beauty emphasized
- his Left side
- Demons (fallen angels) stuffing souls
- demons weiging souls
- Angels Blowing Trumpets
- hellmouth
- souls cry and plead
- Lintel inscription says “May this terror terrify those whom earthly error binds for the horror of the images here in this manner truly depicts what will be
What painting is inside?
What is it notable for?
Abbey Church of Saint-savin-su-gartempe Late Medieval Romanesque 1100s
tower of babbel painting inside
notable for the paintngs in the barrel vault
- Title
- Location
- Date
- What are figures doing?
- what is the story?
- Tower of Babbel, detail , vault painting, Abeey Church of Saint-savin-Sur-Gartempe, poitu,
- France
- Late Medieval Romanesque 1100s
- Figures are hoisting blocks of tower
- figures were given languages to confuse and punish people
- Title
- Location
- Date
- Paint
- What kind of throne?
- What is the significance of the baby on her lap?
- Why is he shown as a child?
- How big?
- Virgin and Child,
- from Auvergne, France
- Late Medival Romanesque 1100s
- traces of paint
- throne of wisodom
- christ baby on throne enthrones
- shown as a child so mary is included
- smaller sized
- Title
- Location
- Date
- What is it?
- What does it depict?
- Who made it?
- Why did he?
- What did he do?
- Length
- What is on top and bottom? Describe them
- What do men do?
- What happens to some men?
- Who is shown?
- What is shown as a good omen?
- Overall, what is this?
- Who is bishop odo?
- What does he do?
- What attributes does he have
- What do servants do?
- Bishop Odo blessing the feast, The Bayeux Embroidery
- Norman-Anglo-Saxon, England
- Late Medival Europe Romanesque 1100s
- embroidery
- depicts norman invasion of england and ships that were used
- by William of Normandy
- he thought he was next on throne
- he won and took over england
- really long
- border on top and bottom sometimes part of scene sometimes not
- men in armor fighting in other parts
- naked men stripped of armorand spoils
- Herald shown
- Halley’s comet is shown as good omen
- highly descriptive narrative that shows successful campain
- Bishop Odo is the brother of william of normandy
- thanking lord who is “on their side” and blesses meal
- specific facial features
- Servants carryout food