Ancient Greece-Classical Flashcards
Boy (Kritios?) Akropolis, Athens Classical 5 BCE
- Marble w/ rock crystal eyes
- Votive offering
Appearance & Relevance
- Less than 4ft
- Carved in-the-round
- Ideal young mortal
- Muscular bod & perf. prop.
- Eyes too high
- Indication of brow
- Archaic smile softer
- Hair is cap-like
- Exterior bod indicates interior muskuloskeletal structure
- Naturalism by indication of gravity and weight shift (Contraposto)
Warrior Classical 5 BCE
- Bronze
- Bone and Glass eyes
- Copper lips & nips
- Silver teeth
- Attached copper eyelashes & eyebrows
Subject & Function
- Represent Ideal mortal
- representative of philosophy
- Symbolize warriors as beautiful through idealism and nudity
Aesthetic Ideals, Appearance, Relevance
- Naturalism by contraposto
- Holds shield to indicate warrior
- Beard=maturity
- Idealism of beauty & logic
- muscular body
- symetrical, even face
- uniform curly haire
- Symetrical
- Nude to show beauty and truth
- Naturalism by face and lively pose with slight head turn
Charioteer from Delphi Classical 5 BCE
- Bronze
Function + Subject Matter
- Commemorate chariot race and victory
- Part of large sculptural
Appearance + Relavance
- Not nude
- idealized face
- Descriptive of event
- Gown worn
- Fabric and hair tied back
- Head turned and eyes set for concentration
- Non contraposto
- Stand in chariot with feet turned in for stabilization
- Loose fabric
- Neutral expression
Akropolis Athens Classical 5 BCE
- Pericles commissioned rebuilding of Parthenon
- Elevated for god proximity
- Athena and poseidon fought
- Athena won
- Buildings placed where events happened
- Parthenogenesis means Virginia birth
- Athena sprang formed from sues head
- Goddess of strategic war
- Celebrates as intelligent
- Panathanatheic procession Pepos robe Athena. Carried through street
Spear Bearer (Polykleitos) Classical 5BCE
- Marble
Function + Subject Matter
- Represent ideal male according to philosophy
Appearance + Relavence
- 1:7 unit of measurement for better proportion
- Supported statue
- Athletes and warriors are same
- Naturalistic + Idealism
- Contraposto
- Slight head turn
- Ideal facial features
- Marble w/ limestone foundations
Function + Subject Matter
- Glorify Gods
- Reflects Pheidias’ unifying aesthetic vision
- Show political and ideaological themes
- triumph of democratic greek over imperial persia
- tirumph over barbarianism
- athena favortism
Appearance + Relavence
- Doric order temple
- Calculated proportions
- Architects modified to offset distortion
- mattered what is seen with eyes.
- Peristyle used for support
- Ceiling wood as tile
- Column swell (entasis)
- Space between columns is raised
Model of Athena Parthenos (Phideidias) Parthenon, Acropolis, Athens Classical 5th BCE
- vory gold, marble
Function + Subject Matter
Appearance + Relavence
- 40ft tall
- Fully realistic
- ideally ballanced
- enourmous helmet crowns head
- symbolizing divinity victory
- has armor, shield and spear
- shows her as godess of intelligent war
- wears poplos as heroic and triumphant
- nike is in her hand
- depicts godess of vicotry flying in to crown athena with garland of larel leaves
- Loated in cella of parthenon
Lapith Fighting Cenaur (Pheidias) Metope from Parthenon Classical 5 BCE
- Marble carving in high relief
Function + Subject Matter
- Lapith invited centaur to wedding
- centaur rape Lapith women and drink excessively
- lapith are moderate have control
- Lapith are athenian ansestors
- fought centaurs
- Metope allows for 2 groups of figs
- 4 legendary battles depicted
- showed heroic ansestors battling
- Glorifies Laptihs and Greeks
- Empowers by showing braveness
- strong parrallel to recent Persian battle
Appearance + Relavence
- equal size, age & match
- ideal proportions
- musclular and twisting
- realistic ideal figures
- neutral expression
- falling with grace
- drapery is elegantly place
Dionysus/Herakles and Three Godesses (Pheidian School) East Pediment, Parthenon Classical 5 BCE
- Marble
Function + Subject Matter
- Part of larger sculpture on pediment celebrating Parthenogenisis
- Zues in center w/ athena
- Sun god, Helios on left with chariot
- Selene, moon godess on right descends w/ chariot
- 2 seated godesses on left maybe persephone and demeter
- Runner is iris spreading message of athena birth
Appearance + Relavence
- Godesses probably Hestia, Zues’ sister, Dion, Zeus’ consorts, Aphrodite
- Rendering covers body but reveals contours
- Drpaery is thin and clingy
- poses are different and graceful, relaxed
- breasts and knees are extended
- drapery folds are under gravity influence wraps around body
- drapery unites figures in mass
- reclining man is Herakles on lion skin or Dionysis on panther skin
The Horsemen (Pheidian School) From Processional frieze, Parthenon Classical 5 BCE
- Marble carving
Function + Subject Matter
- Part of continuous processional frieze
- Underlying message: Athenians are healthy, vigours, favored by gods, inseproable, and symbolic of city
Appearance + Relavence
- Men on horseback
- same facial features,
- horses galloping on back legs
- men have common ideal body type
- Classical conventions
- same proportions
- same attributes
- realistic but ideal
- naturlaistic
- horses small in relation to men
- so animal doesn’t dominate
- could have been ponies
- non believable depth
Young Women and Men (Pheidias) from Processional frieze, Parthenon Classical 5 BCE
- Marble in shallow relief
Function + Subject Matter
- Part of Processional frieze depicting young men
- they are young, vigourous, healthy
Appearance + Relavence
- same body type men
- same body type women
- perfect proportions
Temple of Athena Nike, Akropolis, Athens Classical 5 BCE
- limestone faced with marble
Function + Subject Matter
celebrated athena as victorious as said in narrative
Appearance + Relavence
Ionic order
- gaps filled in renovation
- Nike used as adjective
- same body type for conventioanl
- movement of ease
- Cella
- Pronaos
Nike Adjusting her Sandal fromParapet of the temple of Athena Nike, Acropolis Athens Classical 5 BCE
- High relief marble carving
Function + Subject Matter
Appearance + Relavence
- Proper Respect is given
- gravity showing features
Grave Stele of Ktesilaos and Theano, Athens Classical 5 BCE
- marble
Function + Subject Matter
- Made for married couple grave site
Appearance + Relavence
- ideal realism
- architectural structure serves as eternal home
- hands and posture sybolize continet in love
- casual poses
- generic faces
- features neutral
- she holds veil as bride woul
- no portraits