Late Medieval Europe-Gothic Flashcards
- Title, Location+ Date
- Medium (3)
What was it made of? Why?
- Subject + Function (5)
What are shown?
What kind of qualities?
What is the backstory? What came of it?
What new architecture was used?
- Appearance + Relevance (13)
How large? Why?
Explain large dimensions
Describe pilasters
What architecutural tern is emphasized
What is differen from previous cathedrals?
What is on the transept?
How are the windows? What do they do?
What is being communicated here?
What does it have (weird word)
Compared to romanesque: size? interior space? supporting on outside? Piers? windows?
*Chartres Cathedral,* FranceGothic 1200**
- Stone
- Wood
- Metal
- aesthetics shown
- Magical, mystical + spiritual quality
- Wooden scaffolding caught fire, destroyed church during building\
- later time evolved style
- Rib-groin vault used
- Flying buttress used
- extremely large
- fill with awe
- dimesnions hard to comprehend
- alludes to God
- pilasters (engaged columns) extend heavenward
- Verticality emphasized
- More elaborately designed than previous cathedrals
- Transept has ornate doors
- Large windows
- light and lightweight
- Shows cieling is Floating on light
- Meant to communicate spiritual and ethereal
- Has transformium
- Abbot Suger was important to construction
Difference to Romanesque
- Taller
- Interior space more unified
- Cluttered outside supports
- Piers are narrower
- Clerestory windows
- Title, Location+ Date
- Medium (3)
What was it made of? Why?
- Subject + Function
Of whom are the renderings? Why?
What do men wear?
What are the stonecutter’s guild doing?
What biblical images are shown?
What abstractions are shown? Why?
- Appearance + Relevance (7)
What is shown? Why?
1.Rose Window and lancets, north transept, Chartres Cathedral Gothic 1200
- Stone
- Glass
- Pb
- Colors conveyed divinity
- Caused wonder
- Taken from Bible
- Renderings of guilds who donated money to building
- Men wear contemporary clothing
- exchange things (merchants)
- Stonecutter’s Guild
- shown making statues
- putting stones in place
- Holy Spirit
- Old and New Testament
- Saints
- Geometric Abstractions
- meant to be beautiful
- Title, Location+ Date
- Medium (3)
What was it made of? Why?
- Subject + Function
What kind of symbolism?
Whose role is emphasized? What is it?
These beliefs are expressed like whose previously?
What does the white light do?
Who had other interpretations?
Describe blue and red areas
- Appearance + Relevance
What kind of colors are used? Why?
What are the lines in between?
Where is Christ?
What does Mary represent?
What do Halos represent?
What is above Mary?
What does it symbolize?
What kind of design dimensions?
Describe the naturalism
How are the forms?
What are the angels doing?
How is the stylization?
- Virgin and Child and Angels, Window, Chartres Cathedral Gothic 1200
- Glass
- show beauty
- Fe
- Pb
- Cut Stone
- Complex symbolism
- Mary’s Role emphasized
- Beliefs expressed like Greek
- White light passes through windows
- equated to Virgin’s purity as holy spirit entered
- transforms into color or Jesus
- Mary is the vehicle for the incarnate of God
- Suger and others had interpretations
- Blue area
- made after fire
- made specifically for cathedral
- Red area made before fire
- Rich colors used
- reflect spiritual beauty of Mary
- Thick Lines are iron supports
- Christ in mary Lap, enthroned
- queen of heaven
- vessel of Christ
- foretells king of heaven
- both halo, Christ has cross
- White bird above Mary
- ray soft light come from bird
- symbolizes holy spirit
- Patterns
- Non-naturalistic, Apstraction
- Highly Stylized
- Elongated forms
- 2-dimensional
- Decrotive
- Angels surrounding
- Border
- bright colored 2d forms
- decorative
- Similar to Cloisonne from Sutton Who
- Title, Location+ Date
2. Medium
What was it made of? Why?
- Subject + Function
How much symbolism?
Wha is emphasized?
Where is the largest? Where are the smallest?
What is on the right? What do they do?
Wht is on the left? What is shown?
What is important about images? Lintels?
What five famous stories are depicted? Why?
It is relatabl to when?
- Appearance + Relevance
What is given greater attention?
Where are the figures from?
Design compared to Romanesque?
Who is in the middle portal? How is his naturalism?
What does the shephard represent?
What do the figures do?
What is shwn on the ascension side?
What is shown in the middle portal? Who is it like?
- *Royal Portal,* West Facade, Chatres Cathedral,Gothic 1200**
- A lot of symbolism
- Emphasize kings and queens as prophets in Christianity
- Larggest in center
- smaller on either side
- on right scenes from infancy of Christ
- emphasizing him as lord
- Some are Narratives
- Allows sculptors to include Mary
- right side god the father comes down for incarnation
- Left portal
- Jesus acending
- Slected images for narritive
- lintels have favored stories
- symbolism
- gabriel messenger tells mary (immaculate conception)
- mary w/ cousin (visitation)
- cousin hasa john baptist
- nativity (jesus birth)
- anounciation to shephard
- savior is born
- symbolism
- presentation at the temple
- Relatable to ancient times
- greater attention to form
- Figures from old testament (kings and queens)
- they foretold coming of Christ
- More elaborate of Romanesque
- Middle
- Christ in Majesty
- Non-naturalistic
- Decriptive
- Shephard= common man
- No theatricality as in Romanesque
- Figures gesture
- Left Side (ascension)
- Cross inscribed halo
- angels on either side
- clouds
- Central
- 12 apostles below
- holding scrolls
- 12 apostles below
- Like Christ in Mandorla
- Abstractions
- Title, Location+ Date
- Medium (2)
What was it made of? Why?
- Subject + Function (2)
What does it concern? What was it used for?
- Appearance + Relevance (9)
What is shown? Why?
- *Prophets and Ancestors of Christ, Royal Porter,* West FacadeFranceGothic 1200**
- Stone
- Prophets that fortell their god
- Simillar to christians
- slender figures
- wearing crowns
- holding text
- emphasizing christian beliefs
- New testament on top, old on bottom
- figures represented as king and queens
- indirectly correlate to kings and queens of france
- figures are self enclosed
- thin and tall, columnar (like column), in front of column
- feet extend down on cone shaped projection
- patterning
- Title, Location+ Date
- Medium
What was it made of? Why?
- Subject + Function (4)
What does it concern? What was it used for?
- Appearance + Relevance (4)
What is shown? Why?
- Saint Theatore, Jamb statue, chatres Cathedral France Gothic 1200
- theadore is a christian martyr/ christrian knight
- growing interest in more bulk figures, weighted by gravity
- renewed interest in naturalism
- change in aesthetic
- Theeatore has contemporary clothing, weapons,
- non rigid,
- sways slightly to his right, slight shifting,
- feet level with stand (communicates weight)
Title, Location+ Date
Reims Cathedral, France Gothic 1200
- Title, Location+ Date
- Medium
What was it made of? Why?
- Subject + Function (2)
What does it concern? What was it used for?
- Appearance + Relevance (5)
What is shown? Why?
*Anoucniation and Visitation,* Reims CathedralGothic 1200**
- attempt at naturalism
- artist would haave been influence by roman art
- Far greater bulk + mass
- communicate weight (drapery and feet)
- visitation, mary aand cousng wear roman like robes, seen in augustus altar of peace
- non-accurate weight shift
- communicating with one another
Saint Chapelle, Paris, France Gothic 1200
- Title, Location + Date
- Media
- Subject + Function
Who bought it from whome? For what?
What was it made for?
What happens to louis?
What did his mother do? Why?
What is the associated with this rendering?
What do they justify? Like whom?
- Appearance + Relavence
What does scenery show? Why?
- Blanche of Castile, Louis IX and Two Monks,from a moralized Bible Paris, France Late Medieval Gothic 1200
- king louis 9th bought from wiling seller to house it
- made to glorify christ and himself as devout king
- he would be canonized 9 years after hee dies
- Louis IX mother helpedd him rule b/c he became king at 12
- association of king and queen with mary and jesus
- show like ancients that leaader justifies right to rule and divine favors
- scenery shows
- king louis as young man
- 2 monks writng bibles
- they show his spiritual beliefs and christian monarch
Architectural attributes (3)
What do they do?
What does the illumination do? Why?
Who wrote what about it?
What does Notre Dame mean?
- Abbey Church of Saint Denis,* France Late Medieval Gothic 1200
- stone
- wooden roof
- flying butresses
- skeletal design
- ribbed groin vault
- supports weight replaces gallery
- hieight light and unity
- fewer and smaller columns
- illuminated and looks lightweight
- like god himself holds it
- suger wrote that church should represent spiritual beauty of mary
- notre dame= our lady
The Flight into egypt, Incarnation Window, Abbey church of Saint Denis, France Late medieval Gothic 1200