Early Medieval Europe Flashcards
- Title, Location + Date.
- Medium (2)
- Subj. + Func.
what is mathew represented as? What is he doing?
Why was the style used?
- App. + Rel.
Who is seated? What is he doing? Where is it derived from?
Describe the realism and naturalism?
How are the forms?
How is the style?
How do the curtain and tunic fall?
Is there patterning?
What kind of colors?
What does the halo signify?
What do the angels represent? Which represents which?
What is the angel with the horn doing? why?
What about the man behind the curtain? What does this represent?
What are the words above? What language?
What is this filled with?
What kind of perspective?
Desribe the space
What is the shape like?
- Saint Mathew Writing His Gospel Book, Lindisfarne Gospels, Northumbria, England Hiberno-Saxon 8th Century
- Ink on Vellum
- Represents Mathew as divine, writing from inspiration
- Style favored throughout middle ages
- mathew seated on bench writing sacred text figure
- derived form ancient seated philosopher
- sandals
- Non-realistic, not naturalistc
- Abstracted 2-dimensional forms
- Stylized
- Tunic and curtatian folds rendered as even-placed lines
- Hair like stripe
- Patterning throughout
- Bright colors
- halo= divinity
- angel is mathew’s attribute angel from revelations
- Angel has horn announces, messenger
- man behind curtain intepreted as moses
- moses recieved first word of god has text closed new takes precidence
- words above head like nebaulum from egypt
- written in greek: holy Saint mathew
- mathew now apostle
- filled with symbolism
- non-accurate perspective
- no spatial black contours in boardering
- shape like cross inscribed carpet
- Title, Location + Date
- Medium (1)
- Subj. + Func.
what does it represent?
what is it?
What did it require?
App. + Relavence
How big was it?
How was the artistic quality?
What is the detail like?
- Cross-Inscribed Carpet Page, Lindisfarne Gospels Northumbria England Hiberno-Saxon 8th Century
- carpet
- medieval manuscript illumination
- represented symbolically religious beliefs
- required skill
- paper size
- decorative
- jewl-like
- beautifully embellshed interlacing in cross
- entirely abstract
- fine detail
- magnificent
- non-realistic
- Title, Location + Date
- Medium (1)
- Subj. + Funct.
What is it a prototype for? What is the gown from?
what is the head of monestary called?
What kind of plan is it?
- App. + Rel.
Where was food grown?
List the rooms (6)
What kind of design is followed? How?
- Plan for a Monestary at St. Gall, Switzerland Carolingian 9th century
- parchment
- provide plan for buidling
- prototype for universities
- graduation gown from monastic habit
- head of monestary is abbot
- accurate and efficient
- grow food in garden
- stables and brewery bakery
- workshops, school for sons of educated
- scriptoriam and library
- dormitory
- refectory-dining hall
- infirmary-hospital
- entire design follows modular unit
- every building system of proportion
- buidlings standardized
- Title, Location + Date
- Medium
What is it made of? Why?
- Subject + Function
What does it concern? What does it serve as?
- Appearance + Relevance
What does it look like/show? Why?
- Equestrian Statue of Charles the Bald, from Metz France Early Medieval Carolingian 9th Century
- Bronze
- It is remineiscent of equestrian statues before it (Marcus Aueraleus)
- signifies royalty and willing servants (horse included)
- Made to show Right to rule and authority of Charles the Bald
- Charles the bald has on a crown
- Royal attire is worn
- The object is very small
- Non-naturalistic
- Highly stylized
- Horse leg indicates movement
- Head is held high
- Title, Location + Date
- Medium (3)
What is it made of? Why?
- Subject + Function
what was it considered as?
What is it?
What did it cover?
How many had access?
How much effort was given to make it?
Sacred? What was made tangible?
Who is depicted? from what?
What is emphasized?
- Appearance + Relevance
How big?
What does jesus on the cross represent?
What does the halo represent?
What do followers do?
What do the angels do?
What are the colors like?
- Crucification with angel and mourning figure cover of lindau gospels, Switzerland Carolingian 9th Century
- Gold, precious stones, pearls
- considered treasure
- illumination
- beautiful cover for book
- few had access
- much effort given
- sacred
- abstract made tangible
- jesus as the christ depicted
- christian doctrine
- emphasize divininty as he overcomes death
- 13 x 10 in.
- jesus on cross
- sybolic of sacrifice
- nails
- blood squiggles
- halo with jewels
- beautiful colors
- divinity
- followers lamenting
- figures best communicate message
1. Title, Location + Date
What is it made of? Why?
3. Subject + Function
Who being coronated by the pope? What does this indicate?
What was it made for?
How many manuscrip illuminations were there? from what?
4. Appearance + Relevance
What was attempted? why?
what was used to help? what did it do?
What was inconsistant?
Where is he seated?
What do the sky and gorund do?
To what object is it similar?
What is worn?
What is he doing?
- St. Mathew the evangelist coronation gospels, lindusfarn germany carolingian 9th century
- Painting
- pope coronation of charlamagne
- indicate right to rule
- honor and celebrate charlagne coronation,
- coronation gospels made
- 3 manusript illuminations
from gospel books
- artist attempt at realism
- homage to greek art
- based on human figure concept
- uses light and shadow
- models mass
- shoulder and neck inconsistancy
- distortion
- sits on stool
- sky and ground
- some space
- similar to mathew writing
- sandals
- seated and writing
- Title, Location + Date
- Medium(1)
- Subj. + Funct. (3)
- App. + Rel (5)
1.St. Michael’s, Hildesheim, Germany Late Medieval Ottonian 10th Century
- solid stone w/ wooden roof
- perfect example of ottonian churches
- bishop burnward presided over
- continnue in european til gothic
designd beautiful bronze doors and other objects
sources in ancient roman architecture
- stone except wooden roof
- b/c of wide span
- clerestory
- beautiful church
- blocky in form
- exterior parts corespond to interior
- easy to discern nave, sie aisles
- two trancepts
- apse on either end
- great clarity of form
- modular unit used throughout
- clear mathematical proportions
- Title, Location + Date
2. Medium? (5)
3. Subj + Func
What technique was used?
What happened when king died?
Why were these objects here? What are they?
4. App + Rel
How big are the objects?
What are they reminescent of?
how was the matrerial used for the garment?
Describe imagery: animals, border, pattern, Why?
What is emphasized
What is used to decorate (2)
What two significant animals are shown? What do they represent?
- Hinged Clasp, from Sutton Hoo Burial Ship, Suffolk, England Art of the Warrior Lords 7th Century
- beaten bronze
- gold
- enamel or glass
- garment
- semi-precious stone
Subj. + Func.
- cloisonne technique
- When king died, put in wooden ship and buried
- buried w/ objects served when alive
- armor, dogs & horses
App. + Rel.
- Small objects adoring remained
- reminescent of egypt
- 5 inch lay used for garment
- abstract imagery
- includes local animals
- interlacing patterns
- logical
- organic forms on borders
- geometric middle
- pin held together
- emphasis on 2d
- use of colors and gold
- 2 pigs (boars)
- represent strength and power
Title, Location + Date
- Medium?
- Subj + Funct?
Who designed the doors?
Where is the imagery from?
How is it to be read?
What is important?
- App + Rel?
How big is it?
What is in each panel?
What is in simplicity?
Realism and naturalism?
What do the gestures indicate?
What are their limbs’ quality like?
Who is depicted?
Who is also depicted?
What is in the middle frame?
- Bronze Doors (Genesis and Life of Christ ) of St. Michael’s Late medival Ottonian 10th Century
- bronze
- Bishop dourward designed doors
- ambitious to make them
- imagery from genesis
- life of jesus ending as the christ
- work way from top left down then work from bottom right to top right (damnation of man) salvation
- symbolism important
- large
- little narritive in each panel
- beauty in simplicity
- non realistic
- non naturalistic
- gestures indicate events
- limbs have deocrative quality like plants similar to illuminations
- christ on cross
- saints depicted with halos
- middle frame is nativety scene
- Title, Location + Date
- Subject + Function
What is depicted?
- Appearance + Relevevance
- What do the gestures repressent?
- What does God look like?
- Where are the figures? What is their posture?
- What are covered? With what?
- What does adam do?
- What does eve do?
- Why was it made without text?
- God Acusing Adam and Eve, detail from Doors of St. Michael’s Hildesheim Early Medieval Ottonian 10th Century
- depicts christian important events adam and eve eat from tree of knowledge
- gestures represent acusation
- god long beard and hair
- long robes
- adam in middle, even on right, god on left
- adam and eve cower, god accuses with gestures
- genitals ; covers with leaves to show shame
- adam points with his arms gesturing to eve
- eve points to serpeant
- majority illterate
- understood stories by panels
- Title
- Location
- Date
- media
- What is depicted?
- What is used?
- Similar to what other art?
- What is integrated with beliefs?
- Why is it small?
- Where is christ seated?
- What is appropriated by christian?
- what does the circle represent?
- What is the iconography like?
- Where are the saints?
- who is the smallest figure?
- Otto I Presenting Magdebbur Cathedral to Christ
- Altar or pulpit of Magdeburg Cathedral, Magdeburg Germany
- Early Medieval Ottonian 10th Century
- Iory carving in animal bone or tusk
- otto gives gift of church to christ and christ blesses him and the church
- sybolism
- similar to san vitale,
- politial leadership interated w/ spiritual beliefs
- portability for trade possibly
- christ seated; surrounded by wreath; wreath of victory like romans
- symbol of victory
- Eternity
- iconography like ancient rome
- various saints on either side
- smallest figure is the emporor Otto I
- title
- Location
- Date
- Who is depicted?
- What would have been made for him when crowned?
- Whta does it celebrate?
- What right is emphasized?
- Who is he favored by? Who supports and protects him?
- Did the clergymen agree?
- What is it similar to?
- What is the imagery similar to?
- Portrait or generic?
- What is the seat?
- What is held?
- What does he represent?
- Describe the robes, Why?
- What do the men represent?
- What does the object in his other hand represent?
- How is the form and style?
- What are the colors like?
- Otto III Enthroned, Gospel Gospel Book of Otto III
- Reichenau, Germany
- Early Medieval Ottonian 10th Century
- otto III
- when crowned, had beautiful gospel book made for him
- celebrates his coronation
- emphasizes right to rule
- favored by god above with miltary might and blessing; protected and supported military
- had clergymen agreeance
- similar to earlier manuscripts
- imagery similar to san vitale
- portrait
- seated on empirial throne
- holds regal septal
- secular leader
- robes of puble and god; royalty
- two men representing his military; other 2 men representing clergy
- gold cross inscribed orb showing christial world
- flat; stylized
- jewellike colors
- Title
- Location
- Date
- Who is depicted? How do we know?
- What is used? How?
- Where would it have been placed?
- What would be carried out?
- from where would preachers preach? Why?
- What is the image? Like what previos image?
- What is emphasized? Why ?
- Naturalism
- Size?
- paint color?
- Figure posture
- What is around his head? What does it mean?
- What words are above his head? What does it mean in latin?
- Gero Crucifix
- Cologne Cathedral, Germany
- Early Medival Ottonian 10th Century
- jesus as christ b/c of halo
- symbolism and iconography; depict dchristian belief
- would have been placed above and behind altar
- rituals would be carried out
- preaching from front of altar; all congregation would see image above and behind
- image of christ on cross; like crucifixion with angels and mourning figures
- suffering emphasized to show sacrifice of jesus in christian story
- ther is a degree of naturalism
- large and lifesize
- painted so skin is closer to human skin
- figure slumped, realistic
- cross inscribed halo; divinity
- inri; latin acronym jesus of nazareth king of the jews