Last Theo quiz of 2022 :)) Flashcards
4 Senses of Scripture
Literal, Allegorical, Moral, Anagogical
teaches events
What you believe
what will happen
what you should do
10 Principals/Definitions
- We cannot know what God is, only what he is now
- God and the world are not in competition
- Everything that exists, insofar as it exists, is good
- Evil is a privation of goodness, truth, beauty, and being
- Goodness is being insofar as we desire it
- Truth is being insofar as we know it
- Beauty is being insofar as we delight in it
- A covenant is a sacred, familial bond
- When God punished, he teaches
- Sin begets sin
first Bigamist
more than 1 wife
Serpent’s punishment
has to crawl on his belly
Eve’s punishment
Pain in childbirth
Adam’s punishment
hard laborour
Cain’s punishment
fugitive, wanderer
Noah’s sons
Shem, Ham, Japheth
Without form; conquering realms
Void; conquering rulers
Order of Creation (what was created on what day?)
1 Light
2 sky
3 habitat
4 sun, moon, stars
5 birds and sea creature
6 beasts and man
7 Sabbeth
What r humans beings?
God’s children
Genre of Genesis
Adam=priest because…
chamar-he tills and keeps
Adam=prophet because…
he names the animals
Adam=king because…
his dominion
the body is a what to the soul?
What does Gen. 2 end w/?
Eve takes divinity like Mary…
receives it
3 reasons why Eve takes the apple
good for food, delight to the eyes, and a desire to be wise
Adam and Eve realize what
they are naked
Cain murders
Cain and Abel are priests because…
they till and keep the garden. Abel is a shepherd and Cain is a farmer (idk?)
Allegory for when Cain murders Abel
Christ’s death
Chiastic Structure
A Sin
B build ark
C Go into ark
D it rains
E God remembers-turning point
D stops raining
C exits ark
B God tells Noah to build an alter and they make a covenant
A Sin
1st covenant; who? Promised? Sign?
Adam and Eve, They are the adopted children of God, Sabbeth
2nd covenant; who? Promised? Sign?
Noah, Never will flood the Earth again, rainbow
3rd covenant; who? promised? Sign?
Abraham, Great Nation Great Name Universal Blessing, Circumcision
What are the sacrifice for: Great Nation, Great Name, Universal Blessing?
Animals, circumcision, Isaac
Anagogical Reference: Only begotten son (Isaac)
only begotten son Christ
Anagogical Reference: Donkey is used to get to the mountain for the sacrifice of Isaac
Jesus goes to Jerusalem on a donkey
Anagogical Reference: wood on Isaac’s back
cross on Jesus’s back
Anagogical Reference: the lamb (ram?)
Jesus is the lamb of God
Anagogical Reference: Isaac is freely willed
Jesus freely sacrifices himself
Anagogical Reference: Ram offererd
Christ offered in r place
Anagogical Reference: Miriah (place where Isaac is sacrificed)
Anagogical Reference: Eve takes fruit
Mary receives Christ from God
Eden is a cosmic temple because
in the east, on a mountain, flows into onyx and bedellium
Anagogical Reference: Tower of Babyl
Abraham and Sarahs son
Isaac marries..
biblical spot to meet woman
Moses’s wife
Jacobs wife
Racheal and Leah
Isaac’s sons
Jacob and Essau
whar does Jacob and Essau mean
Pulling my leg, hairy and red
What does Jacob sacrifice to get the blessing?
Isaac drinks what?
Isreal meaning
he who strives with God
Chiastic structure Gen. 23-25
23: Sarah Dies
24: Isaac and Rebekah get married
25: Abraham dies
12 sons of Israel (in order)
Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, Benjamin
Anagogical Reference: Jacob was born of a barren woman
Christ was born of a virgin
Anagogical Reference: Jacob takes lambs and gives them to his father
Jesus is the lamb of God who sacrifices himself
Anagogical Reference: Rebekah=barren
Mary is a virgin
Anagogical Reference: Rebekah=mediator b/t God and man
like Mary
Anagogical Reference: Rachel has 2 children
3 things Pharaoh does at the beginning of Exodus
enslave them, make midwives kill boys, and throw baby boys into Nile
Anagogical Reference: Moses goes to Egypt
Christ fleeing to Egypt
Moses’s son
God’s 2 names
Imenence: I am who I am
Transcendence: I am the God of ur fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob
Anagogical Reference: Josehp is sold for 20 pieces of silver
Jesus is sold for 30 pieces
Anagogical Reference: Joseph is exalted to the right hand of the Pharaoh and rules over Egypt
Jesus is at the right hand of God
Anagogical Reference: Joseph is revealed to his brothers, who do not recognize him at first, after he is exalted to the throne of Efypt
Jesus is revealed as God to everyone when his is raised from the dead
God tells Abram to go from his home country, the land of….
the promised land
Sarai tells Abram to have a child with her maid named….they have a son named….
Hagar, Ishmeal