History last freshmen exam Flashcards
When was the Agricultural Revaluation and what were it’s effects?
10,000-8000 BC Effects=increased population, specialization
What were hunter-gatherers
the communities we had before cities, which moved from place to place, following the big game for a source of food
What is the Stone Age and the dates for the 3 parts of it?
Paleolithic=120,000-12,000 BC
Who was Sargon of Akkad and dates
Started the first empire (the Akkadian empire). His name means legitimate king. 2334-2279 BC
Akkadian Empire
first empire
Hammurabi who was he and dates
started the Babylonian empire and made the most complete law code in the ancient world. (1792-1750).
the kind of writing the Sumerians had
the hero of the oldest epic
A city that does all the jobs of an empire
Old Kingdom Egypt
When Pyramids were built 2649-2134 BC
New Kingdom Egypt
1532-1020 BC
Middle kingdom Egypt
2040-1640 BC
Amenhotep IV
Also known as Akhenaten or smth. He was the mono-theistic pharoah
Battle of Quadesh
1285 Ramses I won over the Hittites at Quadesh, but the Hittites still controlled the area, so the outcome was less favorable for Ramses II
Hittite capital
Who are the Pheonicians?
pioneered trade-routes across the Mediterranean. they invented the alphabet and made purple dye.
founded by Pheonicians
1st kings of Isreal
Solomon Saul David
The Northern kingdom of Israel was destroyed by
What are the 2 kingdoms that form after Israel splits?
Juda and Israel
1st Punic War
264-241 Carthage must pay $$ and Rome gets Sicily, Carthage, and Sardinia
2nd Punic War
218-201 Started with fighting over Hispania. In the end, Rome takes all Carthage except N
3rd Punic War
149-146 Carthage is destroyed, ending the Punic wars and the last oppression to Rome
Battle of Cannae
216 Rome losses badly
battle of Zama
202 Rome captures Carthage and ends the war, burning the city
Fabian strategy
Invented by Fabius Maximus during the Punic Wars where they harass the enemies from afar
Why did Rome’s republic start and when?
the king’s son did the rape of Lucratia and the republic was proclaimed 509 BC
Peloponnesian war
431-404 It started with Arthedamian war, which ended when Kleon was defeated and Brasidas was killed. The Peace of Nikias lasted for 2 years after. The Final phase was the Ionian war which ended Athenian fleet, which was captured at Aegospotami. Athens agreed to peace, surrendered their fleet, and tore down the walls. (?)
League happenings
Hellenic league became Delian and Peloponnesian league
Greek historian that recorded persian wars
historian that recorded Peloponnesian war
wrote reforms and law codes for Athens
Spartan Lawgiver
6th-8th century BC
490 BC
Athens and Plataea vs. Persia
Persia won
Battle of Thermopylae
480 BC Sparta won against Persia
Salamis Battle
480 BC naval battle Greek city-states vs. Persia (ruled by Xerxes) Greece won and started the 2nd Greco-Persian war
Alexander’s father
Phillip, king of Massedonia
Following ATG’s death is what
the Diadochi wars with Ptolemy, Seleucus, Antipater, and Peridiccas
selucid dynasty
Antigonid dynasty
first Roman kings
Romulus, Numa Pompillias, Tullus Hostilius, Ancus Martius, Lucias Tarquinias, Severus Tarquinius, and Lucius Tarquinius Superbus
1st Triumvirate
Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey. Crassus pays Caesar’s bills and Caesar gives Crassus and Pompey what they want. The Triumvirate is renewed 56 BC. Crassus is killed fighting 3 years later. Caesar wanna be consul but Senate likes Pompey, so Caesar crosses Rubicon and the senate and Pompey flee. The Egyptians later kill Pompey and the 1st Triumvirate is finished.
2nd Triumvirate
Marc Antony, Lepodis, and Octavian. We never really got lectured on them…
Social war
91-81 BC Over when the Italian pepes wanna have Roman citizen ship but senate says no. Italy pepes get it in the end.
Gracchi Bros
Tiberius (168-133) tries to run for tribune 2 times in a row but dies in the riot he makes
Gaius (154-121) subsidizes grain and changes military requirements, but asks to be killed in the riot he makes because he runs for tribune a 3rd time in a row
(157-86 BC) was in Jugerthine was and becomes consul 107 and 105. He likes reforming stuff and becomes consul 6x total. also in Social and Mithridatic war.
rule of the few
rule of the rich
rule of the people
rule of the best
336 - 323
Gangamela battle
331 ATG defeats the Achaemenid empire
Chaeronea battle
338 Greeks lost their independence due to phillip II
Cursus Honorum
The courses of honor u gain from military tribune to consul
Hittite Capital