Last Freshmen Theo Quiz Flashcards
Covering the whole year-everything on here is the stuff not already covered in the other cards go and reveiw those
Image at the front of the Bible
Geneses genres
myth (1-11) historical (12-50)
Books we have studied in order and their categories
Geneses, Exodus, Numbers (Torah/Pentateuch)
Joshua, Judges (judges)
Samuel 1+2, kings (kings)
Esther, Maccabees (dispersion, martyrs)
God conquers what and their meanings
Tohu (formlessness), Bohu (void)
Why is Eden a Cosmic Temple?
Onyx and Bdellium, In the East, On a mountain
Adam is 3 things and why?
Priest (tills and keeps), prophet (names animals), king (dominion)
To Adam, God does what? what is this allegorically?
takes from his side, water and blood (church) comes forth from Christ’s side
The body is a window to the soul. What does this point to allegorically?
Isrealites told David we are your bone and flesh
Interpretive key of the story of Noah
God remembers
What does Babel tell us?
People wanna take divinity like Eve - languages
Allegories for Babel and Pentacost
Babel: God descends, No one understands each other, People dispersed
Pentecost: Holy Spirit descends, Every one can hear Apostles in their own tongue, People United
Allegory b/t Moses and Christ?
Moses flees to Egypt. Christ flees to Egypt
Ark of Covenant has what? this signifies what?
Manna, (bread of presence), commandments (law), Aaron’s staff (priest)
Sam 2:6 forshadows what
opposition to murmuring
River to cross
3 things that happen in the Jordan, what they signify, and where else it appears
spitit over waters, water parts, dry land appears. signifies creation, which also appears in Gen 1 (creation) and with the Red Sea
Need to conquer what with what kind of procession?
Jericho, liturgical procession
Joshua entering the promised land signifies what in the 4 senses of scripture?
Allegorical: Christ conquers church himself and drives out bad
Moral: Christ drives out sin from our soul
Anagogical: Christ makes heaven a place of purity
last judge is who, under which priest?
Samuel, Eli
Why do people wanna king?
they wanna be like everyone else
Solomon’s son and his servent
5 covenants
- With Adam and Eve
promised they are the adopted children of God
sign sabbath - with Noah
promised God will never flood the Earth again
Sign rainbow - with Abraham
promised Great Name, Great Nation, Universal Blessing
sign circumcision - with Moses
promised God’s own possession, kingdom of priests, Holy nation
sign 10 commandments - David
promised his heir will be the son of God, House for Gods name
sign temple
Great Lady
The spies sent into Jericho are saved by
How does Hannah foreshadow Mary
they both have a son and give him up to God
Hebrew word for anointed one
most serious sin
allegorical meaning for pretty much everything
Christ, Mary, Church
Parallels with Joseph and Christ; name at least 4
both firstborn son
both sold for silver pieces (Jo=20 Jesus=30)
both with 2 condemned men, one of which is pardoned
both at 30 when they enter public service to pharaoh/public ministry
both exalted to the right hand of pharaoh/the Father and rules over smth
gives honor to Benjamin/John at a banquet/last supper
revealed to brothers/everyone when exalted at the throne of Egypt/raised from dead
how does Isaac foreshadow Christ
the wood on Isaac’s back on the way to his sacrifice foreshadows the cross on Jesus’s back. Isaac was going to be sacrificed just like Jesus was.
Allegories for Babel and Pentecost
Babel: God descends, No one understands each other, People dispersed
Pentecost: Holy Spirit descends, Every one can hear Apostles in their own tongue, People United