Last Office Flashcards
4 types of loss
Actual, perceived, situational, developmental
What is grief?
Total responses to the emotional experience related to loss
Bereavement definition
Subjective response experienced by the surviving loved ones after the death of the person with significant relationship
Mourning definition
behavioural process through which grief is eventually resolved/ altered
affected by culture, spiritual beliefs, and custom
What are kubler-ross’ stages of grieving?
Denial -> Anger -> Bargain -> Depression -> Acceptance
What are signs of impending clinical death
Changes in respiration
Loss of muscle tone
Slowing of circulation
Sensory impairment
how to obtain certification of death?
autopsy performed by a physician,
to reveal discrepancies between the diagnosis and the actual cause of death
Latest definition & sign of heart-lung death
Total lack of response to external stimuli
No muscular movement, especially breathing, no reflexes, flat encephalogram
Pronouncement of death (3 steps)
- legally dead
- official declarification by a qualified person (physician)
- death certificate: date, time, place of pronouncement
4 physiological changes after death
Rigor mortis
Algor mortis
Livor mortis
Softening & liquefying of body tissue by bacterial fermentation
Rigor mortis definition & intervention
Stiffness of body developed 2-4hrs after death (lack of ATP, muscle contracts and joint immobilized)
Position body in norma anatomical alignment, close eyelids & mouth, insert dentures
Algor mortis definition & intervention
Reduction in body temp with loss of skin elasticity
Remove tape & dressings gently to avoid tissue breakdown: avoid pulling on skin/ body parts
Livor mortis definition & intervention
purple discolouration of skin (RBC breakdown & release hemoglobin, appears in lowermost/ dependent areas)
Elevate head to prevent facial discolouration w/ pillow
Intervention for softening & liquefying of body tissues
perform last office about 1 hr after death is certified; store body in cool place
3 categorizations of dead body
1 (blue): standard precaution
2 (yellow): Bagging MUST, embalming not allowed, hygienic prep in parlor only allowed with disposable gloves, gown & mask
3 (red): Bagging MUST, everything else not allowed
give examples for each risk category
cat 1: other than those mentioned in cat 2 & 3
cat 2: HIV, Hep C, Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease without necropsy, SARS, Avian influenza, MERS
cat 3: Anthrax, Plague, Rabies, viral haemorrhagic fevers, Creutzfelt-Jacob disease with necropsy