Last Chapters Flashcards
4 business types
Sole proprietorship
Independent Contractor
3 types of corporations
S Corp
C Corp
Risk factors
Age Family history - heart attacks in parents Cigarette smoking- current smoker or quit within 6 months Sedentary lifestyle Obesity Hypertension High cholesterol Pre-diabetes
Recommended calorie deficits
500 to 1000 calories per day = 1-2 lbs
Pregnant women recommendations
Mode, intensity, duration, frequency
5 metabolic syndrome characteristics
Elevated waist circumference Elevated triglycerides Reduced HDL cholesterol Elevated blood pressure Elevated fasting blood glucose
Pro servised PT should look at getting
Attorney Web developer or graphic designer Real estate broker Insurance broker Contractor Accountant
Hormones leptin does what?
Regular energy expenditure via signals to brain - they are found in fat cells
Does pollution contribute to obesity?
Ghrelin plays a chief role in ??? (Ap reg)
Appetite regulation
Resting energy expenditure contribute to what % of body’s total energy
Pharmacoptherapy should be paired with?
Lifestyle intervention
When you don’t eat enough calories what can you supplement with?
Chronic psychological stress stimulates what?
Common daily activities
Non exercise activity thermogenesis
What is most important factor for sustainable weight loss?
Lifestyle change
What % of weight loss in obese people is significant improvement