Chapter 10 - Muscular Assessments Flashcards
What does straight leg test assess?
Hamstring length
What does step up, single leg assessment screen for?
Mobility of one limb and stability of collateral limb
Five parts of spinal column (C th lu sa co)
Cervical curve, 7 veterbrae Thoracic, 12 Lumbar, 5 Sacrum, 5 Cocyx, 5 Total of 34
Prime movement examples
Squat (glute, quads), bench (pecs and delts), pull up (lats), shoulder press (delts), machine row (lats), calf raise
Stance progressions
Narrow and hip width
Split and staggered
Tandem and single leg
First assessment PT can use to identify muscle imbalance?
Static postural assessment
Muscle imbalances associated w/ postural deviations (5 total)
Lordosis (anterior pelvic tilt, water spilling out front of hips)
Kyphosis (posterior pelvic tips, water spilling out the back)
Flat back
Sway back
Right angle rule (think body scan photos)
Observe clients stance in vertical alignment and assess joints and posture across all planes (used to recognize imbalances and limitations) think body scans
Anterior tilting of pelvis will increase what in lumbar spine? And when this occurs what muscle is tight?
Hip flexors
Three key deviations of thoracic spine and shoulders (pro, tip, sad)
Shoulder not level
Depressed chest
5 key postural deviations (think down the body)
1-Foot pronation/ supination
2-Hip adduction (lateral tilt, one hip higher than other)
3-Pelvic tilting (anterior and posterior)
4-Shoulder position and thoracic spine (scapular protraction, winging)
5-Head position
What muscle would you suspect are tight in a client with forward head position?
Cervical extensors
Clients shoulders not level, what is tight? (Upts, rho)
Upper traps and rhomboids
Rotated humerus (upper arm) signifies tightness where?
Tight in pecs, lats
Unipedal stance test, tests what?
Static balance