Large Group -Seng Flashcards
Can you have a normal EKG with an MI?
50% of MI’s
How quickly does a STEMI need to get to a cath lab for treatment?
90 minutes
What is the treatment for an MI? Are all steps always appropriate?
MONA (Morphine, O2, nitrates, ASA)
- Do NOT give nitrates for right sided MI’s
- ASA is bad for a dissection
What is the protocol for treatment of V fib arrests that you get a normal sinus pulse back?
Therapeutic hypothermia
(cool to 33 degrees Celsius)
decrease temp by 1 degree/ hour
better neurological outcomes
What does a chest x-ray that shows a widened mediastinum suggest?
If you suspect a PE, what test should you order?
D-Dimer (nonspecific)
if comes back + can order a CT angiogram w/contrast (caution in renal failure)
What is the main treatment for acute decompensated CHF?
Positive pressure ventilation (intubate or CPAP or BIPAP) to increase the P and get the fluid off of the lungs
(keep pCO2 between 25-45)
What test should ALWAYS be ordered in a female of child bearing age with abdominal pain? What are you trying to rule out?
Urine pregnancy test
rate limiting step
want to rule out ectopic pregnancy
What tests should be ordered in a suspected ruptured ectopic pregnancy?
- urine preg
- type and screen
- NPO (not a test but obviously)
- ultrasound to look for free fluid (in Morison’s Pouch)*
What are the indications for tPA?
- ischemic stroke
- onset less than 4.5 hours ago
- NIHSS 5-22
- Age > 18
What are the contraindications for tPA?
- Head trauma or previous stroke last 3 months
- Previous intracranial hemorrhage
- BP > 185/110 mmHg
- Active bleeding
- INR > 7, Platelets < 100K
- Seizure
- Rapidly improving symptoms
- Major surgery in the last 14 days
What do we want to maintain systolic blood pressure at for a hemorrhagic stroke?
< 140 mmHg
these pts require frequent re-evaluation because we can’t really do anything
What types of things can mimic strokes?
- hypoglycemia
- Traumatic brain injury
- Overdose of antiocoagulants
- Brain tumor
- Todd’s Paralysis (post-seizure motor deficit)
- Conversion disorder
- Malingering
What are some common PE findings in DKA?
- Tachypnia (Kussmaul breathing)
- Dry mucous membranes
- Fruity ketone breath
- Confused Neuro status
What exam should you always do on an altered patient?
full skin exam
What 3 things need to be present to get a diagnosis of DKA?
- Diabetic=high blood glucose
- Ketones are high (serum or urine)
- Acidosis
What are the causes of anion gap metabolic acidosis?
Methanol Uremia DKA Paraldehyde Infection Lactic acid Ethylene glycol Salicylates (MUDPILES)
How do you calculate an anion gap?
sodium - (bicarb + chloride)
What is the treatment for DKA?
- 6-7 liters of IV fluids**
- Insulin drip
- Potassium replacement
- IV Abx (big guns until get cultures) for infections
- Counseling on non-compliance
- Intubate if you must but beware (hard to match ventilation to the rapid breathing)
- ICU admission
What is the #1 cause of DKA?
pts not being compliant with their medications (or cannot afford them)