Large for Dates Flashcards
What does it mean if a foetus is considered “large for date”?
Symphyseal-fundal height >2cm for Gestational age
What are the possible reasons for a baby being large for date?
- Wrong dates
- Fetal Macrosomia
- Polydramnios
- Diabetes
- Multiple Pregnancy
Why may a patient have wrong dates which contribute to healthcare professionals thinking the baby is large for dates?
- Late Booker
- Concealed pregnancy (undiagnosed)
- Vulnerable women (e.g. children already in social care => not engaging with healthcare during pregnancy)
- Transfer of Care: Booked abroad
How is foetal macrosomia diagnosed?
Ultrasound Scan
- Estimated Foetal Weight >90th centile
- plotted on population based charts OR customised growth charts
How are growth charts “customised” to the mother?
Take into account:
- ethnicity (caucasian population = largest babies > african >asian)
- parity (previous children and their birth weights)
What are the risks of foetal macrosomia?
- Labour dystocia (difficulty to progress)
- Shoulder dystocia (shoulder gets stuck - more common with diabetes)
- Post Partum Haemorrhage
How should foetal macrosomia be managed?
- Exclude diabetes
- Reassure
- Plan for Conservative Mx vs Induction of Labour vs C-Section delivery
What name is given to a condition of excess amniotic fluid which can cause a baby to be large for date?
How is Polyhydramnios diagnosed?
Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI >25cm)
Deepest Pool >8cm
experienced clinicians may be able to diagnose this clinically
What is the most common maternal cause of polyhydramnios?
After diabetes, what is the next most common cause of polyhydramnios?
=> no cause identified
What causes of polyhydramnios are usually due to the foetus?
- Anomaly- GI atresia, cardiac, tumours
- Monochorionic twin pregnancy
- Hydrops fetalis (abnormal fluid in>2 fetal compartment => ascites, pleural effusion, pericardial effusion, oedema)
- Viral infection (erythrovirus B19, Toxoplasmosis, CMV)
What symptoms of polyhydramnios does the mother often present with?
- Abdominal discomfort
- Pre-labour rupture of membranes
- Preterm labour
- Cord prolapse through cervix
What signs of polyhydramnios may be present on clinical examination?
- Large for date
- Malpresentation
- tense shiny abdomen
- inability to feel foetal parts on examination
How is polyhydramnios investigated?
- Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT)
- Viral Serology
- Antibody Screen
- USS – fetal survey- lips, stomach
How is polhydramnios managed?
- Serial USS for growth, presentation
- Induction of Labour by 40 weeks
What complications should you warn the patient about before labour?
- Risk malpresentation
- Risk of cord prolapse
- Risk of Preterm Labour
- Risk of Post Partum Haemorrhage
What is the incidence of spontaneous twins and triplets?
Spontaneous twins 1:80
Spontaneous triplets 1:10,000
What can increase a woman’s risk of multiple pregnancy?
- Assisted conception (less common now as only one embryo is transferred)
- Race - African
- Geography (Africa > Europe > Asia)
- Family History
- Increased maternal age
- Increased Parity (no. of children born)
- Tall women> short women
What is the difference between Gravidity and Parity?
Gravidity - number of times a woman has been pregnant
Parity - number of times a woman has given birth to a foetus with gestational age of >24 weeks
(regardless of whether born alive or still born)
What is the difference between monozygotic and dizygotic twins?
Monozygotic : splitting of a single fertilised egg (30%)
Dizygotic: fertilisation of 2 ova by 2 spermatozoa(70%)
Describe the potential chorionicity of monozygotic and dizygotic twins
Chorionicity = ONE or TWO placentas (i.e. do they share)
- always DCDA
- Dichorionic (2 placentas), Diamniotic (2 amniotic sacs)
DCDA = Dichorionic, Diamniotic (2 placentas and 2 amniotic sacs)
MCDA = Monochorionic, Diamniotic (1 placenta, 2 amniotic sacs)
MCMA = Monochorionic, Monoamioniotic (shared placenta and amniotic sac)
What factor can change the chorionicity of monozygotic twins?
Depends on time of splitting of fertilised ovum
- later splitting = sharing of more structures (up to conjoinment)