Labour and Puerperium Flashcards
What is the definition of labour?
- Physiological process during which the foetus, membranes, umbilical cord and placenta are expelled from the uterus.
- Associated with regular, painful uterine contractions with increasing frequency, intensity and duration
What are the 3 options of where a woman can give birth?
- Consultant Led Unit
- Midwife Led Unit
- Homebirth
What is a birth plan?
- record of what the woman would like to happen during herlabour and after the birth
- discuss adverse situations and her plans for this
- allows woman to understand what may happen in labour => can identify her feelings and priorities
What physiological changes help to initiate labour?
- Change in the oestrogen/progesterone ratio
- Myometrial stretch increases excitability of myometrial fibres
- Mechanical stretch of cervix and stripping/rupture of foetal membranes
Why does an increasing oestrogen:progesterone ratio cause initiation of labour?
- Promotes uterus contraction
- Promotes prostaglandin production
- keeps the uterus settled.
- Hinders the contractibility
How does oxytocin help in the initiation of labour?
- Initiates and sustains contractions
- Promotes prostaglandin release
- Synthesised straight into maternal and placental tissue
- Number of oxytocin receptors increases
near the end of pregnancy
What physiological processes in the foetus help to initiate labour?
- Pulmonary surfactant secreted into amniotic fluid stimulates prostaglandin synthesis
- Foetal cortisol stimulates increase in maternal estriol
When can membrane rupture occur?
Pre-Term Pre-Labour First Stage Second Stage Born in a caul (Baby born in amniotic sac)
What is the job of the liquor surrounding the foetus?
- Nurtures and protects fetus
- Facilitates movement
How does the cervix change during labour?
- Increase in hyaluronic acid
- Increases number of molecules between collagen fibres
=> decreased bridging between fibres causes cervix to SOFTEN
What score is used to assess if it is safe enough to induce labour?
Bishop score
Dilatation (how open cervix is) Effacement (how thin cervix is) Station in Pelvis (baby's head in relation to ischial spines) Cervical Consistency Cervical Position
A lower Bishop Score indicates a woman is close to active labour. TRUE/FALSE?
- higher score = more active labour
- lower score, patient is struggling and may eventually have to be induced
What are the 3 stages of labour?
- Latent phase (up to 3-4cms dilatation)
- Active stage 4cms -10cms (full dilatation)
- Full dilatation and delivery
3rd Stage
- Expulsion of placenta
The latent phase of labour can last up to a few days. TRUE/FALSE?
After what length of time would the second stage of labour be considered prolonged?
Women having their first child (i.e. no previous births)
>3 hours if regional analgesia
>2 hours without
Women having a subsequent child
>2 hours with regional analgesia
>1 hour without
How long does the 3rd stage of labour normally last and after what point would surgical removal of the placenta be considered?
Average duration 10 minutes
(can be 3 minutes or longer)
After 1 hour preparation made for removal under GA