Large Animal 2 Flashcards
Which species is the leading cause of streptococcal mastitis in dairy cattle in North America?
Streptococcus uberis
Recurrent exertional rhabdomyolysis(RER) is thought to be inherited as an autosomal dominant trait in which horse breed?
Which equine disorder is also known as “shaker foal syndrome”?
Viborg’s triangle is an important anatomical landmark in horses as it outlines a surgical approach to guttural pouch. It boundaries are:
Ramus of the mandible
Tendon of sternocephalicus
Linguofacial vein
What is Galvayne’s groove?
A longitudinal groove in the upper third incisor of older horses, visible between ages 10-30 years
If it were necessary to amputate one of the digits on a cow’s foot, what would the preferred method of desensitizing that region?
Intravenous local analgesia
Which essential ingredient should be added to a dry cow diet to prevent milk fever?
Anionic salts
If a C section is required in a cow where the fetus is dead and emphysematous, which surgical approach is preferred?
Which neurological disease of cattle is characterized by multifocal microabscesses in the brain stem?
Listeria monocytogenes infection
A pacer mare finishes far behind the field and on PE has an irregularly irregular heart rhythm. What is the most likely dx?
Atrial fibrillation
What is the causative agent of contagious bovine pyelonephritis?
Corynebacterium renale
Several lambs in a flock have papules, crusted ulcerations and inflammation of the lips and mouth. The shepherd has a papule on his finger that is new and similar in appearance. What is the most likely dx?
Contagious ecthyma
What is the tx of choice for a urinary tract infection caused by Corynebacterium renale in an adult cow?
Dorsally directed manual pressure exerted on the abdominal midline just caudal to the xiphoid elicits signs of pain in a cow. Which disorder is likely present?
traumatic reticuloperitonitis
hardware disease
Which virus is the most common cause of neonatal diarrhea in calves?
Donkeys are carriers of which lungworm?
Dictyocaulus arnfieldi
In foals, is a patent urachus more commonly congenital or acquired, and by which age should it normally close?
closes naturally and reopened by trauma, handling or infection
normally should close by 2 weeks of age
A weanling horse presents with diarrhea, ventral edema and severe hypoproteinemia with hypoalbuminemia. What is the likely causative agent?
Lawsonia intracellularis
Which spp of Cryptosporidium found commonly in cattle is considered zoonotic?
Cryptosporidium parvum
Most outbreaks of salmonellosis in swine are caused by which two spp of Salmonella?
S. typhimurium and S. cholerasuis
Which picornavirus classically causes cardiomyopathy in calves?
Foot and mouth disease virus
What are the common sites of predilection for lesions of bovine leukosis/lymphoma in the cow?
abomasum right atrium of heart \+/- uterus \+/- kidneys/ureters \+/- lymph nodes \+/- mandible \+/- meninges
Which statement about equine laminitis is true?
a) the digital pulse of the affected foot is often reduced and the extremity is cool to the touch
b) hoof care includes application of pads that place pressure on the sole
c) histologic grade 1 corresponds to complete separation of basement membrane and epidermal lamellae
b) hoof care includes application of pads that place pressure on the sole
In cattle, which branch of which nerve is responsible for pain caused by dehorning?
Cornual nerve, a branch of the zygomaticotemporal division of the maxillary nerve of the trigeminal nerve
A cow in Nevada aborts in the last trimester, and the dead fetus shows lymphadenopathy, mucosal petechiae on the underside of the tongue, the hepatosplenomegaly. What is the most likely dx?
Epizootic bovine abortion
Foothill abortion
Describe the classic serum biochemical abnormalities in an untreated foal with uroperitoneum
A 6-month old filly presents with a large, tense, gas-filled swelling in the Viborg’s triangle. What is the most likely dx?
Guttural pouch tympany
In which two locations are male small ruminants predisposed to urethral obstruction?
Sigmoid flexure
urethral process
Gastric ulcers occur most commonly in which compartment of the camelid stomach?
Purpura hemorrhagiica can be a sequela of which equine bacterial infection?
Streptococcus equi sp equi infection
In ruminants, polioencephalomalacia is most commonly due to relative deficiency in which vitamin?
Thiamin (B1)
What is the cause of the syndrome known as rickets, which commonly occurs in crias raised in geographic regions with constant cloud cover?
Vitamin D Deficiency
What is the most likely dx in an overconditioned llama with signs of intracranial neurologic dysfunction and high circulating triglyceride and GGT levels?
hepatic lipidosis
In pigs at post mortem, “milk spots” in the liver are evidence of which disease process?
Ascaris suum migration
Which is the most common congenital cardiac defect in horses?
ventricular septal defect
On a feedlot, cows develop severe rhinitis and cough 2 weeks after arrival of new stock. Abortions occur a few weeks later. What is the most likely etiology
Bovine herpesvirus-1
infectious bovine rhinotracheitis
The adult third incisors and canine teeth are beginning to erupt in a stallion. Approximately how old is this animal?
4-5 years old
A sheep on wet pasture has extremely pale mucous membranes. what is the most likely dx?
Haemonchus spp
What is a balling gun and how may it injure a bovine patient?
metal tube-and-plunger instrument used for oral administration of medication tablets, boluses or magnets
excessive force can cause pharyngeal trauma
What is the causative agent of Tyzzer’s disease in foals?
Clostridium piliformis
Which animal is the definitive host for Sarcocystic neurona?
Which bacterium in cattle is associated with lumpy jaw?
Actinomyces bovis
Diamond-shaped skin lesions are characteristic of which common pig disease?
Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae infection
Which infectious agent is commonly associated with rectal strictures in swine?
Salmonella spp
If a cow does not have traumatic reticuloperitonitis (TRP), how should she respond to a withers pinch test?
Extension of her back
vs flexion/hunching if TRP is present
The quarterhorse sire “Impressive” is associated with which heritable muscle disorder?
Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis (HYPP)
Advanced stages of this disease in adult cattle may cause lethargy, weakness, emaciation, “pipestream” diarrhea, hypoproteinemia, and intermandibular edema (bottle jaw).
Johne’s disease
Mycobacterium avium sp paratuberculosis
Which equine herpesvirus can cause respiratory sxs, myeloencephalopathy and abortions?
equine herpesvirus-1
Myocardial necrosis in horses follows intoxication with which class of abx?
Which infectious disease of adult camelids causes chronic weight loss in the face of a good appetite?
Johne’s disease
What is the etiologic agent responsible for edema disease in swine?
Enterotoxigenic E. coli