Language and thought L8 Flashcards
What is the correlation coefficient?
- r, measures the magnitude of the relationship between two variables
- ranges from -1.00 and +1.00
What does an r value of O mean?
No relation between two variables
What does a positive value of r mean?
As one variable increases the other variable will also increase
What does a negative value of r mean?
As one variable increases the other variable will decrease
Is correlation and causation the same?
What are the components of Spearman’s two-factor theory?
- g (general) factor
- s (specific) factor
In spearman’s two factor theory what is g?
- A general mental energy that underlies (drives) performance on all intelligence subtests
- This varies between people
In spearman’s two factor theory what is s?
-Specific to type of task (computation, vocabulary, digit
-There is a cluster of skills that people generally have a strength in so these tasks are more strongly correlated
How do G and S fit into standard measure of intelligence?
G= Full scale IQ across all tasks S= a specific cluster e.g. verbal IQ or performance IQ
What are some alternative forms of G, who came up with this idea?
- Cattell & Horn
- Fluid and crystalized intelligence
What is fluid intelligence?
Ability to learn, perceive relationships, deal with new
What is crystalized intelligence?
Knowledge acquired over time from culture/ experience e.g. vocabulary size
How are the two forms of g effected with age?
-Fluid intelligence: stops increasing and begins to
decline after adolescence
-Crystalized intelligence: continues to increase with age
How well does an IQ test explain how you will do in a job?
- r= .3 to .5 (moderate correlation)
- r squared = the percentage of variance predicted from one measure by another
- Therefore, IQ only accounts for 25% of variation in job performance
- For other 75% need to look at other factors
Is creativity highly correlated with IQ?
What was found when IQ was correlated with health and wellbeing? What do we need to be careful of?
- IQ scores at 11 correlated with longevity
- However, these tests were used to determine what school kids in England would get into so linked to better education and opportunities and therefore greater quality of life.
- It is the education that is linked to the longer lifespan rather than the IQ itself, always have to be careful with these types of correlations as to what you are actually measuring
What is the basic idea behind Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Intelligence?
Believes in the idea that intelligence is about being successful in day to day life
This involves three key things:
- Seeking to achieve goals to gain what they want from life
- Using strengths and minimizing the effect of weaknesses
- Adapting to your environment
In the Sternberg Triarchic theory of intelligence how might someone adapt to their environment?
A balance between:
- Creative skills
- Analytical skills
- Practical skills
What is analytical intelligence?
- Assessing the value of the idea
- What is typically measured on IQ tests
- Clearly defined problems where people converge on one right answer
- Very separate from everyday experience
What is creative intelligence?
- The ability to generate ideas
- Many problems in the real world are ill-defined (no single solution) so we need novel ways of dealing with these problems.
What is practical intelligence?
- Carrying out the idea
- Is the idea of being street smart/ having common sense
How do we apply the Sternberg Triarchic theory of intelligence into an educational context?
- Analytic: Compare and contrast
- Create: Formulate theory of intelligence
- Practical: Use what you’ve learned
What is the idea behind Gardner’s theory of intelligence?
- Gardner believes there is no such thing as single, unified intelligence
- There are many types of intelligences
- Some people may be high in some types and low in others
What are the 6 types of intelligence Gardner believes in?
-Linguistic: Poetry, rhetoric, explanation, writing
-Musical: Composition, performance, appreciation
-Logical: Mathematical, logical reasoning, solving math problems
-Spatial: Manipulating images, reading a map
-Bodily‐Kinesthetic: Fine control over motor behaviour
(dancing, netball, etc.)
-Interpersonal and Intrapersonal: emotional intelligence
How does Gardner justify his theory of multiple areas of intelligence?
- Localised area of the brain
- Distinctive pattern of development
- Evidence from exceptional individuals who would score low in standardized tests but are clearly smart in other ways
Gardner’s theory involves a modular view of the mind → some skills develop before others and therefore people have particular strengths
What do we need to bear in mind in terms of cultural bias and intelligence?
- Most of the work surrounding intelligence is done from a western perspective
- Different cultures have very different views on what intelligence means (value different attributes) and so our testing and views need to be generalized to reflect this