LANG2 - Questions guide Flashcards
How would you structure a response to Q5?
-short intro (make the reader know your stance before continuing to write), use a fact/rhetorical q.
-3-4 paragraphs about main ideas, and conclude
-give opposing argument at the start of each point, then knock it down (eg “some may say…however…”)
-end with the same fact/rhetorical q. for cyclical structure (eg “let me remind you…”
-vary paragraph length for extra marks (eg do a short one for impact)
What is the question style for Q1?
[4] choose 4 statements from below which are true (MCQ)
1-2 minutes
What is the question style for Q2?
[8] write a summary on how both sources show a certain aspect in similar/different ways
8 minutes
What should you focus on writing about in Q2?
(make sure to note if it is similarities or differences in the question)
-try to figure out what the writer is trying to say
-a comprehension of the 2 sources, so talk about the implications and big ideas
-prove that you understand the extracts by bringing ideas from multiple quotes together (perceptive synthesis)
No comparison, and no language analysis, so no need for giving the effect of language/structural devices
How should you structure Q2?
~1 page
-1 paragraph per source (make one point for each source, provide evidence that supports the point, and infer how the evidence proves your point)
(Point, evidence, infer, evidence, infer, evidence, infer)
No intro/conclusion
What is the question style in Q3?
[12] how does the writer use language to do something in a section of a source?
12 minutes
Similar to Lang. 1 Q2 [8]
What are the key things to focus on when responding to Q3?
-include a range of detail and name specific terminology/methods
-write a lot about a little (make a point, quote and state the method used, comment on its effect, then zoom in on individual words, and link it back to your point)
Only quote if analysing, otherwise no marks gained
How should a response to Q3 be structured?
~1-1.5 pages
-3 paragraphs
No intro/conclusion, just get straight into the analysis
What is the style of Q4?
[16] compare the different or similar ways of the sources conveying their perspectives on something in the whole of each source
16-17 minutes
How would you respond to Q4?
-write what their feelings are + their perspective on the topic before anything else
-then talk about language/structure methods and tonal shifts
-similarities/differences don’t only have to be about the perspective, they can also be about the methods that they use to convey it (pinpoint their tone)
For example, they may use differing language devices to have a similar outcome to convey their feelings
How do you structure a Q4 response?
~1.5-2 pages
-3 paragraphs (make a point and give evidence for source A with its technique, explain its effect, and then link it to source B where you repeat the same evidence-technique-effect format)
What is the style for Q5?
[40] Write an article about a given statement
45 minutes
How would you respond to Q5?
-use strong voice
-use the key words in the question, expanding on each of them in an individual paragraph, giving plenty of examples
-use lots of structural/language devices, big words, and a range of punctuation
Try to argue for the statement because the question gives you a starter, so it’s much easier