Landing Gear Flashcards
What is indicated by a red landing gear indicator light?
- Gear not down and locked w/ thrust lever at idle, below 800’ RA or
- Gear in transit or unsafe (disagreement with gear handle)
When is the Gear Warning Horn activated?
• Flaps 0° – 10°
• Flaps 15° – 25° ! !!!
Gear not down and locked w/ thrust lever at idle, below 800’ RA (Horn can be silenced if above 200’ RA)
Gear not down and locked w/ thrust lever at idle (Horn cannot be silenced)
Gear not down and locked (Horn cannot be silenced)
• Flaps 30° – 40°! ! ! ! !
(Note: For purposes of activating Gear Warning Horn, “idle” means thrust lever position
When is the Gear Warning Horn activated?
- Flaps 0° – 10° Gear not down and locked w/ thrust lever at idle, below 800’ RA (Horn can be silenced if above 200’ RA)
- Flaps 15° – 25° Gear not down and locked w/ thrust lever at idle (Horn cannot be silenced)
- Flaps 30° – 40° Gear not down and locked (Horn cannot be silenced)
(Note: For purposes of activating Gear Warning Horn, “idle” means thrust lever position
What conditions must be met to arm autobrakes for takeoff?
• RTO selected • Operational antiskid and autobrakes • On ground • Thrust levers IDLE •
If takeoff is rejected with RTO selected, when are autobrakes applied?
Thrust levers retarded to IDLE at 90K or above
How late may autobrakes be selected for landing?
May be selected prior to 60K GS
If landing with 1, 2, 3, or MAX selected, when are autobrakes applied?
- Thrust levers retarded to IDLE and
* Main wheel spin up
What will cause autobrakes to disarm during RTO or landing?
- AUTO BRAKE Select Switch to OFF
- Apply manual brakes AUTO BRAKE DISARM
- Advance thrust levers (after touchdown + 3 seconds) AUTO BRAKE DISARM
What will cause autobrakes to disarm during RTO or landing?
- AUTO BRAKE Select Switch to OFF
- Apply manual brakes AUTO BRAKE DISARM
- Advance thrust levers (after touchdown + 3 seconds) AUTO BRAKE DISARM
What other conditions will cause AUTO BRAKE DISARM Light to illuminate?
- AUTO BRAKE Select Switch in RTO for landing AUTO BRAKE DISARM
- Malfunction in autobrake system AUTO BRAKE DISARM
The light will also illuminate for 1 – 2 seconds when RTO is selected on the ground.
Is antiskid protection available with alternate brakes?
Yes, but applied to wheel pairs instead of individual wheels
How are alternate brakes selected?
Automatically, if System B pressure below limits
If normal and alternate brakes are lost, is braking still available?
Yes, 1 or 2 applications with accumulator pressure only
What is indicated by the Hydraulic Brake Pressure Indicator?
Accumulator pressure (precharge 1000 psi; normal brake pressure 3000 psi)
May the accumulator be used to set the parking brakes?
What happens if gear is retracted with loose treads on a damaged tire?
Treads impact a frangible fitting in the wheel well ring opening, affected gear free falls back to down position and cannot be retracted until fitting is replaced by maintenance
How much nose wheel steering is available?
- Rudder pedals 7°
* Nose wheel steering wheel 78°
What is maximum speed for Gear Retraction?
What is maximum speed for Gear Extension?
What is maximum speed for Gear Extended?
With wheels on runway and struts extended, a tailstrike will occur at _____° pitch attitude.
Is it possible to retract the landing gear if the Manual Extension Access Door is open?