Land and Water, River Processes Flashcards
What two key aspects of rivers are essential to their existence and management?
Diveristy and adaptability. Different rivers adapt differently to different conditions
Impelling and resisting forces
Impelling forces: Drive change. Measured by river energy
Resisting forces: Resist change. Measured by flow resistance factors
What are the two types of flow?
- Laminar
- Turbulent
Laminar flow
Water layers slide over each other as thin, coherent layers, thus conserving energy
Turbulent flow
Chaotic movement of water with rough bed eddies, thus causing significant energy loss
What element is the main driver of gross stream power and unit stream power?
The amount of water because it determines the amount of energy that is distributed throughout the river
Describe the three measurements of river energy
- Gross stream power
- Unit stream power
- Mean boundary shear stress
Gross stream power
The avalaible energy in a river
Unit stream power
The avalaible energy in a river per unit of channel width
Mean boundary shear stress
The energy acting on the bed/banks of a river
What percentage of a river’s energy is dissipated by friction?
97%. This leaves only 3% for sediment transport
Describe the three types of resistance within a river
- Internal flow resistance
- Boundary resistance
- Channel resistance
Internal flow resistance
The resistance of a fluid to change shape
Boundary resistance
Grain and form roughness
Channel resistance
Bank and planform (shape) roughness
The highest velocity filament in a river, located away from boundary resistance in the middle of the channel near the surface
What are the three types of channel shapes and their roughness?
- Narrow and deep
- Wide and shallow
- Rough streambed
What are the two characteristics of narrow and deep channels?
- Less resistance
- Faster flow
What are the two characteristics of wide and shallow channels?
- More resistance
- Slower flow
What are the two characteristics of rough streambed channels?
- Also more resisance
- Also slower flow
Lane balance
A balance between sediment size and stream flow, each aggrading and degrading respectively
Why is bed stability important?
The bed erodes before the banks; it is the cradle of the river. River management strategies that do not address its stability are likely to fail
What does the Hjulström curve indicate about the three types of sediment?
- Fine: Difficult to transport because sticky
- Sand: Easy to transport because light and not sticky
- Coarse: Difficult because heavy
In conclusion, rivers love sand
What are the three ways that sediment is transported throughout a river?
- Saltation/punctuated movement
- Suspension
- Solution
What are the two causes of sediment deposition?
- Velocity decreases
- Excessive load
Coarsest particles tend to be deposited first
What causes bank erosion
A combination of hydraulic action and abrasion which leads to mass failure of the channel banks
What two types of accretion cause floodplain formation?
- Lateral accretion
- Vertical accretion
Lateral accretion
Sediment is deposited within the channel on the inside of bends to form point bars
Vertical accretion
Sediment is deposited over the bank (typically occurs during floods)