Climate, Character and Causes of Climate Change Flashcards
What are the three geological time periods that we are mostly concerned with?
- Eocene
- Pleistocene
- Holocene
What are the three main characteristics of the Early Eocene maximum?
- Deep ocean temperatures of roughly 16°C
- Fossil palm trees and reptiles above the Artctic circle
- Ice free
What are the three main characteristics of the Pleistocene?
- Glacial-interglacial cycles
- Referred to as the LGM (last glacial maximum)
- Several fluctuations of climate, including the Younger Dryas
What are the three reasons for why the last 65 million years experienced gradual cooling?
- Less CO2 in the atmosphere due to declining volcanism
- Removal of CO2 due to weathering
- Ocean transport of heat has changed with the changing quantity, size, and shape of continents
What are glacial cycles, and what causes them?
Glacial cycles are periods of slow cooling and rapid ice melt which produces a sawtooth pattern on graphs
They are caused by temperature fluctuations (roughly 10°C) and CO2 fluctuations (180ppm - 300ppm)
What four climate characteristics were typical of glacial periods, and how long did they last?
- Windy
- Cold
- Arid
- Dusty
- For roughly 40,000 - 100,000 years
What are the three components of the Milankovitch cycle?
- Earth’s eccentricity (orbit)
- Tilt/obliquity
- Precision (wobble of axis)
Why might the Milankovitch cycle explain glacial and interglacial periods?
The cycle modulates the strength and distribution of solar energy by small amounts which may result in significant climatic changes to the Earth’s surface
What are the five components/timescales of the Earth’s climate system?
- Atmosphere
- Ocean
- Ice
- Solid Earth
- Biosphere
How is energy stored in the atmosphere?
Clouds (hours), winds (day), mid-latitude storms (days)
How is energy stored in the ocean?
Stored at different depths in the ocean, with only its surface being in contact with the atmosphere. Storage times of up to 1000 years
How is energy stored in ice?
Stores signals from the atmosphere in the form of gases or fossilised material. Ice accumulates or melts depending on seasonal patterns of up to thousands of years
What two ways is energy stored in the solid earth?
Weather from CO2 in the atmosphere and percipitation due to terrain
Plate tectonics from changing ocean currents, solar radiation on land or ocean, and volcanism
Ranges from thousands to millions of years
How is energy stored in the biosphere?
Plants modify solar radiation and atmospheric gases
What are are the four components of the two positive climate feedback loops (pushes climate away from current state)?
More ice → Greater albedo → Lower temperatures → More ice
Less ice → Lower albedo → Higher temperatures → Less ice
What are the three components of the negative climate feedback loop (keeps climate at current state)?
Higher surface temperatures → More Shortwave radiation → Lower surface temperatures
What are the three significant climate events that have occured since the LGM?
- Younger Dryas
- Medieval Climate Anomaly
- Little Ice Age
What four aspects of climate changed during the Younger Dryas?
- Retreating Laurentide ice sheet
- Melt water released in North Atlantic
- Reduced ocean overturning circulation
- Reduced ocean heat transport cooled climate
Medieval Climate Anomaly
A warming event that occured mostly in the North Atlantic for roughly 300 years during the advent of the second millenium. During this time, temperatures rose by about 0.5°C, possibly due to reduced volcanism or changes in ocean circulation
Little Ice Age
A global cold period that occured during the second half of the second millenium where temperatures decreased and fluctuated by about -0.5°C, possbily due to solar variability or volcanism
What two events were caused by the Little Ice Age?
The Year Europe Froze (1709)
The Year Without Summer (1916)
What affect do volcanic eruptions have on global temperatures?
Volcanic events put sulphur gases in the stratosphere. These sulphur aerosols reflect solar radiation, cooling the Earth