LABS Flashcards
For food to be able to pass along the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, the correct order of the organs is:
oesophagus - stomach - small intestine - caecum - colon - rectum - anus
Is the spleen part of the digestive system?
No, it is part of the lymphatic system
Where is the caecum located?
entry point of the large intestine
The duodenum receives material from which three organs?
stomach, liver & pancreas
What forms the common duct in the rat?
the hepatic and pancreatic ducts join to form the common duct
Where does the ileum pass its contents to?
The peritoneal, pleural and pericardial cavities of the rat share all of the following characteristics, EXCEPT:
A. they allow internal organs to move without friction
B. there is one of each of them
C. they are ventral in position
D. they contain a small volume of fluid
E. they have visceral and parietal surfaces
B. there is one of each of them - pleural cavity: two
What is the purpose of serous fluid?
it acts as a lubricant between parietal and visceral serous membranes
How many ventral cavities are there? What are they?
4 - left and right pleural cavities, pericardial cavity and peritoneal cavity
What is the first serous membrane we cut through in the rat lab?
Parietal peritoneum
What is the function of the visceral peritoneum?
Lines the internal organs and helps reduce the friction due to serous fluid between it and the parietal peritoneum
Where is the diaphragm located?
between thoracic and peritoneum in the abdominal cavity
During the rat dissection laboratory you learned the location of various organs within the thorax and abdomen. In the list of organs which follow, four are located close together and one is remote. Which is the remote organ?
caecum - part of the large intestine, located posteriorly in the abdominal cavity.
the others are located near the anterior end of the abdominal cavity
During your rat dissection lab, which of the following structures had the most vascular appearance?
Urinary bladder
Which of the following structures are you most likely to find in the rat?
canine teeth
gall bladder
bulbous uterus
vermiform appendix
adrenal gland
adrenal gland
- has incisors not canines
- no gall bladder in rats
- rats have a Y shaped uterus
- lack a vermifrom appendix
Which organ is NOT associated with the digestive system?
hepatic portal vein
What is the function of the pancreas?
- exocrine glands that secreted digestive enzymes that are secreted in duodenum
What is the order of the small intestine
duodenum joins to stomach
Jejunum middle part of small intestine
ileum joins to caecum
What is the function of the liver?
secretes bile which emulsifies fats and vitamins aiding digestion
Identify the organ that is NOT associated with the peritoneum in the rat.
mesentery tissue
gall bladder
gall bladder
What is mesentery tissue?
double layer of peritoneum - associated with posterior abdominal cavity and the visceral peritoneum
During a rat dissection, a student encounters a tubular part of the gut. The student observes that most of this tubular section lies outside the abdominal cavity, and she is told that transport is the main function of the section. Little absorption or secretion occurs there. Which of the following statements about the tube is also correct?
A. it is held open by rings of cartilage
B. it is not connected to either the stomach or the caecum
C. it is convoluted or coiled
D. over most of its length it is suspended from the dorsal body wall by a mesentery
E. it does not receive secretions from either the liver or the pancreas
Which of the following statements about the rat liver is correct?
A. Like the stomach and intestine, its blood supply is entirely from systemic arteries.
B. It has a tough fibrous connective tissue capsule.
C. Its ducts (hepatic ducts) join the small intestine downstream of the pyloric sphincter.
D. In life it is similar in colour to fat.
E. Most of the liver lies on the same side of the body as the pancreas.
C. hepatic duct drains into the duodenum
What side of the body does the liver lie?
right side of abdominal cavity