Labratory Diagnosis Ch9 Flashcards
Thin flexible thin wall
Serologic test
In the serum of pateient (organisim specific antibody) + antigen
For identifaction and diagnosos
STAT test
Immediate test
Bacteriological approach
Bacteria diagnosos (stain + growth)
Immunolgical approach (sereologic)
Diagnose the antibody of pathogen
Susceptibility test
Put antibiotics وبنفحص اذا في inhibition zone
IgM antibody
The primary responce وبحدد اذا في Current infection
Unclear response اذا ال current infictionاو previous infection
The types of blood agar media
1- alpha-hemolytic: oxidase (fe) ,green
2- beta-hemolytic: compltely ruptureللبكتيريا , halo (فراغ حول البكتيريا)
3-gama-hemolytic: non hemolyriv نادرا ما يكون في خطوط
Typticsoy agar
Contain : casien soybean
Growth for fastidious and non fastidous bacteria
بحوّل الorganic nitrogen into amino acids \polypeptides اللي بيجعل الوسط غني بالغذاء
Flexible thin wall
Bacteria not grow in blood agar (intracellular bacteria)
- mycoplasma
- chlamydia
- rickettisia
Bبكتيريا لا تنمو في ال blood agar الا بدرجات حرارة عالية
Choclate agar+cooked agar
Bacteria that growth in macConkey agar
Gram(-) bacteria
The type of infection to use blood culture
1- carditis