Laboratory Activity 12 – Rheumatoid Factor Determination Flashcards
is a chronic disease that affects the joints characterized by inflammation, stiffness, and soreness
Rheumatoidarthritis (RA)
Most individuals affected experience a gradual onset of the disease, but usually, all joints in the body will be affected
rheumatoid arthritis
As the disease progresses, other organs of the body can develop an inflammatory condition
rheumatoid arthritis
determinatio is essential in the prognosis and therapeutic management of rheumatoid arthritis
rheumatoid factor
hyperensitivity; autoimmune
An anti-antibody that binds to the Fc portion of abnormal IgG
Associated to rheumatoid arthritis
Chronic systemic inflammatory disorder in which joint cartilage, ligaments, and tendons are destroyed
An autoimmune disease that affects the synovial membrane of multiple joints
Also noted in chronic hepatitis, syphilis, (SLE), scleroderma, Sjogren’s syndrome, and B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders
specific marker; serologic marker; anti-antibody IgM against altered IgG molecules
not present in 25%
suggests presence of RA
inflammation of the knees
bacteria affecting kneees
-new markers; antigen (nonself)
can be employed to test for the presence of the antibody, using a carrier particle such as sheep erythrocytes sensitized with IgG
Passive agglutination
When patient serum containing RF is mixed with the sensitized reagent cells, [?] occurs
visible agglutination
Latex fixation test by
Singer and Plotz
Latex agglutination titer lower limit based on an undiluted sample and diluted sample at
•Very low titer: SLE, endocarditis, tuberculosis, syphilis, viral infection, and diseases of the liver, lung, or kidney
•Low titer: approximately 1 percent of healthy individuals
(+) undiluted
RF is present in the specimen at a level generally associated with RA
(+) diluted at 1:10
Interpretation of results based on titer:
Positive: ____________________
Weakly positive: ____________________
Negative: ____________________
Positive: > or = 80
Weakly positive: 20 to 40
Negative: 1:20
Rose-Waaler Test
Sheep cell agglutination test
Sensitized alligator erythrocyte test
Bloch and Bunim
Bentonite flocculation test