labor, childbirth, postpartum terms Flashcards
Saddle block
Low spinal, numbs from lower belly down, must stay flat 18-24 hours, often catheterized
Labor form 8-10 cm dilation,often considered hardest part of labor. It ends the first stage of labor
Paricervical block
Anesthetic given in cervix and lower lateral border of uterus to numb that area
Rich, watery fluid that comes from mother’s breast before milk comes
Induced abortion
Procedure that terminates fetus before full termi
Epidural block
Injection between vertebrae in lower back to numb navel to thigh area
Placenta, umbilical cord, amniotic sac, and lochia delivered as third stage of labor
Spinal block
Anesthetic given in spinal fluid around spinal cord
Time form birth to 6 weeks for mother
Inactive labor
Purpose=open the cervix to about 3 cm. Longest and least uncomfortable labor and often occurs at home
Time form birth to 6 weeks for baby
Plug covering the cervix. Is released at beginning of labor and is pinkish red in color
Cutting of perineum during birth to prevent skin from tearing and make the delivery easier
Returning of uterus form pregnancy size to non-pregnant state
Natural abortion
Same as miscarriage or natural birth of fetus before full term