Lab Week 8 - Knee Special Tests Flashcards
MCL Stress tests?
MOI, sounds (pop/ snap), instability
test at 0 and 30 degress
Palpate lig. at medial joint line and apply valves stress (hold for a few seconds)
Look for pain/ laxity
Test suspected ligament last
LCL Stress Test?
MOI, sounds (pop/ snap), instability
test at 0 and 30 degress
Palpate lig. at medial joint line and apply varus stress (hold for a few seconds)
Look for pain/ laxity
Test suspected ligament last
ACL Stress Test?
Anterior drawer test
- knee at 90 degrees
- stabilize foot
- Look for pain and laxity
Lachman’s Test
- at 30 degree flexion vs 90 for anterior drawer
- gets around excess swelling
- Gets around spasming hamstrings
- Gets around torn meniscus
PCL Stress Test?
Posterior Drawer test
- knee at 90 degrees
- stabilize foot
- Look for pain and laxity
- Look for
Apley’s Compression/ Distraction test?
Meniscal test
- prone position
- knee at 90 degrees
- compression = push down through heel and rotate internal/ external)
- Pain = positive for meniscal tear
- Hold down femur/ thigh and pull up on tibia and rotate internal/ external
McMurry’s Test
Meniscal tests that I have done
Unhappy/Terrible Triad of knee injury?
MCL, ACL, Medial Meniscus
- Foot is planted while turning and then lateral valgus force is applied
- Requires surgery
Grade 1-3 lig sprains?
Grade 2/3 ACL sprains usually need surgery for competitive R2P
Mild grade 1 probably shouldn’t R2P right away
Post op physio is important and recovery is quite long
Meniscal Tears?
Partial or full tear
- partial = long healing b/c relatively vascular
- Large tear probably needs surgery
- Red zone is around the edge - more vascular
- White zone = centre = avascular
Post-op physio and rehab is not too long
Osgood-Schlatter’s syndrome
Tibial turbcle apophysitis
- in adolscents
- Apophysis = bony site where tendon attaches
- more in boys - often during growth spurts
- In running and jumping sports
- Localized Tib Tube pain
- Too much tension at attachment point b/c bones grow faster than the soft tissue (quads shorter than femur)
- Growth spurt, low stretching, increased volume
- Can result in stress fracture or increased tib tube size b/c increased bone mass
Jumper’s knee/ Patellar Tendonitis?
Inflammation of the patellar tendon
- Overuse/ overload of patellar tendon
Patellofemoral Stress Syndrome?
Umbrella term describing issues with patellar tracking
- tight on lateral side
- b/c tight IT band
- weak Vastus lateralis (VMO)
- Tight lateral fascia (TFL)
- Stretch tight structures and strengthen medial msc (VMO)
- Could also be hip misalignment, or foot issues
McConnel’s Taping?
Effective for knee issues
- determine patella positioning/ mvm
- Look at L/ R tilt and up/ down tilt
- look at rotation
Chondromalacia Patella?
Patellofemoral Syndrome can lead to this
- cartilage n back on patella softens and begins to break down due to poor tracking and wear
Iliotibial Friction Syndrome (ITBFS)
If IT band is tight causes pain around lateral tib tubercle (Gerdy’s tubercle) or at Ilium
Patellar Dislocation/ subluxation?
Do not relocate
- Almost always goes laterally
- Get x-rays to check for #
- Treat for shock
- Most damage is to medial structures (VMO)
Knee Bursitis?
Acute or Chronic
- Pre-patellar bursitis