Lab-Tissues Flashcards
Two or more cells with a common function
Study of tissues
Forms large continuous sheets
Helps form skin
Helps protect, with absorption, filtration, and secretion
Able to regenerate or repair itself quickly if injured
Epithelial tissue
Epithelium tissue that consists of flat cells with 6 sides
Squamous epithelium
Epithelial tissue whose cells are cube shaped with nucleus in the center
Cuboidal epithelium
Epithelial tissue that consists of tall cells
Columnar epithelium
Number of layers in simple epithelium
single layer
Number of layers in stratified epithelium
Two or more layers of cells
Single layer of flat cells that allows gasses to diffuse from blood to lungs and lungs to blood
Simple squamous epithelium
Single layer of cells that look like boxes
Simple cuboidal epithelium
Tall cells that are found in the digestive tract
Simple columnar epithelium
Type of cells that secrete mucus for lubrication
Goblet cells
Extensions from the cell membrane
Fingerlike extensions from the cell membrane, looks like hair
Found in tissue exposed to everyday wear and tear-mouth, esophagus, and skin; consists of multiple layers of cells
Stratified squamous epithelium
Found in the urinary bladder, cells have a dome shape to them
Transitional epithelium
Found in blood, under the skin, bone, around many organs; usually has a large blood supply
Connective tissue
Contains fibers that are loosely arranged around cells
Loose connective tissue
Has collagen and elastin fibers in a gel-like intercellular matrix
Areolar tissue
Stores fat; prevents the loss of heat from the body
Adipose tissue
Wavy appearance, contains many collagen and elastin fibers, collagen is the main type of fiber that are parallel to each other
Dense regular connective
Connect muscle to bone
Connect bone to bone
General term for connective tissue
Swirly appearance, collagen fibers are not parallel to each other
Dense irregular connective tissue
Not as hard as bone, consists of 80% water and doesnt have a blood supply
Produces cartilage
Membrane that surrounds the cartilage, has a great blood supply
Name the three types of cartilage
Hyaline, Elastic, and Fibrocartilage
Type of cartilage that is most abundant and found in the larynx, end of nose, trachea, and end of long bones
Hyaline Cartilage
Type of cartilage that is found in the outer ear
Elastic cartilage
Strongest type of cartilage found in our body
Osseous tissue, storage site for calcium
Bone cell
Weakened bone, breaks easily
Produces bone material, builds bone
Breaks down/crushes bone
Three types of blood cells
Erythrocytes, Leukocytes, Thrombocytes
Makes up the brain, spinal cord, and nerves
Nervous system
Transmit nerve impulses
Protect and support the neurons
neuroglial cells
Causes movement of a body part, called muscle fibers
muscle tissue
Striated and connected to bone, parallel; allows us to move, maintain posture, and stabilizes joints.
Skeletal muscle
Type of muscle found in the walls of hollow organs such as stomach and intestines
Smooth muscle
Type of muscle only found in the heart
cardiac muscle
Thin sheets of tissue that cover surfaces, line body cavities, and surround the organs
Cutaneous membrane; skin
epithelial membranes
Found in cavities open to the outside of the body; digestive, respiratory, and urinary
Mucous membranes
Closed to the outside, sterile type of membrane
Serous membranes
Lines the body cavity
parietal layer
Covers the outside of the organ
Visceral layer
Type of serous membrane found in the thoracic cavity
Membrane that lines the pleural cavity
Parietal pleura
Delicate serous membrane that covers the surface of each lung
Visceral pleura
Sac that surrounds the heart
Lines the abdominal cavity
Parietal peritoneum
Covers the outside of the abdominal organs
Visceral peritoneum
The skin, accessory structures (sweat glands, oil glands, hair and nails) and the subcutaneous tissue below the skin
Integumentary system
Functions of the skin
keeps us waterproof, protection, and controls temperature
Cutaneous membrane (integument)
Skin, considered the largest organ
Outer layer of the skin, stratified squamous epthelium
Deepest layer of the skin, consists of all new cells
Stratum basale
Protein that adds strength to our skin, makes the skin water resistant
Secretes melanin, which is our pigment
Determines the color of our skin, freckles and moles are an accumulation of this
Second layer of the epidermis (from the bottom)
Stratum spinosum
Third layer only found in hairless, thick skin on the soles of feet and palms of hands; last layer to get blood supply
Stratum Lucidum
4th layer of the epidermis
Stratum granulosum
Outermost layer of the skin, consists of dead cells; continuously sloughed off through wear and tear, each month you have a new layer of epithelium
Stratum corneum
Inner layer of the skin, dense fibrous connective tissue, contains blood vessels and cells
Fat layer; loose connective and adipose tissue, insulates the body, attaches skin to underlying structures, also called the hypodermis
Subcutaneous layer
Glands that secrete oil, can develop a backhead or pimple
Sebaceous glands
Oily substance, flows through the hair follicle
Secrete sweat
Sudoriferous glands
Activated at puberty, responds to emotional stress, fear, pain, sexual excitement; found in axillary and genital glands
Apocrine glands
Glands located on forehead, neck, back, upper lip, palms, and soles. Sweat plays an important role in temperature regulation
Eccrine glands
Gland located in external auditory canal of ear
Ceruminous glands
Keeps us warm, senses insects on the skin
Protect the eyes from dust and sweat
Eyelashes and eyebrows
Traps dust and prevents us from inhaling it
nasal hairs
Parts of the hair; located above the epidermis
Parts of the hair; found in the dermis
Parts of the hair; formed by epithelial cells, gives rise to the hair
Hair follicle
Cause of red hair color
modified type of melanin that contains iron
Cause of white hair
melanocytes become less active with age, the absence of melanin produces white hair
Makes hair stand up, gives “goosebumps”
Arrector pili muscles
Tremendously increase the exposed surface area