Lab Skull Flashcards
What is the yellow portion of the model referring to?
Axial; skull, auditory ossicles, hyoid bone, vertebral column, & thoracic cage
What is the green portion of the model referring to?
Appendicular; upper limbs, lower limbs, pectoral girdle & pelvic girdle
What shape is this bone?
Long bone; longer than it is wide
What shape is this bone?
Flat bone; relatively thin, flattened shape, usually curved
What shape is this bone?
Short bone; round or nearly cubed-shaped
What shape is this bone?
Irregular bone; shapes that do not readily fit into other categories
What is this called?
Sagittal suture; runs front to back
What is this called?
Lambdoid suture; located posterior
What is this called?
Squamous suture; temple to rear of skull
What is this called?
Coronal suture; along the crown or fore head
What is this?
Frontal bone; forehead
What are these?
Parietal bones; two skull sections on either side of the sagittal suture
What is this?
Occipital bone; skull section at rear skull base
What are these? (2)
Temporal bones; located at the temple of both sides of the skull
What are these areas?
Supraorbital Margin; eyebrow area
What are these spaces?
Supraorbital Foramen (notch); notch in eyebrow socket
What are these holes?
Infraorbital Foramen; holes on either side of the nose inferior to the eye socket
What is this hole?
Foramen magnum; foramen=hole, magnum= big
What are these areas?
Occipital Condyle; two ridges on either side of the magnus foramen
What are this area?
External Occipital Protuberance (crest); small ridge at center of occipital bone
What are these two areas?
Superior Nuchal Line; above and on either side of the external occipital crest
What are these two areas?
Inferior Nuchal Lines; below and to either side of the external occipital crest
What are these two holes?
Hypoglossal Canal; two holes on either side of the foramen magnum
What is this structure?
Zygomatic Process; ridge on temporal bone
What is this structure?
Mastoid Process; projection bottom edge of temporal bone
What is this structure?
Styloid Process; pointy “stylus-like” projection below ear area of temporal bone
What is this structure?
Mandibular Fossa; small recess on the temporal bone that holds the mandible/ jaw
What is this hole?
External Acoustic Meatus; hole for ear in temporal bone seen from outside
What are these holes?
Internal Acoustic Meatus; hole for the ear in temporal bone seen from inside
What are these holes?
Carotid Canal; openings inside skull for carotid artery
What are these holes?
Jugular Canals; opening for inside the skull for the jugular artery
What is this bone?
Sphenoid bone; butterfly shaped or sphenoid in latin= wedge shaped
What is this structure?
Sella Turcica; Sella=saddle turcica=Turkish
What is this structure?
Hypophyseal Fossa; depression within the Sella Turcica
What is this structure?
Greater wing of the Sphenoid Bone; lower portion of the butterfly shape
What are these holes?
Foramen Lacerum
What are these holes?
Foramen Rotundum; above foramen lacerum
What are these holes?
Foramen Ovale; holes lateral to the foramen lacerum
What are these holes?
Foramen spinosum; lateral and inferior to the foramen lacerum
What is this structure?
Lesser Wing of the Sphenoid bone
What are these holes?
Optic canals (foramen)
What is this structure?
Ethmoid Bone
What are these structures?
Cribriform plates
What is this structure?
Crista Galli; ridge on ethmoidal bone
What is this structure?
Perpendicular plate; visible through nasal cavity as medial ridge
What is this structure?
Superior Nasal Concha; above middle nasal concha
What is this structure?
Middle Nasal Concha; below superior nasal concha
What is this structure?
Orbit, eye socket
What is this opening?
Superior Orbital Fissure; Upper portion of large crack within orbit (eye socket)
What is this opening?
Inferior Orbital Fissure, Lower portion of large crack within orbit (eye socket)
What is this hole?
Optic Canal
What are these bones?
Nasal Bones
What is this bone?
What are these bones?
Palatine bones
What are these bones?
Zygomatic bones
What is the area where these bones touch called?
Temporal Process (of the Zygomatic Bone)
What is the area where these bones touch called?
Zygomatic Process (of the Temperal Bone)
What is this area called?
Zygomatic Arch; Zygomatic Process + Temporal Process
What are these bones combined called?
Nasal Septum; Perpendicular plate + Vomer
What is this bone?
What is this area of the bone?
Alveolar Processes (upper)
What is this bone?
What this area of the bone?
Alveolar processes (lower)
What are these holes?
Infraorbital Foramen
What are these bones?
Inferior Nasal Concha
What is this area of the bone?
Body of the Mandible (jaw)
What is this area of the bone?
Ramus of the Mandible
What is this area of the bone?
Angle of the Mandible
What is this area of the bone?
Condylar Process of the mandible
What is this area of the bone?
Coronoid Process of the mandible
What is this hole?
Mental Foramen
What are these holes?
Mandibular Foramen
What is this area?
Frontal Sinuses
What is this area?
Ethmoidal Sinuses
What is this area?
Sphenoidal Sinuses
What is this area?
Maxillary Sinuses