Lab Quiz: Scientific Method & Human Evolution Flashcards
What is the Scientific Method?
- The process used to acquire knowledge and for testing ideas
What are the steps for the Scientific Method?
- Observation
- Hypothesis
- Experiment
- Conclusion
What is a Hypothesis?
- A tentative statement about the natural world
- an educated guess
A Hypothesis must:
- Based on observations/prior knowledge
- Clear and precise
- Testable (able to be evaluated using known scientific methods)
- Falsifiable (can imagine situations that can prove hyp. false)
What is an experiment?
an experiment or study designed to test hypothesis. Data from experiment are presented in a graph (bar/line)
What is an Independent Variable?
The treatment or condition you choose to VARY among the groups
ex. compound x
What is a Dependent Variable?
The MEASUREMENTs or outcomes recorded at the end of the experiment
ex. height of plants
What are Standardized Variables?
all OTHER factors or conditions in the experiment that must be kept the same
ex. type of soil, amount of water, amount of sunlight
What are Experimental Groups/Treatment?
The subjects that receive the different treatments
What is the Control Group/Treatment?
The subjects that receive NO treatment. Independent variable is eliminated, or default level
Why is repetition important in testing?
Important to make experimental results convincing.
On which axis is the dependent and independent variable?
Dependent = Y-axis (vertical)
Independent = X-axis (horizontal)
When to use a line graph
- when independent variable is continuos (infinite # of values)
- ex. when independent variable is time, temperature, distance, weight, or volume
When to use a bar graph
- when the independent variable is discrete (limited or finite values for independent variable)
- ex. only 9 possible values
Can a Hypothesis be proven true?
No. Data/Conclusions can support a hypothesis, but not prove it.