lab practicum 1 Flashcards
what is this orginizum and what is the function of the indicated part

Anabeana, a genus of cyanobacteria.
fixes carbon
give the shape and gram stain result

gram positive
name the organizum and its indicated parts

- nucleous
- pseudopodia
- food vacuole
Which antiseptic was most effective in killing off the bacteria on this petri dish?

The purple iodine stain on these granules is a positive test for…?
There is substantial evidence that mitochondria and chloroplasts are remnants of once free-living bacteria that came to live in intimate contact with archaea; this is part of a theory termed the ______________ theory.
What is the name of these locomotory structures that all members of the phylum possess?

paramecium cillia
what is the organism shown lineage phylum what disease does this cause

Trypanosoma gambienese Lineage Excavata phylum Kinetoplastida
causes african sleeping sickness
what is this organisim

diagram A represents a gram negative bacterium

what lineage and phylum is this organism

lineage excavata phylum parabasalida : trichonympha: ;oves in termites and help termites digest cellulos in wood
what is the organism and what is the structure indicated
Phylum Actinopoda. lineage rhizaria
part indicated axopdia (long thin pseudopodia) gather food
match the parts to the lables

A Peristome
B capsule Sporangium
C Seta of Sporophyte
D Gametophyte
name the lineage

Excavata: Euglena viridis
name the lineage

avelolata : ceratium
name the lineage

name the form group with in phylum rhodophyta

microscopic filamentous
name the form froup within the phylum Rhodophyta

filamentous branched
name the form froup within the phylum Rhodophyta

encrusting coralline
name the form froup within the phylum Rhodophyta

jointed coraline
name the organism and lineage and name structures

Stramenopila: phylum Phaeophyta ( brown alge)
A Blade
B stipe
C Hold fast
not shown air blader Bubble
name the structures and name the organism

A flagellum
B eyespot
C vacuole
D Paramylon graanules
E chloroplast
F Nucleus
Which cellular structure is responsible for rejecting the Gram staining procedure, resulting in a Gram negative stain?
lipopolysaccharide coat
this is the upper surface of a thallose liverwort these cup structures are

gemmae cups, containing multicellular gemmae inside produced by mitosis (for asexual reproduction)
what type of fertilization is represented

double fertilization
name the structures

A sporophyte
B gametophyte
C Rhizoids
D Capsule
E Spores
F Seta
name the structures

A Sorus
B frond(leaf)
C Fiddlehead
D Rhizome
what is this

moss with sporophytes
name the organism and the parts

1 Macronucleus
2 Vacuole
3 Oral groove
4 Micronucleus
there are no cell wall divisions between each nuclei how is this characterized

identify the organism

Rhizaria: Foram
identify the purple organism

identidy the oprganism

identify the organizm

identify the organism

Trhichonympha : excavata
name the life cycle

Diploid dominated life cycle (gamatic life cycle )
name the life cycle

haploid dominiated life cycle (Zygotic life cycle )
name the life cycle

sporic life cycle
name the organism and name the structures

Euglena Lineage Excavata
name the organism and the parts

Fern cross section through its Rhixome
A external phloem
B xylem
C internal Pholem
name the organism

name the organism

name the organism

scouring roush
name the life cycle

liverwort life cycle
name the organism

leafy liverwort
name the organism and the parts

Leafy liverwort
A Capsule (2N)
B Seta (2N)
C Leaf (N)
D rhizoids (N)
E Perianth (N)
F Stem (N)
name the organism and its parts

A capsule
B peristome
C Seta
D Operculm
E calyptra
F leaf
G Stem
H Rhizoid
I Sporophyte
J Gametophyte
lable parts

A operculum
B Calyptra
C Peristome
name the organism and what are the pores used for

Marchantia polymorpha
pores used for gas exchange
label all the structures

A mature sporophyte
B archegoniophore
C moss Sporophyte
D moss Gametophyte
E liverwort thallus
identify the slide

liverwort antheridia
what does this diagram represent

name the male and female parts

Male antheridium
female Archegonium
Name the parts

A anther
B filament
C stigma
D Style
E ovary
F Sepal
G stamen
H Carpel
I Petal
Name the parts

A stigma
B style
C sepal
D anther
E filament
F petal
Archaea include organisms that are mesophiles, but also organisms we would call extremophiles. Name one sub-category of extremeophile that you read about in the lab manual.
name the ovary positions

A ovary superior
B ovary inferior
C ovaries in hypanthum
what kind of pollinator pollinates these flowers

A Humming bird
B bee
C buterfly
D Bat
what kind of life cycle is shown

what is this slide

pollen sac with polen
what is this slide

ovary with ovules
label the partas of this pinenut

outer A Gametophyte
inner B Embryo
lable the structures on the pine needles

A pholem
B xylem
C Stomata
D resin Duct
identify these

Pine pollen
is this organism isomorphic or heteromorphic

are these gametes of this organism isomorphic or heteromorphic

Name this cross section

Fucus Archegonia
this is a cross section of a root nodule whats inside

is the bacilli gram positive or negative

what does the purple organism cause

what kind of organism lived within
what are these shells made of

calcium carbonate

conjugation of + and - Strains

digest cellulose in termite guts

N ( archegoniophore)
2n ( seta)



Gram +

Gingko biloba
male sporangia or male cones

fixes nitrogen (heterocyst)

10A. 400x
10B. it should not be on 40x without a slide

11A. carpel or stigma
11B. anther or stamen

12A. nitrogen-fixing bacteria
12B. Bacteria

13A. Trichomonasis (Trichomonas vaginalis)
13B. Excavata

14A. Rhodophyta: Batrachospermum
14B. microscopic filamentous

15A. antheridium
15B. sperm

16A. Volvox
16B. it will become a new colony

17A. Dinoflagellata
17B. N

18A. petal or corolla
18B. sepal or calyx

19A. slime mould
19B. absorption following external digestion

20A. N
20B. 2N

21A. fern (Monilophyta)
21B. fixes atmopheric nitrogen; fertilizes rice paddies

22A. stoma
22B. water vaper

23A. anthers
23B. stigma

24A. Metasequoia conifer 24B. female

25A. indusium
25B. sporangia
sperm and egg have fused to for diploid _________
which group does this organism belong to ?
Land plant hepaticophyta archaeplastida
the coating of the parallel bands of protein across this organism is called ?

the pellicle
what are the locomotory structures for these organisms

what are the yellowish toothlike structures and what do they aid in

they constiture a peristome which aids in spore dispersal
what are the structures in this picture

sporangia filled with spores
name the group to which this organism belongs to

musci eukarya
name the clade that this plant belongs to

what does this slide show

male pinecone pollen

lilium ovary embryo sac

Lilium mature pollen in anther




Dino flagellets



Radiolaria strew

Foraminifera strew


Achyla water mold

Paramecium caudatum

Termite flagellates trichonympha

marchanthia antheridia
marchanthia mature sporophyte
marchanthia archegonia
minum capsule
moss archegonia
Bryophytes are said to be poikilohydric; this implies that ___________.
They have the capacity to tolerate dehydration to very low water content and to recover from it without permanent physiological damage.
life cycles Haploid
is the state of having one set of chromosomes (N) in human eggs and sperm are haploid in certain other organism such as mosses many other cells are haploid
life cycles Diploid
the state ofd having two sets of chromosomes (2N)
life cycle gametes
are haploid cells that can fuse at fertilization
Collective sepals
Collective petals
Collective stamens
Collective carpels
Define Homology
Inherited ancestral organization
Define analogous
Similar adaptations in distantly related lineages
What is phylogenetic conservatism
The tendency for ancestral traits to remain static