Lab Practical (Desperate) Flashcards
obtain nutrients from dead organisms
what fungi can break down lignin and cellulos
club fungi (basidiomycota)
asexual repro of zygomycota
haploid spores called conidia are made through mitosis, conidia made on conidiophores
drawn fungi repro cycle
sexual: mycelium (n), plasmogamy, heterokaryotic stage, basidiocarp -> basidia and ascocarp -> asci, karyogamy, zygote, zygospore within zygosporangium 2n, meiosis, spores (basidiospores, ascospores, zygomycete spores), germination
asexual: mycelium, spore producing structures, conidiaphores, mitosis, spores, conidia n , germination
zygomycota repro cycle
meiosis, zygomycete spores, n, mycelium, fusion of hyphae n +n, fertilization, zygospore, diploid zygote, where zygospore is contained, zygosporangium, zygosporangium germinates into a sporangium on a short stalk
zygomycota common name
basidiomycota common name
club fungi
basidiomycota repro
sexually: basidium inside basidiocarps, basidiospores via meisosis, basidiospores give rise to mycelium
ascomycota common name
sac/ cup fungi
ascomycota repro
ascocarp which contain sacs called asci, a structure in which ascospores are formed
growth formations of lichens
crustose (encrusting), foliose (leaf like), fructicose (shrub like)
embryonic development
zygote goes through cellular division, cleavage of zygote exponentially increasing numbers, solid morula forms, hollows to make blastula
what is gastrulation
cells migrate to make 3 tissue layers, mesoderm, ectoderm, endoderm
development of the nervous system (neural tube that becomes brain and spinal cord)
embryonic development in sea stars
unfertilized egg n, zygote fertilized egg 2n (fertilization membrane), 2 cell stage, (fertilization membrane), 4 cell stage, 8 cell stage, 4 rounds of mitosis, 16 cell stage morula, cleavage (one mitotic division): early blastula and late blastula, early gastrula (gastrulation), archenteron: late gastrula (mesoderm, ectoderm, endoderm), organogenesis - formation of organs and organ systems to give rise to larval sea star (bipinnaria) then undergo metamorphosis to become adult sea star
embryonic development in frogs
same as sea stars but go through neurulation between gastrulation and organogenesis stages
what happens during neurulation
brain and spinal cord develop, ectoderm flattens, forms neural plate, folds thicken and roll around the groove, which makes depression separate as the neural tube
no distinct body plan, lack tissues, tissue layers, organs, organ systems, sessile filter feeders
anatomy of porifera
water enters: ostium
water exits: osculum
flagellated cells called collar cells (Choanocytes) create current
spicules - structural support that deter predators
stinging cells of cnidarians
ectoderm gives rise to
skin and nervous system
mesoderm gives rise to
muscles, connective tissue, skeleton, kidneys
endoderm gives rise to
lining of the gut