Lab Practical 2 Flashcards
Simple stain is for seeing
Gram stain is
To differentiate gram negative and gram positive bacteria
Gram positive bacteria is
Gram Negative Bacteria is
What is the cell wall structure of Gram-Positive bacteria
2 Layers
Thick Peptidoglycan
Plasma Membrane
What is the cell wall structure of gram-negative bacteria
3 Layers
Outer Membrane
Thin peptidoglycan
Plasma Membrane
Bacillus Anthracis is
Gram Positive
Rod Morphology
Arrangement: Streptobacillus
Causes anthrax
Bacillus Cereus is
Gram Positive
Rod Morphology
Arrangement: Streptobacillus
Causes Food poisoning (associated with undercooked rice)
Has Endospores
Bordetella Pertussis is
Gram negative
Morphology: Rods, coccobacillus
Arrangement: Single or in pairs
Causes Pertussis or whooping cough
Borrelia Burgdoferi is
Gram negative
Morphology: Spirochete
Arrangement: Grouping
Causes Lyme Disease
Clostridium Botulinum is
Gram positive
Morphology: Rods
Arrangement: Grouping
Causes Botulism (paralysis), has endospores
Clostridium difficile is
Gram positive
Morphology: Rods
Arrangement: Grouping
Normal flora that is nosocomial (hospital borne)
Clostridium perfirgens is
Gram Positive
Morphology: rods
Arrangement: grouping
Causes gas gangrene, food poisoning
Clostridum tetani is
Gram Positive
Morphology: Rods
Arrangement: Grouping
Causes tetanus
Corynebacterium diphtheriae is
Gram Positive
Morphology: Rods
Arrangement: V shape
Causes Diphtheria (an acute, highly contagious bacterial disease causing inflammation of the mucous membranes, formation of a false membrane in the throat that hinders breathing and swallowing, and potentially fatal heart and nerve damage by a bacterial toxin in the blood. It is now rare in developed countries because of immunization.)
Escherichia Coli is
Gram negative
Rod Morphology
Arrangement: Grouping
Causes Food poisoning (is food handled comes from poor hygiene after using bathroom)
O157:H7 is the deadly strain.
Hemophilus influenzae is
Gram Negative
Rod morphology
Causes Pinkeye, upper respiratory infections
Klebsiella pneumoniae is
Gram Negative
Rod Morphology
Causes pneumonia