Lab Practical Flashcards
Lab 6-11
Action and attachment of the orbicularis oculi.
-Blinking, aids flow of tears.
-Lacrimal bone, frontal bone, and maxilla.
Action and attachment of the occipitofrontalis.
-Elevates eyebrows, and wrinkles forehead.
-Galea aponeurotica
Action and attachment of the corrugator supercilii.
-Draws eyebrows medially and downward.
-Medial end of supraorbital margin.
Action and attachment of the nasalis.
-Widens nostrils.
Action and attachment of the levator labii superioris.
-Elevates and everts upper lip.
-Zygomatic bone, maxilla.
Action and attachment of the levator anguli oris.
-Maxilla, just below supraorbital foramen.
Action and attachment of the zygomaticus major.
-Draws angle of mouth upward and laterally.
-Zygomatic bone.
Action and attachment of the zygomaticus minor.
-Elevates upper lip and exposes upper teeth.
-Zygomatic bone.
Action and attachment of the risorious.
-Draws angle of mouth laterally.
-Zygomatic arch.
Action and attachment of the depressor anguli oris.
-Draws angle of mouth laterally and downward.
-Inferior margin of mandibular body.
Action and attachment of the buccinator.
-Compresses cheek.
-Alveolar process of mandible and maxilla.
Action and attachment of the mentalis.
-Elevates and protrudes lower lip.
-Mandible near inferior incisors.
Action and attachment of the platysma.
-Draws lower lip and angle of mouth downward.
Action and attachment of the sternocleidomastoid.
-Lifts head slightly upward and from left to right.
-Manubrium, clavicle, and mastoid process.
Action and attachment of the digastric muscle.
-Depresses madible when hyoid is fixed, opens mouth widely.
-Posterior and anterior belly.
Action and attachment of sternohyoid.
-Depresses hyoid after it has been elevated.
-Ansa cervicalis.
Action and attachment of the thyrohyoid.
-Depresses hyoid and elevates larynx.
Action and attachment of the sternothyroid.
-Depresses larynx.
-Manubrium and costal cartilage.
Action and attachment of the diaphragm.
-Prime mover of the inspiration.
-Xiphoid process, ribs, and costal cartilage.
Action and attachment of the external intercostals.
-Elevate and protract ribs 2-12.
-Inferior margin of ribs 1-11.
Action and attachment of the internal intercostals.
-Elevating and expanding ribs.
-Superior margins of ribs 2-12
Action and attachment of the external oblique.
-Supports abdominal viscera, stabilizes vertebral column.
-Ribs 5-11, anterior half of iliac crest.
Action and attachment of the internal oblique.
-Same as external oblique.
-Iliac crest, and ribs 10-12.
Action and attachment of the transverse abdominal.
-Compresses abdominal contents.
-Iliac crest, costal cartilages 7-12.
Action and attachment of the rectus abdominis.
-Flexes waist.
-Pubic symphysis, xiphoid process.
Action and attachment of the serratus anterior.
-Draws scapula laterally and forward w/ pectoralis major. Forward-reaching and pushing actions.
-All ribs and medial border of scapula.
Action and attachment of the trapezius.
-Stabilizes scapula and shoulder during arm movements; elevates and depresses apex of shoulder.
-Base of skull, spine, and scapula.
Action and attachment of the deltoid muscle.
-Anterior fibers flex and medially rotate arm; lateral fibers abduct arm; posterior fibers extend and move arm laterally.
-Scapular spine and clavicle.
Action and attachment of the teres major.
-Extends and medially rotates humerus; contributes to arm swinging.
-Intertubercular groove of humerus.
Action and attachment of latissmus dorsi.
-Adducts and medially rotates humerus; extends shoulder joint; backswing of arm.
-T7-L5, lower 3-4 ribs, and iliac crest.
Action and attachment of pectoralis major.
-Flexes, adducts, and medially rotates humerus; deep inspiration.
-Medial half of clavicle; costal cartilage 1-7.
Action and attachment of supraspinatus.
-Aids deltoid in abduction of arm; resists downward slippage of humeral head.
-Supraspinous fossa, and greater tubercle of humerus.
Action and attachment of infrapsinatus.
-Modulates action of deltoid, preventing humeral head from sliding upward; rotates humerus laterally.
-Infraspinous fossa, and greater tubercle.
Action and attachment of teres minor.
-Same as infraspinatus.
-Same as infraspinatus.
Action and attachment of the subscapularis.
-Same as infraspinatus, and rotates humerus medially.
-Subscapular fossa, and lesser tubercle.
Action and attachment of the brachialis.
-Prime mover of elbow flexion.
-Anterior surface of distal end of humerus, and coronoid process.
Action and attachment of biceps brachii.
-Supination of forearm.
-Long head attaches to glenoid cavity; short head attaches to coracoid process and radial tuberosity.
Action and attachment of triceps brachii.
-Extends elbow; long head extends and adducts humerus.
-Glenoid cavity, proximal end of humerus, and olecranon.
Action and attachment of brachioradialis.
-Flexes elbow.
-Lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus, near styloid process of radius.
Action and attachment of pronator quadratus.
-Forearm protonation.
-Anterior surface of distal ulna and radius.
Action and attachment of pronator teres.
-Assists in protonation.
-Humeral shaft near medial epicondyle, coronoid process of ulna.
Action and attachment of the supinator muscle.
-Supinates forearm.
-Lateral epicondyle of humerus, supinator crest, and fossa of ulna.
Action and attachment of the flexor carpi radialis.
-Flexes wrist anteriorly, aids in radial flexion of wrist.
-Medial condyle of humerus, and base of metacarpals 2-3.
Action and attachement of the flexor carpi ulnaris.
-Flexes wrist anteriorly; aid in ulnar flexion of the wrist.
-Medial epicondyle of humerus and olecranon.
Action and attchment of palmaris longus.
-Anchors shin and fascia of palmar region.
-Medial epicondyle, flexor retinaculum.
Action and attachment of flexor digitorum superficialis.
-Flexes wrist, metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints.
-Medial epicondyle, coronoid process, and superior half of radius.
Action and attachment of flexor digitorum profundis.
-Same as flexor digitorum superficialis.
-Proximal 3/4 of ulna, and coronoid process.
Action and attachment of flexor pollicis longus.
-Flexes phalanges of thumb.
-Radius and distal phalanx 1.
Action and attachment of extensor carpi radialis longus.
-Extends wrist; aids in radial flexion of wrist.
-Lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus.
Action and attachment of extensor carpi radialis brevis.
-Same as extensor carpi radialis longus.
-Lateral epicondyle of humerus.
Action and attachment of extensor digitorum.
-Extends wrist and finger joints, spread digits apart.
-Lateral epicondyle.
Action and attachment of extensor digiti minimi.
-Extends wrist and all joints of little finger.
-Lateral epicondyle.
Action and attachment of extensor carpi ulnaris.
-Extends and fixes wrist when fist is clenched.
-Lateral epicondyle.
Action and attachment of abductor pollicis longus.
-Abducts thumb in frontal plane.
-Posterior surfaces of radius and ulna.
Action and attachment of extensor pollicis brevis.
-Extends metacarpal 1 and proximal phalanx of thumb.
-Shaft of radius.
Action and attachment of extensor pollicis longus.
-Extends distal phalanx 1; adducts and laterally extends thumb.
-Posterior surface of ulna.
Action and attachment of extensor indicis.
-Extends wrist and index finger.
-Posterior surface of ulna.
Action and attachment of adductor pollicis.
-Draws thumb toward palm; gripping tools.
-Capitate, and anterior ligaments of the wrist.