Lab Final Flashcards
What does IACUC stand for?
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
What are the functions of IACUC and why is it important?
-reviewing and approving proposals for animal use
-inspecting animal facilities
-ensuring the humane and ethical treatment of animals
-reviewing concerns about the use of animals
-making changes to procedures or facilities to address deficiencies
What does AWA stand for and what animals does it apply to?
-Animal Welfare Act
-dogs, cats, primates, rabbits, hamsters, and guinea pigs
What are the 3 R’s of research?
Reduce, Replace, Refine
What are zoonoses?
a disease whose pathogenic agents can be transmitted from animals to humans
What are the different routes of infection?
bacterial, viral, parasitic, direct contact
Gestation length of swine
Rule of 3
3 months, 3 weeks, 3 days or 114 days
Gestation length of horses
11 months or 340 days
Gestation length of cows
283 days or 9 months
Gestation length of sheep
152 days
What is BQA and what does it stand for?
Beef Quality Assurance
Provide systematic information to US beef producers of how good husbandry techniques can be coupled with accepted scientific knowledge
Who was the animal behaviorist who designed the curved squeeze chute concept?
Dr. Temple Grandin
How do you know when an egg is B or A?
B egg will have a weaker, watery white, a flatter yolk, and may have minor blemishes on shell
A egg has a firm white, a well-defined yolk that stands up tall, and a clean, crack-free shell
Who is responsible for animal care?
faculty and staff, students, and farm managers
What occurs in piglet processing?
ear notches, needle teeth clipped, tails docked, iron shot
What is the market weight for MSU pigs
155 lbs
What breed was the MSU horse Farm known for before the current main breed?
Who donated the first horse to the MSU Horse Farm and what breed was it?
W.K. Kellogg
Resting respiration rate in an adult horse
8-16 breaths
Where do you look to measure a horse’s respiration rate?
A normal temperature for a horse
100.6 F
What is the term given to cattle who are bred and raised for the sole purpose of going into the production cycle?
True or False: About 65% of cows and heifers at MSU Beef TRC will get pregnant from AI. After that, the other 35% are bred using clean-up bulls
Yellow type of feed fed to Beef cows and the byproduct it is
Distillers Grains; ethanol
Tool that may be used to administer pills to cattle
Balling gun
Tool not usually needed on a beef farm, but when it is, it is used to remove abscesses in hooves.
Hoof knife
Where is the point of balance in cattle?
At their shoulder
The cattle chute was…
curved to improve cattle flow
had grooved floors to prevent slipping
What ingredients are in a diary cow diet?
Cottonseed, haylage, soybean meal, corn silage
The MSU Sheep Farm uses and accelerated lambing program. What does this mean?
Ewes have 3 lambs in 2 years
What sheep breed is found at the MSU Sheep Farm?
Why is a certain diet (called a flushing diet) given to ewes that need to be bred at MSU Sheep TRC?
it is given to ewes that are about to be bred because the increase in energy helps their bodies think they can breed