LAB Exercise 1c Neoplasia Flashcards
Neoplasia means
“new growth”
Cells that proliferate throughout life
labile cells
Cells that have limited proliferation.
stable cells
Cells that do not replicate
permanent cells
Cells that lose control of regulating cell growth which form an abnormal mass of tissue.
neoplastic cells
A mass of tissue formed as a result of abnormal, excessive, uncoordinated, autonomous and purposeless proliferation of cells even after cessation of stimulus for growth which caused it.
slow-growing and localized neoplasms that don’t cause much difficulty to the host
Neoplasms that proliferate rapidly, spread throughout the body and may eventually cause death of the host.
The term Hippocrates coined for cancer of the breast
The process of maturation of constituent cells into a form adapted to a specific function.
A fully mature cell of any particular cell line is termed:
highly differentiated
The primitive precursor of mature cells
stem cells
While mature cells are said to be highly differentiated, stem cells are
Two basic components of any benign or malignang tumors.
- parenchyma
2. supportive stroma
The component of the tumor which proliferates and detemines the nature and evolution of the tumor.
The components of the tumor which is composed of fibrous connective tissues and blood vessels providing the framework on which the parenchymal tumor cells grow.
supportive stroma
Components of supportive strom
fibrous connective tissue
blood vessels
The tumors derive their nomenclature on the basis of
parenchymal component
The suffix used to denote benign tumors
Malignant tumor of epithelial origin
malignant mesenchymal tumors
sarcomas (sarco means flesh)
Rate of growth of benign tumors
Rate of growth of malignant tumors
Why do cancer cells proliferate rapidly?
They disobey the growth controlling signals in the body.
When cancer cells escape death signals, they achieve:
Why do cancers grow excessively?
Imbalance between cell proliferation and cell death
What is the concequence of a cancer cell’s loss of differentiation?
they perform little to no function
Genetic instability of cancer cells lead to:
newer mutations
Refers to cancer cells’ bility to overrun their neighboring tissue
local invasion
Ability of cancer cells to travel from the site of origin to other sites in the body where they colonize
Shape of benign tumors
generally spherical or ovoid
other gross characteristics of benign tumors
- encapsulated or well-circumscribed
- freely movable
- firm
- uniform
secondary changes that can affect the gross characteristics of benign tumors
Malignnt tumors can produce systemic features like:
weight loss
Shape of malignant tumors
irregular, poorly circumscribed and extends to adjacent tissues
secondary changes that are seen more often in malignant tumors
consistency of sarcomas
flesh like
consistency of carcinomas
Microscopic pattern which consists of acini, sheets, columns, or cords arranged in solid or papillary pattern
epithelial tumors
Microscopic pattern of tumor arranged as interlacing bundles, fascicles, or whorls lying separate from each other usually by intercellular matrix substance
mesenchyml tumors
Microscopic pattern that often have none or little stromal support
Hematopoietic tumors
Examples of Hematopoietic tumors
microscopic ppearance where tumor reduplicate the normal structure of origin more closely so that there is little difficulty in identifying and classifying such tumors
benign tumors and low grade malignant tumors
This is defined as the extent of morphological and functional resemblance of parenchymal tumor cells to corresponding normal cells.
When the deviation of neoplastic cell in structure and function is minimal compared to the normal
well differentiated
Poor structural and functional resemblance to corresponding normal cell.
poorly differentiated/ undifferentiated
It is the lack of differentiation and is a characteristic feature of most malignant tumors.
10 noticeable morphological and functional alterations in the neoplastic/anaplastic cells
- loss of polarity
- pleomorphism
- nucleus to cell ration
- anisnucleosis
- Hyperchromatism
- Nucleolar changes
- Mitotic figurs
- Tumor giant cells
- Functional Cytoplasmic changes
- Chromosmal abnormalities
Nuclei tend to lie away from the basement membrane instead of being oriented along it.
Loss of polarity
term for jormal morphology of epithelial cells where the nuclei are oriented along the basement membrane
basal polarity
Basal polarity is a property that is based on cell edhesion molecules, specifically:
This means variation in size and shape of tumor cells and is correlated with the degree of anaplasia.
Cell alteration where the nuclei are enlarged.
N:C ratio