how many bones are in the human skeleton?
what is the axial skeleton?
bones that lie around the longitudinal axis of the human body
what bones are included in the appendicular skeleton?
bones of the upper and lower limbs (extremities) and the bones forming the girdles that connect the limbs to the axial skeleton
what type of bone marking allows the passages of blood vessels and nerves and forms joints?
depressions and openings
what type of bone marking projects or outgrows form joints and serve as attachment points for ligaments and tendons?
what is spinous process?
slender projection of vertebrae
what is a foramen?
opening in bone which blood vessels and or nerves pass
what bony process is large, round and articular?
what is a bony protuberance above a condyle called?
what is a shallow depression in bone?
what is a tubercule?
small rounded projection
what is a tuberosity?
large bony prominence that is not articular
what is a meatus? give an example?
tube- like canal
external auditory meatus (under ear)
what are two very large bony projections called?
what is a fissure?
narrow slit between adjacent parts of bones thru which blood vessels or nerves pass
what is a sulcus?
furrow along bone surface that accommodates blood vessels, nerves or tendons
what is a facet? and is a process that forms joints?
smooth, flat, slightly concave or convex articular surface
what is the head of the bone? and is a process that forms joints
usually rounded articular projection supported on neck (constricted portion) of bone
what is a line? and it is a form attachment points for CT
long, narrow ridge or border (that is less prominent than crest)
how many total bones in the axial skeleton? what are they?
80 total bones
skull, vertebral column (includes sacrum), ribs and sternum
how many facial and cranial bones are there?
14 facial, 8 cranial
how many palantine bones are there?
how many lacrimal bones are there?
how many inferior nasal conchae are there?
what is a suture?
“sean” an immovable joint between bones of the skull
what are fontanels?
“little fountains”
soft, mesenchyme filled spaces between cranial bones in babies
become suture joints in adults
what is the crista gali ethmoid bone?
thick, triangular portion of the ethmoid bone
it projects superiorly to the cribiform plate
what is the purpose of the cribiform plate?
allows olfactory fibers to pass through in order to smell things
what are the 4 sinuses?
frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid and maxillary
how does mucus drain?
from the frontal sinus to the maxillary sinus
what parts make up the vertebrae?
pedicle and laminate forms the vertebral arch (surrounds spinal cord)
body (weight bearing)
several processes (points of attachment for muscles)
what are the sizes of the vertebrae from smallest to largest?
cervical, thoracic, lumbar
C1 is called what?
C2 is called what?
which vertebrae bears greater loads?
lumbar vertebrae
how many bones in the appendicular skeleton? what is the main purpose?
helps w movement
what bones are included in appendicular skeleton?
upper and lower limbs includes girdles that attach to axial skeleton
what is the upper limb divided into?
shoulder, arm, forearm and hand
what is the area of upper limb attachment to the trunk called?
what is the part of the upper limb between the shoulder and the elbow joint called?
what is between the elbow and the wrist called?
what body part is distal to the wrist?
what bones of the shoulder (pectoral) girdle are called?
scalpula and clavicle
what is the triangular shaped scapula also called?
shoulder blade
what is a large process on the posterior of the scapula called?
what is the flattened lateral portion of the spine called?
what is a protruding projection on the anterior surface just inferior to the lateral aspect of the clavicle called?
coracoid process
what is the shallow con cavity that articulates w the head of the humerus called?
glenoid cavity
the scapula and coracoid process and acromion points to what side in anterior view?
where does the acromion point to in posterior view in the scapula?
to the right
where and what is the olecranon fossa located?
deep triangular depression located on the posterior side of the humerus, superior to the trochlea
what is the capitilum of the humerus?
the lateral portion of the articular surface of humerus that consists of a smooth, rounded eminence
what is the coronoid fossa in the humerus?
located superior to the trochlea and accommodates the coronoid process of the ulna and superior to the capitilum on the anterior surface of the condyle
what is the deltoid tuberosity?
it’s the rough triangular prominence found at the middle third of the anterior lateral surface of the humerus
what is the medial malleolus?
the bony bump on the inside of your ankle
the only bone in the arm is the …
what two projections does the head of the humerus have?
greater tubercule - laterally
lesser tubercule - anteriorly
where is the long head of the biceps brachii located?
intertubercular sulcus/groove in between the tubercules
what are the two bones of the forearm?
radius and ulna
radius lies…
laterally in anatomic position and widens distally
ulna lies…
medically and widens proximally into the olecranon process (large prominence as we feel the tip of the elbow)
how many carpal bones make up the wrist?
how many metacarpal bones in the palm of the hand are there?
each finger except the thumb or 1st digit is composed of 3 phalanges. what are they?
proximal, middle and distal
what are the joints of the hand?
carpometacarpal, metacarpophalangeal, interphalangeal
the lower limb is divided into…?
the gluteal region (major bones forming hip girdle), thigh, leg and foot
the gluteal region is located where?
between the iliac crest and the hip joint
the thigh is located where?
between hip and knee joint
the leg is located?
between knee and ankle
the foot is …. to the ankle?
the pelvic girdle is made up of …. hope bones
what is the longest, heaviest and strongest bone in the body?
the femur
what is common site of fracture in the femur?
the neck (distal to head)
the head of the femur articulates with what of the hip bone forming the hip (coxal) joint?
distally the medial and lateral femoral condyles articulate with the tibia to form the ….
knee joint
femur articulates w the…?
the greater and lesser trochanters are projections where …. muscles attach in the femur?
the tibia is always … and is larger and bears all the weight
the fibula is always …. is smaller and non weight bearing
where is the first medial cuneiform found in the foot?
big toe
where is the 2nd intermediate cuneiform found in the foot?
2nd toe next to big toe
where is the 3rd lateral cuneiform found in the foot?
next to medial 2nd intermediate cuneiform