Lab Exam 3 Flashcards
When the ventricle begins to contract it is going into ________. This causes the first heart sound called ________. ________ and ________ prevent blood flow back in the atrium. When the ventricle relaxes and goes into ________ stage the second heart sound occurs called ________
- Systole, S1 or lubb, diastole, S2 or dubb
The bottom of the heart is the ________, that is where the ________ is located.
- tip, apex
To calculate the ________ you make a thin film or smear of blood on a microscopic slide and stain the dried cells to enhance their identification
- complete blood cell count
99% of water is retuned to the ________. The process of water reabsorption is under the influence of the hormone ________ which is produced in the ________ and released from the ________
- plasma (reabsorbed), ADH, hypothalamus, posterior pituitary
Small round, biconcave discs with no nucleus
- mammalian RBC
What do beef cattle lack in their hearts that humans have?
- pericardium, or heart sac
When a monocyte leaves the cardiovascular system it becomes a ________
- macrophage
A ________ will increase the WBC count and cause the buffy layer to be ________
- bacterial infection, larger
The left AV valve is referred to as the ________, and is more likely to have problems than the right AV valve, or ________ valve because it has a higher pressure system
- mitral, tricuspid
A bicuspid valve that contain the chordate tendinae and papillary muscle
- mitral valve
A ________ will decrease the WBC count and cause the buffy layer to be ________
- viral infection, smaller or absent
Ground dwelling birds will have feet that look like an ________. Whereas perching birds will have ________ shaped feet, an example of a bird such as this are ________.
- arrow, zygodactyl, parrots
The ________ is embedded in the backbone and has 3 lobes per side
- kidney
________ have the largest nucleated RBC out of every species and is oval shaped
- Congo Eels, or amphiuma
________ have round, non nucleated RBC that can appear as a concave disc
- Human RBC
The true stomach of the bird is known as the ________ and is ________.
- proventriculus, glandular
There are ________ in a birds heart
- 4 chambers
The ________ is measured from the top of the clay to the top of the cells
- cell volume
A pale yellow fluid containing water and particles such as urea, sodium, potassium, creatine and uric acid
- urine
The oil gland of the bird that is used for grooming feathers, it does not water proof them
- preen gland
The area of the skin of a bird in which the feathers grow are the ________, they are not all over the bird. The bare/unfeathered areas of a bird are called the ________.
- feather tracts, apteria
The medullary tissue is arranged in ________, ________ with their broad based adjacent to the broad based and the apex (tips) lie in the ________
- pyramids, cone shaped, calyxes
The ________ is the part of the leg of the bird that attaches to the toes, it has scales.
- shank
When the ventricles are relaxed, the ________ close back off and the ________ open back up. The pressure drops and blood tries to return back from the ________ and ________ catching in the cusps and closing the valves.
- aorta, pulmonary artery
Non-nucleated RBC, but have the oval shape of lower vertebrate
- camels RBC
The ________ is the calf muscle of a bird and provides the ________.
- gastrocnemius, drumstick
There are 3 parts of a birds wing they consist of the ________, ________, and the ________.
- drumette(drumstick), wingette (wings) , hand (tip of the wing)
Dark staining granules that increase in numbers when you have an allergic reaction
- Basophils
The functional unit of the renal system is the ________. This is where the blood is filtered, blood pressure forces plasma and ions across out of the blood, in the ________ of the kidney. As the filtrate moves through the nephrons water and essential ions are ________ mainly in the ________ of the kidney.
- nephron, cortex (outer region), reabsorbed, medulla
A ________ is a whooshing sound associated with turbulent blood flow. This could be due to ________, a weakness in the chordate tendinae/papillary muscle apparatus, or it can be due to scarring/thickening/stiffening of the valve aka ________.
- murmur, stenosis, sclerosis
________ hearts have cartilage associated with their valves for support and to electrically isolate the ________ and ________. In some species, primarily ruminants(large land mammals) this tissue calcifies with age and is called the ________
- vertebrate, os cordis
The columnar regions between the pyramids in the renal medulla. These regions are where the ________ are located.
- renal columns
- interlobar arteries
The region deeper into the kidney, beneath the cortex layer. It is more red in color than the cortex. It is segregated into a ________ region and a ________ region.
- renal medulla
- triangular and columnar regions
A term for white blood cells, all white blood cells are ________
- leukocytes
- nucleated
Blood flow through the body
- from body ->vena cava ->right atria (through the right AV valve)-> right ventricle (semilunar)-> pulmonary artery (away from heart deoxygenated)-> lungs -> pulmonary vein (to heart oxygenated) -> left atria (through left AV valve)-> left ventricle (semilunar valve) -> aorta (back to body)
The semilunar valves (1/2 moons) are located between the ________ and ________ and between the ________ and ________.
- right ventricle and pulmonary artery
- left ventricle and aorta
In adult animals which has the lower Hct?
- females, males are higher due to testosterone
The ________ contracts and is responsible for a birds downstroke
- pectoralis major
The triangular regions in the renal medulla. They are ________ in appearance due to ________ running through them.
- renal pyramids
- striated(or striped), collecting ducts
The ________ of the bird is a fleshy caruncle hanging from the neck
- wattle
A cavity within the kidney that is continuous with the ureter and exits from the ________. Has portions that extend towards the apexes of the ________.
- renal pelvis
- hilus, renal pyramids
Tube shaped extensions of the renal pelvis
- ureters
A smooth semitransparent membrane that adheres tightly to the outer surface of the kidney
- renal capsule
Birds have a bony plate around the eyes called the ________
- scleral ossicles
The ________ is measured from the top of the clay to the top of the plasma
- total blood volume
A birds ________ are both for display and provide stability in flight.
- tail feathers
The flight muscles of the bird consist of the ________. The ________ is located here. The ________ meat of the bird has carbohydrates and a ________ fibers.
- pectoralis major and minor, wishbone, “white meat”, fast twitch
The ________ in the wing is the tip of the wing and is responsible for primary flight. Feathers are attached making it the most mobile.
- hand
A red staining granule that increases in numbers to fight parasitic infections
- eosinophils
What do beef cattle lack in their hearts that humans have?
- pericardium, or heart sac
What opens and closes the AV valves
- blood pressure
The two categories of leukocytes are ________ and ________
- Agranular and Granular
The giblet in a bird consists of the ________, ________, and the ________
- heart, liver and gizzard
The mammalian urinary system consists of ________, ________, ________, and ________
- two kidneys, two ureters, one urinary bladder, and a urethra
Leukocytes with a multilobed nucleus and cytoplasmic granules
- granulocytes
There is an evolutionary theory where the ________ in birds are modified ________ in reptiles
- feathers, scales
The ________ of a bird is the fleshy growth on the top of the head of gallinaceous birds like turkeys
- comb
The region of the kidney just below the capsule. The color if the cortex is ________.
- renal cortex, reddish brown
The ________ is known as the sewer of the bird, it serves as the only opening for the ________, ________, and ________
- cloaca, feces, urine, reproductive
The ________ is included in the apex.
- left ventricle
Murmurs are scaled on a score of ________.
A term for red blood cells
- erythrocytes
The ________ anchors the tricuspid (3flaps) of the right atria-ventricular valve into the ________ on the inner surface of the ventricles
- chordate tendinae, papillary muscles
Birds store food in a part of their esophagus called a ________
- crop
Males hematocrit percents range from ________ and females percents range from ________
Males: 45-55%
Females: 28-42%
The skin of a bird compared to humans is much more ________
- fatty
Blood flow through the body
- from body ->vena cava ->right atria (through the right AV valve)-> right ventricle (semilunar)-> pulmonary artery (away from heart deoxygenated)-> lungs -> pulmonary vein (to heart oxygenated) -> left atria (through left AV valve)-> left ventricle (semilunar valve) -> aorta (back to body)
Birds tongues unlike ours are ________, they have ________ attached to the back of the mouth to push their tongues in and out
- bony, hyoid bones
Urine is stored in the ________ until it leaves the body via the ________
- urinary bladder, urethra
The ________ is the grinding stomach of the bird
- gizzard, or ventriculus
The liver is multilobed and contains the ________ which contains ________(greenish yellow)
- gall bladder, bile
The ________ is found primarily in young birds and is a glandular sac opening into the cloaca , it assists in the immune system.
- bursa of Fabricius
How to prepare a hematocrit reader?
- Fill capillary tube 3/4 full of blood and seal with clay
- Put tube in the centrifuge, clay side out and spin it
- Note the plasma and the buffy layer of wbc on top of rbc
The _______ is the ratio of RBC to the total volume of the blood
- hematocrit
A disease causing too many RBC
- polycythemia
Female birds reproductive system consists of ________ on the ________ side. Whereas males have ________
- a single ovary, left , 2 testes
The primary(large) extensions of the renal pelvis are the ________ and the smaller extensions are the ________.
- major calyces, minor calyces
What is the difference between bird and human respiration?
- in a birds abdominal cavity they lack a diaphragm and their thoracic and abdominal cavities are continuous . Therefore air flows through the lungs unlike ours. The lungs are fixed, they do not expand and deflate. The air sacs permit undirectional flow of air through the lungs.
The ________ is the indentation on the medial surface of the kidney-bean shaped kidney where the ________ brings in blood, the ________ removes blood and the ________ removes urine
- hilus, renal artery, renal vein, ureter
A ________ is a neutral staining granule and is the most numerous WBC. Also referred to as ________ cells.
- neutrophil, polymorphonuclear cells (PNM)
The right atria and ventricle carry the ________ blood out of the heart and the left atria and ventricle carry the ________ blood.
- deoxygenated, oxygenated
The ________ particularly in young birds is an important part of immunity
The ________ on a bird contains lipids. It is made up of ________ fibers and is located in the ________.
- red meat, slow twitch, drumstick/thigh
A ________ is the 2nd most numerous WBC with a nucleus that fills the entire cell, there is no cytoplasm around it
- lymphocyte
Poultry that are humanely slaughtered by being immobilized, carotids cut, bled out, scalded and defeathered are following the ________
New york dressed poultry
Inside the body cavity is ________ that protects the heart
- fatty tissue
The ________ and ________ of the meats lab follows the Humane slaughter act
- standard operating procedures (SOP), hazardous assessment of critical control plan (HACCP)
Hematocrit formula
Cell volume (length of packed red cells)/ total blood volume (cells+plasma) x100
Dark spots that are involved in blood clotting
- thrombocytes, or platelets
The ________ is at the bases of the ________ and the ________. Its associated cusps prevents back flow of blood to the atrium.
- semilunar valves, pulmonary artery and aorta
Granular leukocytes include ________, ________ and ________
- basophils, neutrophils and eosinophils
Agranular leukocytes include ________ and ________
- lymphocytes (T cells, B cells, NK cells) and monocytes
Which ventricle pumps more blood on each beat of the heart?
- the right and left ventricles pump the same amount of blood
________ are a species that has nucleated RBC that are oval shaped
- snake RBC
A pouch connected to the junction of the small and large intestines
- 2 ceca (cecum)
Which animal has the largest heart and the smallest heart? Fastest?
- largest: whales, specifically blue and humpback
- smallest: insects
- fastest: hummingbirds
The right atria and ventricle carry the ________ blood out of the heart and the left atria and ventricle carry the ________ blood.
- deoxygenated, oxygenated
The ________ is where the WBC layer and platelets of a spun hematocrit tube is in relation to the RBC layer
- buffy(top) layer
A genetic problem that results in an altered hemoglobin causing an abnormally shaped RBC in humans
- sickle cell anemia
The ________ is a special conducting system in the ________ that allows the waves of electrical depolarization to spread over the ________ to make sure the entire structure depolarizes and contracts as one in a ________.
- moderator band, right ventricle x2, synctium
A disease causing too few RBC, lowers hematocrit percents
- anemia
________ is the act of listening to the sounds that a body makes, usually using a stethoscope
- Auscultation
A parasite that infects RBC
- Malaria
- white inside red blood cells
Oval shaped and nucleated discs
- lower vertebrate RBC
- fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds
When the ventricles are in ________ the ________ are open and the openings to the ________ are closed
- systole, semilunar valves, coronary arteries
The ankle of a bird, it plays an important role in ________.
- Hock joint, perching
The ________ supply the heart with blood
- coronary arteries
Two basic functions of the kidney
1) to remove the nitrogenous wastes (creatine, urea and uric acid) and toxins from the body
2) to maintain water, ion, osmotic and pH levels in the blood
Red blood cells are heavy because the hemoglobin contains ________
- ferrous iron
The ________ is a tough, fibrous membrane that holds the kidney and has a thick layer of ________
- renal capsule, perinephric adipose tissue (fat)
The sternum is located in front of the ________ in a flight bird is called the ________, where as the sternum in a flightless bird is called a ________.
- ribs, keel(not flat), raft(flat)
Leukocytes that have a single, large, round nucleus
- agranulocytes
The top of the heart is the ________ that is where the ________ and ________ tubes are located
- base, aorta and artery
The ________ pump blood out of the heart. The thicker ventricle is the ________ and the ________ pumps the blood the farthest.
- ventricles, left ventricle x 2
A ________ is the largest blood cell with a horseshoe shaped nucleus
- monocytes
The ________ is the upper two chambers of the heart in which blood is passed to the ________. The right atrium receives ________ blood from the ________ and the left atrium receives ________ from the ________. Around the fringe of the atrium are ________.
- atrium, ventricles (entering), deoxygenated blood, veins, oxygenated blood, pulmonary vein
The ________ is responsible for the upstroke of a bird and is the ________ meat.
- pectoralis minor, tenderloin
Urine moves from the ________ to the ________ via the ________
- kidney, urinary bladder, ureters