Lab 8- Protostomecoelomates Flashcards
Moderm system of classification from broadest to smallest category
- Kingdom- phylum-class- order-family-genius-species.
- spiral cleavage
- blastopore becomes the mouth
- schiocoelous coelom
Major phyla
Mollusca, Annelida and Arthropoda
- Radial cleavage
- Blastopore becomes the anus
- entrocoelous coelom
Major Phyla
- Echinodermata and chordata
In this week we will examine:
- Annelida
- Arthropoda
- Mollusca
- Echinodermata
- Oligochaeta
- Malacostraca
- Insecta
- Bivalvia
- Cephalopoda
- Asteroida
- Echinoidea
- Earthworm
- Crayfish
- Grasshopper
- Clam
- Squid
- Sea star
- sea urchin
phylum Annelida
Ancestral traits:
- Bilateral symmetry
- coelom
- triploblasty
Derived traits
- One or more pair of bristles
- body segmentation
- Polychaeta (“many bristles”)
- Oligochaeta (“ few bristles”)
Ancestral traits:
- Bilateral symmetry
- coelomate
- triploblastic
Derived traits
- shell composed of calcium carbonate
- mantle
- muscular foot
- ctenidia(gills)
- radula (synamorphy that lost in some classes)
slow moving
snails and slugs
relatively sedentary bivalves such as
types of molluscs
highly active cephalopods
- cuttlefish, squid, octopous
Class bivalvia
- bivalve shells
Pacific ocean giannt clam (tridacna)
Grows up to 4 feet across and weighs up to 500 pounds
Anatomy of squid
organ that stores a balck subtance that serves to deceive potential predators and allow scape
- main part of the body is the mantle. squid have no external shell so this soft dotted and colored tube encloses the main part of the body. all the small dots on it are pigments cells called chromatophores
- at the enterior end. There are 8 arms and 2 long tentacles ending in a flattened club with suckers. the tentacles are used to strike out and capture prey. the eight arms are used to hold onto prey when captured and bring food into its mouth
- very similar to ours (mammmalian eyes)
- squid have 3 hearts.
- Brachial (gil) hearts- there are 2 and they are located at the base of the gill to pump blood from the body to the gills.
- systemic heart- is larger than the other and is located between the branchial hearts.
siphon (funnel)
- snall tuve on the ventral side of a squid/ octopous that can be direct in any direction for jet propulsion
- the scraping organ of feeding in a mollusk in cephalopods, it is found inside the beak
- ancestral traits
- bilateral symmetry
- coelomate
- triploblastic
Derived traits
- cuticle composed of chitin
- segmentation
- joint appendages
- molting
Phylum arthropoda
- sub-phylum chelicerata
includes: spiders, horseshoe crabs, sea spidrs, scorpions and mites
sub-phylum uniramia
includes: insects, millipedes and centipedes
sub-phylum crustacea
includes: crabs, lobsters, crayfish, shrimp, krill, woodlice and barnacles
sub-phylum uniramia
- appendages end at a single point, one pair of atennae
-class insecta (grasshopper)
sub-phylum crustacea (biramia)
- branched appendages, two pairs of antennae
- class mlacostraca (crayfish)
class malacostraca
crabs, lobsters, shrimp, crayfish
In this lab we will examine:
- clams (Mollusca: Bivalvia)
- earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta