lab 6: Microbial diversity Flashcards
the 2 kingdoms of prokaryotes
Eubacteria and archaea
although they’re prokaryotic they….
do not appear closely related
Archea lives in?
Extreme enviroments
Eubacteria is found?
- They’re part of human biology, causing disease, adding or eliminating agricultural crops, contributing to decay of organic material, and promoting production and industrial processes.
we will examine representative species from the three major groups of bacteria, classified according to their?
- shapes: rods, spheres (cocci), and spirals
- characteristic patern of cell aggregation, appearing as chains of cells (similar to beads on a string) or as clumps (resembling bunches of grapes)
- rod-shaped bacteria are obligated anaerobes
- found in soil, form spores to survive through unfavorable conditions
clostridium botulinum found in?
garden produce, and are canned or preserved in an anaerobic environment without adequate treatment to kill the spores
the neuromuscular junction in mammals is responsible for?
symptoms of the food poisoning
during growth the bacteria produce a toxin responsible for?
food poisoning
streptococcus pneumoniae
- cocci bacterium
- isolated in 1881 by Louis Pasteur
- responsible for causing pneumonia, among other infections
Rhodospirillum rubrum
- photosynthetic anaerobe
- found on stagnant water and mud
- photosynthetic pigments are found in membrane vesicle
- photosynthesis originated these bacteria
- a group of microscopic, animal-like, single-celled organism
the main modes of locomotion
- cilia (Ciliophora), pseudopodia (rhizopoda) and flagella (sarcomastigophora)
Non-motile were classified as?
sporozoans in the phylum Apicomplexa
first part of the lab we will observe?
- ciliate, Stentor, uses cilia for feeding
- this organism carries our complex life functions
second we will examine Amoeba
- a protist with pseudopodia
- nutrient, wastes, and water pass in and out of the cell membrane, while materials crucial de cell’s survival
Last we will observe flagellated
- protist known as euglena
- found in freshwater
- important in organism in molecular genetic