Lab 3: Muscle Imbalances: Upper and Lower Crossed Syndromes Flashcards
Postural muscles with SD have what 3 features in pseudoparesis vs. what 3 features seen in movement muscles?
- Postural ms. = facilitation + shortening + hypertonicity
- Movement ms. = inhibition + stretched + hypotonicity
List the 9 potentially hypertonic muscles of lower crossed syndrome.
- Iliopsoas
- Quadratus lumborum
- Tensor fascia lata
- Hamstrings
- Rectus Femoris
- Piriformis
- Adductors
- Gastrocnemius
- Soleus
List the 5 potentially hypotonic muscles of lower crossed syndrome.
- Gluteals: maximus, medius, minimus
- Abdominals
- Vastus medialis
- Anterior tibialis
- Peroneals
Inability to stand straight - knee/s flexed; L1-2 SD; pain referral to back and groin w/ a (+) thomas test is associated with spasticity of what muscle?
Pain referral to groin and hip; exhalation 12th rib SD and diaphragm restriction are associated with spasticity of what muscle?
Quadratus lumborum
Spasticity of which muscle is associated with pain referred to the inguinal ligament, inner thigh and knee?
Inhibition of which group of muscles may be associated with increased lordosis and constipation?
Rectus Abdominis
Inhibition of which gluteal muscle is associted with pain when arising from a chair?
Gluteus Minimus
List common diagnoses related to lower crossed syndrome.
- Chronic LBP
- Sacroiliac pain
- Osteoarthritis L-spine
- Spondylolisthesis
- Osteoarthritis hips and knees
Which self-locking mechanism is characterized by the compression produced by body weight, muscle action, and ligament force?
Force closure
Postural muscles may effect SI joint stability, with what as the โkeystone?โ
Which finding of the shoulder and humerus are signs of upper crossed syndrome?
- Protraction of shoulders
- Internal rotation of humerus
List the 8 common hypertonic muscles associated with upper crossed syndrome.
- Levator scapula
- Lats
- Pectorals
- Upper trapezius
- UE flexors
- Scalenes
- Subscapularis
List the 8 hypotonic/weak muscles associated with upper crossed syndrome?
- Deep neck flexors
- Deltoid
- UE Extensors
- Mid and Lower Trapezius
- Serratus Anterior
- Supraspinatus
- Infraspinatus
- Rhomboids
Hypertonicity of which upper crossed syndrome postural muscle is associated with HA?