Lab 2- Body Organization Flashcards
cavity in which the brain is housed
cavity which houses the spinal cord
vertebral or spinal
what is included in the thoracic cavity
mediastinum, pleural cavities
the pericardial cavity is in the
abdominopelvic includes what cavities
abdominal and pelvic
separates thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities functions in respiration
mouth is in what cavity
houses eyes and associated structures
orbital cavity
air filled and contains auditary ossicles
middle ear , tympanic cavity
associated with the lungs, contains pleural fluid
pleural cavity
outer layer, lines thoracic wall,
parietal pleura
inner layer, covers surface of lungs
visceral pleura
what is included in the pericardial cavity
parietal pericardium and visceral pericardium
outer layer, covered by fibrous pericardium
parietal pericardium
inner layer, covers surface of heart
visceral pericardium