Lab 16: Reproductive System Flashcards
reproductive system includes
- gonads (the primary sex organs)
* accessory reproductive structures (ducts, glands and external genitalia)
• produce gametes + sex hormones
Male: testes
Female: ovaries
sperm cells (other name)
- highly coiled accessory duct
* Function: sperm mature and are stored.
ductus deferens (vas deferens)
- what does it form
- each end becomes?
- form spermatic cord
* end of each ductus deferens enlarges to form an ampulla
- from where to where?
- 3 regions
• extends from bladder to penis tip • reproductive and urinary systems • three regions: -prostatic urethra -membranous urethra - penile (spongy) urethra
accessory glands of the male reproductive system
- paired seminal vesicles + prostate gland + paired bulbourethral gland
- secretions of these accessory glands form semen (seminal fluid)
internal penis
• 3 columns of erectile tissue (elastic connective tissue, smooth muscle and vascular channels)
•Tunica Albuginea: fibrous tissue that surrounds erectile tissues
Two dorsal columns are called
-corpora cavernosa
-corpus spongiosum: surrounding urethra
• During sexual arousal, the erectile tissue will fill with blood and cause enlargement and erection of the penis.
seminiferous tubules
- coiled, makes up testes
- Lined with germinal epithelium in various stages of development
- Function: Location of meiosis and creation of male gametes
process of sperm production occurs in the seminiferous tubules
Leydig cells (interstitial cell)
secrete testosterone
• necessary for spermatogenesis and for development of the secondary sexual characteristics in the male
- produce gametes that develop into mature egg cells (ova) after fertilization
- produce the sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone
contain cilia that create currents in the peritoneal fluid that propel the ovulated oocyte from the ovary into the uterine tube, where it begins its journey to the uterus.
Fertilization of the oocyte
- union of egg and sperm cell nuclei to form a zygote. Takes place in oviduct
- occurs any time (up to 24 hours after ovulation) if sperm are present.
- oocyte carried towards uterus by a combination of muscular peristalsis and beating of cilia lining the tube.
regions / layers
• divided into two regions: body + cervix
• The uterine wall consists of three layers
– perimetrium:
–myometrium: (smooth muscle for labor contractions)
–inner endometrium: two layer
> functional layer (stratum functionalis): site of implantation of fertilized ovum + subsequent shed during menstruation
>basal layer (stratum basalis): stays behind during period to regenerate new layer
- nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
- serves as a passageway for delivery of an infant and for menstrual flow
ovary histology
• divided into two regions:
- the cortex: contains follicles + corpora lutea
- medulla: interior part composed of loose connective tissue and blood vessels
- Oogonium = diploid
- Primary Oocyte= diploid meiosis I
- Secondary Oocyte= haploid (these are the ones that get ovulated) Enter meiosis 2 but only complete it if they get fertilized
- Ovum (egg)= haploid
process before birth and during childhood where primary oocyte cells degenerate
Name the hormone(s) the corpus luteum secretes.
estrogen and progesterone
pathway of a sperm cell from the testes in the male to the site of fertilization of an ovulated oocyte in the female
testis —> epididymis —> ductus (vas) deferens —> ejaculatory duct —> prostate urethra —> membranous urethra —> spongy urethra —> vagina —> cervix —> uterus body —> oviduct
Egg/sperm viabily
How to get pregnamt
- An egg must be fertilized within 12 to 24 hours after ovulation
- Sperm can remain viable for about 48 hours after deposition in the vagina
- Pregnancy will most possibly occur if intercourse takes place from a few days before ovulation to 1 day after ovulation.
- About 2000 spermatozoa (out of the 300 million that were ejaculated) reach the vicinity of the ovulated secondary oocyte in the distal oviduct.
head of a sperm covered by
Acrosome: helmet-like structure
• Acrosomal enzymes and strong flagellar movements help the sperm penetrate the cells of the corona radiata and contact the zona pellucida
blastocyst differential forms 2 things
inner cell mass forms embryo,
outer mass [trophoblast] forms placenta
amniotic fluid function
cushions and protects the embryo from trauma and extreme temperatures, and keeps the fetal tissues moist
what’s Amniocentesis?
Amniocentesis - drawing amniotic fluid to examine fetal cells
What is Water broke during pregnancy
amnion may rupture, releasing the fluid when “one’s water breaks”
Yolk Sac
- Fomed by cells migrating from edge of the hypoblast to cover inner blastocyst cavity
- Function: provides nourishment to the embryo while the placenta is being established
- chorion (encases embryo) = extraembryonic mesoderm + trophoblast
- chorion develops chorionic villi
- Blood vessels form in the chorionic villi for diffusion of gas/nutirents in embryo
Gastrulation, what becomes what
- Epiblast –> ectoderm
- Hypoblast –>endoderm
- cells proliferating in between –> mesoderm
develops from the endoderm and mesoderm, forms part of the urinary bladder/umbilical chord
Germ Layers give rise to:
- Ectoderm: epidermis, glands and nervous tissue.
- Endoderm: epithelial lining and glands of the digestive and respiratory systems.
- Mesoderm: muscle, blood, bones, the heart and kidneys
What is an ectopic pregnancy?
When embryo implants somewhere other than a uterus such as a oviduct
What is placenta previa?
Condition where placenta partially/completely blocks neck of uterus interfering with normal delivery of baby
Explain the difference between dizygotic (fraternal) twins and monozygotic (identical) twins?
- Identical (monozygotic) twins: develop when 1 egg is fertilized by 1 sperm to produce a single zygote. Developing embryo splits into 2 identical parts.
- Fraternal (dizygotic) twins: when 2 eggs are released/fertilized by 2 different sperm
Stages of Birth
-3 Stages
Stage 1: Cervix Dilation
- dilation of the cervix, lasts 6-12 hours
- Regular contractions occur, amniotic sac ruptures releasing the amniotic fluid (water broke)
Stage 2: Expulsion/ Delivery
- cervix dilated completely (about 10 cm)
- fetus passes through cervix and vagina within 2 hours.
- Strong contractions occur every 2-3 minutes, mother utilizes abdominal muscles to “bear down”.
- Once baby is out and is breathing on its own, the umbilical cord is cut and tied.
Stage 3: Afterbirth / Placental Delivery
-uterus contracts until the placenta (afterbirth) is expelled (~30 minutes post birth)
labour hormone
Oxytocin - positive feedback system to increase the frequency/force of contractions
What is a breech presentation?
Baby exists pelvis butt/feet first instead of normal head first orientation
Women can experience “false” labour pains. How do these differ from true labour pains?
- “Braxton Hicks” the bodies way of preparing for the real thing
- They don’t happen at regular intervals, not painful, don’t feel stronger with time or increase with walking, they don’t feel loser together or last longer as you go
Semen Function
- which carries the sperm during ejaculation, activates and produces certain nutrients for the sperm, and contains substances that neutralize the somewhat acidic environment in the vagina.
- carries sperm during ejaculation
- Activates/produces nutrients for sperm
- contains substances that neutralize acidic vagina
• spermatogonia (diploid) - mitosis to make more
develop from primordial germ cells
- primary spermatocytes (diploid) - miosis I (prim to second) gives rise to four sperm cells.
- secondary spermatocytes (haploid) - miosis I (second to sperma)
- spermatids (haploid)
- Spermatozoa (sperm) (haploid) - Transformed by growing a flagellum and shedding most of its cytoplasm